All of these letters can be translated by clicking the translate button below:

Letters home to parents & carers:

18th July 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Today is the last day of the 2024-25 school year. The children have all worked incredibly hard this year and we are so proud of them all. Well done!  

I also wanted to thank you all for your continued support. We have had another busy year, with lots of wonderful family events from fayres to craft mornings! We have been overwhelmed by the attendance at our community events. We really do hope this continues for 2024-25!   

Just a reminder that the whole school, including the school office, is now closed and will re-open again at 8am on Wednesday 4th September. Any calls or emails will not be replied to until we return.  

Goodbye Year 6   

Today is our current year 6’s last day here at Pearson. They leave us with fond memories and bright futures ahead of them. We are confident that they will make an exceptional start in their new schools in September because they are exceptional young people, who embody the school’s core values of being restorative, inclusive and working hard.   

We wish them all the very best and look forward to hearing about their future successes.    

Uniform Expectations 

We celebrate being part of the Pearson Primary School community by committing to wear our school uniform. We are proud to look smart and feel like we belong. Today Mrs Neale has sent a ClassDojo detailing our uniform expectations for the new school year. Please ensure your child returns after the summer holidays wearing the correct Pearson uniform. 

Remember, from year 1 upwards, every child also needs to bring their own water bottle to school every day. This will help encourage the children to drink plenty of water throughout the school day. We will encourage the children to take their water bottles home every evening to be washed, ready to be brought back the next day. Please make sure your child’s water bottle and uniform has their name clearly written on it, so we can quickly return it if it gets lost. 

Should you be unable to provide the required uniform, please do pop to the school office or speak to a member of staff to make us aware, as we may be able to help. 

Lessons Start at 8.45am 

A polite reminder that lessons in school start at 8:45am. Gates open at 8:40am to ensure your child can be in class, ready to learn.
We have large numbers of children arriving after lessons have started, which is impacting upon their progress in school and causing an unfair disruption for those children who are already focused on their work.  Please support your child by getting them to school on time. 

Safeguarding Children Over the Summer Holiday  

 If your concern is urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm, then contact the police via 999.

If you have concerns about a child at Pearson, which you believe the school need to be aware of, then email Suzanne Wilson, Strategic Safeguarding Lead for HCAT: or Mrs Neale, Head of School and Safeguarding Lead here at Pearson Primary School: 

You can also call Childline anytime of the day or night on Tel: 0800 1111  

We wish you all a restful, fun, summer break, and we hope you make lots of special memories together.  Stay safe and we will see you again on Wednesday 4th September for the start of our new school year. 

Take very good care, 

 Mrs L Clarkson 







12th July 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Can you believe the 2023/24 school year is nearly over? It seems to have flown by! Just a reminder that the whole school, including the school office, will close at 3.15pm on Thursday 18th July and will re-open again at 8am on Wednesday 4th September. This means that if you have any questions or queries, you must contact us before 3.15pm on Thursday 18th July. Any calls or emails after this time will not be replied to until we return on Wednesday 4th September.  

EYFS Parents Only – EYFS Sports Morning 

Parents and carers of our EYFS children are all invited to our EYFS sports morning on Monday 15th July at 10am.  Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit. We hope to see you there!  

Staff Changes 

It is with great sadness that we will say goodbye to Mrs Suba at the end of this term after 13 years at Pearson. Mrs Suba is leaving us for a career progression, and we know that she will be just as amazing at her new school as she has been here! We really will miss you Mrs Suba, but we wish you lots of luck in your new role. 

Advance Notice of Changes to Fixed Penalty Notice Fines (Attendance) 

There are some very important changes to Fixed Penalty Notice Fines for attendance which come into effect from 19th August this year. 

We have sent a paper copy home with every child this evening and earlier this week Mrs Neale sent a copy via Dojo too. We have also put a copy on our website: 

We are sending the notice on behalf of the government, so it is really important that you read the information carefully. If you have any questions at all, please make sure you contact us so we can help. 

Free Summer Holiday Camps 

Healthy Holidays Hull are providing free holiday camps for all children aged 5 to 12.  

There are various dates, times and venues, including Collingwood Primary School. 

To book a space for your child please call Tel: 01482 218753 or click here: 

Please note, these camps are not affiliated with HCAT or Pearson Primary school, so we will be unable to help with any queries regarding the Holiday Camps.  


Have a wonderful, and hopefully sunny weekend.  We will see you all again on Monday for the last 4 days of term! 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


5th July 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

What a busy week we have had. The weeks are flying by again and it will soon be the summer holidays! 

School Fayre 

Thank you again to everyone who joined us last Friday for our School Fayre. Friends and families playing team games and enjoying our school grounds was heart-warming to see.  

We would also like to thank the parents and carers who brought their wonderful handmade goods to sell at the fayre and kindly donated some of their hard-earned profits to our school. 

Together, we managed to raise £134.25, which will of course, go directly into enriching our children’s time here at school.  We will take advice from our school council on how best to spend the monies raised and keep you updated with their choices, 

Sports Week/Sports Day 

Well, what another fantastic sports week we have had! The team spirit our children showed one another was amazing! 

Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday for our Grand Finale, sports day! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. 

The winners this year are The Blue Team 


EYFS parents can come along to watch their sports day on Monday 15th July at 10am.  

HCAT Birthday Celebration – Party Food Menu 

On Wednesday 10th July, we will be celebrating HCAT’s 11th birthday by enjoying delicious party food for lunch rather than the advertised menu. There will be sandwiches, crisps, sausage rolls, pizza, chicken goujons, donuts and biscuits! School meals are free for all children in EYFS2, Year 1 & Year 2, and cost £1.50 per child for all other year groups (unless you are entitled to Hull City Council funded free school meals). Payment for school lunches must be paid via ParentPay. 

Transition Weeks (EYFS1 to Y5) 

Over the next two weeks of school, your child will gradually transition to their new class for next year. This will ensure they are settled in their new class with their new teacher before we break off for summer.  

Staff Changes 

We would like to share some changes with you about our staff for next year.  

Miss Giblin will sadly be leaving us, however, is still staying within our trust. This is good news as it means we will be sure to see her occasionally around school.  

Miss Habbershaw will also be leaving us for an exciting new venture and Miss Marley has now completed her teacher training and will be continuing her career at another school. 

We will miss you and we wish you all the best of luck for the future. 

We are very happy to welcome three new teachers, who will be joining us in September.  Miss Traynor who will be teaching in Year 5, and Mrs Pullen & Mrs Tee who will both be teaching in Year 6. Mrs Tee will also take up the role of assistant headteacher. 

We will meet these three lovely teachers for a few days before the end of term, so please do join us in giving them a warm Pearson welcome.  


We hope you all enjoy a restful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday, 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 




28th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to all our families who came to support us at our Pearson Fayre this afternoon, we really hope you had as much fun as we did! The bouncy castle assault course and mud kitchen were our favourites; what were yours?

Sports Day – Thursday 4th July (Reserve Sports Day Friday 5th July)

Parents and Carers are invited to come along to show their support during the afternoon on Thursday 4th July.

Next week is sports week! We are very excited that the children will be taking part in extra PE lessons during the week. Please can you make sure that you child has a PE kit bag with them every day so that they are ready to take part as required, including trainers and no jewellery each day. Each child will either be in the red or the blue team, so will need to wear something in the corresponding colour as shown on Mr Knowles’ letter. Please don’t worry if you don’t have anything in your team’s colour, just send your child in either white or black and we will provide the children with a blue or red paper wrist band if necessary.

On Thursday, for one day, they are invited to come to school wearing their blue or red PE kit as they will be active for most of the day. Families are all invited to the Sports Week Finale on Thursday afternoon. This will begin at 1:20 and Mr Knowles will be sending out a separate letter with all the details on. This will only be for KS1 and KS2. Foundation will be in contact about their sports day event.

We are all hoping for a sunny sports week, so it is very important that all children have a named water bottle and sun hat in school every day.

Class Teachers for September 2024

We are now able to announce our class teachers next year, which involve a few new faces!

EYFS – Miss J White

Class 1 – Mrs C Thackrey

Class 2 – Miss P Tomlinson

Class 3 – Mr C Knowles

Class 4 – Miss P Nixon

Class 5 – Miss O Traynor

Class 6 – Mrs L Tee and Mrs F Pullen

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


21st June 2024 


Dear Parents and Carers,  

At long last, next week promises to be warm and sunny; hooray! To enable your child to play safely in the sunshine, please remember to send them with a sunhat (don’t forget to pop their name in it) and apply suncream before they come to school.  

Well Done Year 1 & Year 2 

We are so proud of all our Year 1 & Year 2 children for working so hard over the past couple of weeks.  Year 1 have completed their phonics screening and Year 2 have finished their SAT’s. You are all super stars, well done!  

Reminder – Parents drop-in consultations – Tuesday 25th & Thursday 27th June 

This is an informal opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and celebrate their success this year. There is no need to make an appointment, teachers will be available from 3:30 until 4:30.  

Please note, as this is a drop-in consultation, you may need to wait to be seen, but don’t worry, you can enjoy looking at your child’s work to help pass the time! 

Class Photo – Re-Shoot – Wednesday 26th June 

Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, our class photographs need to be retaken.  Wrates Photography will re-take the photos on Wednesday 26th June, so please make sure your child is in their full Pearson uniform.  Thank you. 

Pearson Summer Fayre – Friday 28th June 

Can you believe our summer fayre is next Friday, the 28th June, 2.15pm till 3.15pm 

Our school grounds will be open, and our toys and equipment will be available for you all to enjoy, which will of course be free of charge. We wonder who can make the best den or the most wonderful mud cakes? 

And if access to our fun filled grounds isn’t quite enough, for a small fee (cash only please) you can impress us with your skills on the bouncy castle assault course, have your face painted, buy an ice lolly, some sweets or a drink from one of our school stalls.  There will also be some stalls run by our fabulous families with beautiful handmade products such as food, candles, wax melts, resin products, crochet animals, cupcakes, bags and craft packs!    

If you haven’t hired a stall yet, don’t worry, you’re not too late! Please ask any member of staff to reserve you a stall.  Please note, there will be a small fee to pay per stall, just ask the office staff for more details. 

As always, all monies raised will go directly back into our school.  

Everybody is welcome to come along and join in; gates will open at 2.10pm. Please collect your child from your normal collection point on the playground, and then you can enjoy the fayre as a family.  Please note, once you have collected your child, they are your responsibility so please make sure they stay with you at all times. 

If you are not able to make the fayre, please rest assured your child will still have plenty of fun! Dependent on numbers, we are hoping to accompany the remaining children around the fayre, in small groups. If we accompany your child around the fayre and you would like them to be able to go on the bouncy castle, get their face painted or be able to buy anything from any of the stalls, please send them with some spending money in a named envelope. At 3.15pm, please collect your child from the dining hall rather than their usual collection point. 

We really hope to see you all there!  

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 



14th June 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,

We have lots of exciting events happening this term; be sure to mark them in your diary so you don’t miss out!

Parents drop-in consultations – Tuesday 25th & Thursday 27th June

This is an informal opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and celebrate their success this year. There is no need to make an appointment, teachers will be available from 3:30pm until 4:30pm.

Please note, as this is a drop-in consultation, you may need to wait to be seen, but don’t worry, you can enjoy looking at your child’s work whilst you wait.

Pearson Summer Fayre – Friday 28th June

Our Pearson summer fayre will be on Friday 28th June, 2pm till 3.30pm. This year, we are trying something a little different to usual, but promise it will be just as much fun!

As the cost of living seems to be taking a toll on us all, we are holding a pocket-friendly fayre, so that everyone will be able to join in and can spend as little or as much money as they like.

Our school grounds will be open, and our toys and equipment will be available for you all to enjoy, which will of course be free of charge.

For a small fee (cash only please) you can impress us with your skills on the bouncy castle assault course, and buy an ice lolly, some sweets, or a drink from one of our stalls.

We are also hoping to encourage some of our parents to have their own stall to sell their wares, so please speak to the school office if you would like to enquire about hiring a table.

All monies raised will go directly back into our school.

Please do come along and join in the fun.

Sports Day – Thursday 4th July (Reserve Sports Day Friday 5th July)

Parents and Carers are invited to come along to show their support during the afternoon on Thursday 4th July. Who will win this year – the red or the blues?

Look out for more details nearer the time.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


7th June 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome back to the final summer term of our school year. This term will be lots of fun but very busy, so watch out for more details about our planned events over the coming weeks. 

Baby News 

We have some wonderful news to share with you all! Mrs Ralph and her family welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Florence, to the world over the half term holiday. Mrs Ralph and baby Florence are both doing well. Congratulations! 

Year 4 – Multiplication Checks 

Well done to all our Year 4 children who have worked incredibly hard practicing their timetables. The multiplication tests have started this week and will continue into next week. We are super proud of the resilience and effort our Year 4 children are showing. Well done to those who have completed the test, and keep practicing this weekend if you have not yet completed it.  

Year 1 – Phonics Screening & Year 2 – SATs 

Next week, all our Year 1 children will take part in the National phonics screening and all our Year 2 pupils will be completing their SATs, so it vital that your child is in school every day, on time.  

To help make sure your child is in school on time, why not send them to our free breakfast club? There is no need to book, just make sure you are at the main entrance anytime between 8am and 8.10am where your child will be met by a member of staff before being taken to the dining hall for a nutritious free breakfast. The children will then all take part in staff-led fun activities.  

You can also help your child achieve their absolute best by reading with them over the weekend, just 15 minutes a day (either in smaller chunks or all at once) really will make a difference!  

Class Photographs 

On Monday, 10th June, Wrates photographers will be taking our class photos, so please make sure your child comes to school in their school uniform, thank you.  

We hope you all have a wonderful restful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


24th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we close for the half term break, I wanted to share some important but very exciting news with you all!

Next year, I will become the Executive Head of Pearson and Wheeler primary schools. I will be sharing my time between the two schools, so I will still get to see you all regularly.

Mrs Neale will become Head of School for Pearson. I know you will all join me in congratulating her on her promotion.

These changes will bring strength to our school and allow for more opportunities for our pupils as we work more collaboratively with another school in our Trust.

I hope you all enjoy a well-earned rest over the half-term holiday, and we will look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday 5th June.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


17th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We’ve had a busy week this week, with exams, goodbyes and lots of hard work so we are all ready for a rest over the weekend!

Goodbye for now Mrs Ralph

On Wednesday, we said a ‘goodbye for now’ to Mrs Ralph as she goes on maternity leave. We wish the Ralph family lots of love and happiness as they enjoy spending time with their new little one.  We will keep you updated when the new baby Ralph arrives!

Year 6 SATs – Well Done

All week, our year 6 children have all worked incredibly hard to complete their SATS tests. They have shown fantastic resilience and maturity, and we are extremely proud of each and every one of them. You are all amazing! A huge well done to you all!

May Half Term Holiday

Just a reminder that school will close for Whit Week at 3.15pm on Friday 24th May and will reopen again on Wednesday 5th June. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday for the last week of this term,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


10th May 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

The sun has finally arrived, let’s hope it’s here to stay for the summer!  With this in mind, as our children play outdoors every day, please make sure they are ready for the summer weather by applying suncream before they come to school and sending them with a named sun hat. This will enable your child to play safely in the sun throughout the day. 

Change of Menu – Thursday 16th May  

On Thursday 16th May, there is a change to our advertised menu. Instead of our usual roast chicken dinner, we will be enjoying delicious hot dogs (sausages in a finger roll) and burger in a bun, served with yummy chips and beans! For dessert you can choose from either a cookie or an ice lolly. As always, there will be halal, vegetarian and free from choices too. 

School meals are free for every child up until they start Year 3.  For children in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 it costs £1.50 per child, per day and is payable via ParentPay.  

You may be entitled to free school meals from Hull City Council depending on your family income and circumstances. Anyone can apply for free school meals, and it only takes a few minutes of your time. 

If you are awarded free school meals from Hull City Council, you will also be entitled to a food voucher to cover the cost of lunches during the holidays.  Our school will also benefit from much needed, extra funding from Hull City Council, which of course, will always be spent enhancing our children’s time spent at school, both educationally and socially. 

If you would like more information, or to apply, please pop in the school office or follow this link   

Mobile Phone Use on School Grounds 

To help keep all our children safe, please do not use your mobile phone whilst on school grounds, this includes our playground.   

This measure is in place to prevent people from photographing children without the child’s and their parents/carers consent or knowledge. 

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation, we really do appreciate your continued support. 

May Half Term Holiday 

The weeks really are flying by, just a reminder that school will close for Whit Week at 3.15pm on Friday 24th May and will reopen again on Wednesday 5th June.  

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday, 

Take very good care,  

Mrs L Clarkson


3rd May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

May has finally arrived and thankfully brought a little bit of sunshine along with it! Let’s hope the sun stays out for the long weekend. Remember school will be closed on Monday 6th May for the Bank Holiday and will reopen again on Tuesday 7th May.

Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who joined us to say ‘goodbye for a little while’ to Mrs Ralph before she has her baby, and ‘hello again’ to Miss Jowsey as she returns from maternity leave. It was lovely to see you all chatting whilst enjoying a coffee and biscuits, thank you.

Pearson Primary Uniform

We celebrate being part of the Pearson Primary School community by committing to wear our school uniform. We are proud to look smart and feel like we belong. It is expected that every child wears their school uniform every day for school. If your child is not wearing their school uniform, we will call you and request you bring your child’s uniform to school for them to change in to.

Our expected uniform consists of:

Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with or without a school logo

White polo shirt or white school shirt

Black trousers/shorts/pinafore or skirt

Blue gingham summer dress

Black, plain sensible shoes

Please note, pupil’s hair should be of a natural colour and style and no nail varnish should be worn. Jewellery should be kept to a watch and stud earrings only please.

Should you have any problems providing your child with the correct uniform, please do come and speak to us as we may be able to help.

We hope you enjoy some rest over the long weekend, and we will see you all again on Tuesday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


26th April 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

After this week’s awful weather, we are all ready to say goodbye to the dreary, cold April showers and hello to some beautiful, warm May sunshine!

Summer Attendance Competition

Just a reminder, we are now holding our Summer Attendance Competition!

To take part, your child needs to attend school every day, on time, between Monday 15th April and Friday 21st June. Every child who achieves 100% attendance will win a prize of an exciting trip out of school!

If your child attends between 96% and 99.9% of the time, they will receive a goodie bag filled with little treats and the child with the most improved attendance will get a certificate.

Reporting Absence

We expect your child to attend school every day, even if they have a minor illness such as a cough or cold. However, if your child is too ill to attend or is absent for any other reason, please inform the school office before 9am daily by calling 01482 328569. As a school, we have a duty of care and therefore if we do not hear from you, we will contact you via a phone call or carry out a home visit.

Lateness – did you know?

If your child is late by:

· 5 minutes every day, over a year, it equates to 3.5 school days or 20 lessons!

· 30 minutes every day, over a year, is the same as being absent from school for a huge 22 days or 123 lessons!

Being on time really does make an enormous difference to your child’s learning.

To guarantee being at school on time, why not bring your child to our free Early Birds Club, every school morning? Gates open at 8am until 8.10am, but please note, there will be no admission to Early Birds Club after 8.10am.

Early Birds Club (Breakfast Club)

Our Early Birds Club provides a friendly, happy and safe environment where the children can enjoy a free delicious breakfast of toast with jam or butter and a choice of healthy cereals and fruit.

Our Early Birds Club is available to all children from Foundation Stage 2 (with prior permission, please speak to Mrs Thackery to arrange) up to Year 6. Early Birds Club is not available for our Foundation 1 children, due to the increase of staffing ratio children of this age require.

Coffee Morning

We will be holding a coffee morning on Tuesday 30th April at 9am in the small hall. This is an opportunity for any parents who need to speak with Mrs Ralph before she says ‘goodbye’ for a short time to have her baby. Miss Jowsey will also be present to get to know you all again, as she will be taking over Mrs Ralph’s role in her absence.

Bank Holiday Monday

Just a reminder school will be closed for the May Bank Holiday on Monday 6th May and will reopen on Tuesday 7th May.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


19th April 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

This week, our newsletter is all about road safety.  

Road Safety is always an incredibly important topic, however, with the recent heart breaking news of a young girl here in Hull and a young boy in Wiltshire both losing their lives whilst cycling and scootering across a driveway, road safety is at the forefront of all our minds.  

Please help us to keep our children and families safe by always following the green cross code when crossing a road or driveway. 

There are six rules to the Green Cross Code: 

1. Think! First find the safest place to cross the road 

2. Stop! Stand on the pavement near the kerb

3. Use your eyes and ears! Look all around for traffic and listen

4. Wait until it’s safe to cross! If traffic is coming, let it pass.

5. Look and listen! Be aware of driveways and blind corners, cycles, scooters and cars.   

6. Arrive alive!

For more detailed information, please follow this link 

If driving a vehicle, or riding a bike or scooter on the road, you must always adhere to road markings and signs, especially the yellow zig zag, no parking zones usually found around any school grounds or safe crossing areas.  

For clarity, please do NOT park or stop your vehicle to drop children off:   

  • On yellow zig zags   
  • On double yellow lines   
  • On the gym car park    
  • Over resident’s driveways   

We speak about road safety regularly with all our children, however the best way to encourage good road safety is for adults to model the right behaviours when crossing roads, so remember whatever your age, always use the Green Cross Code!  

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again next week,  

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 



12th April 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back, we hope you all had a restful, fun Easter break and are now feeling refreshed and ready for the summer term.

Eid Celebration Afternoon

Eid Mubarak to all our families who celebrated Eid with family and friends this week.

As we are not ones to miss a good celebration here at Pearson, this afternoon we enjoyed our own Eid festivities.  We decorated our classrooms with pre-loved Eid decorations and ate some absolutely delicious food kindly donated by our generous families. Thank you all so much.

Summer Attendance Competition

After the success of our Spring Attendance Competition, we are now holding our Summer Attendance Competition!

To take part, your child just needs to attend school every day, on time, between Monday 15th April and Friday 21st June. Every child who achieves 100% attendance will win a prize of an exciting trip out of school!

If your child attends between 96% and 99.9% of the time, they will receive a goodie bag filled with little treats and the child with the most improved attendance will get a certificate.

After-school Clubs

Our after-school clubs are now available to book via ParentPay.  The clubs cost £6 per child, per club and are available for children in Year 1 through to Year 6.

This term we have:

Monday – Craft Club or Gardening/Outdoor Club

Tuesday – Dance Club or Lego Club

Wednesday – Games/TT Rockstars Club

Thursday – Multisports Club

To book a space for your child on any of the clubs, please log onto ParentPay.

We are hopeful the sun will shine for us over the weekend, but whatever the weather, have a lovely weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


22nd March 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

After a very busy but fun last week of term, school is now closed for the Easter holidays, and we will return to school on Monday 8th April. 

Red Nose Day – Comic Relief 

Thank you to everyone who donated to Comic Relief this year, together we managed to raise £84.50. Every penny raised will go directly to Comic Relief, thank you. 

The Annual Decorate an Egg Competition 

Wow, what an egg-cellent display of sport themed decorated eggs we have seen! We have looked forward to this competition all year, and this year, it really was worth the wait! You have all worked so hard, they were truly egg-ceptional. We were so pleased Pastor Pete had the difficult job of choosing the winners this year, and not us!  

Our 2024 Decorate an Egg winners are: 

EYFS – Jaxon & Micah 

Year 1 – Ollie & Macie 

Year 2 – CJ & Savo 

Year 3 – Anaiza & Dario 

Year 4 – Tobi & Kaydence 

Year 5 – Anya & Aleen 

Year 6 – Barzeen & Areeba 

All our entries were cracking, so well done everyone! 

Goodbye Sarah 

Today, we said goodbye to Sarah, a longstanding member of the Pearson team.  Sarah has done a wonderful job of looking after our children at lunchtime and making sure our school has been clean for over 15 years!  Sarah is going to be enjoying spending more time with her family and we wish her lots of love for the future. Thank you for all your hard work over the years, we will miss you. 

Eid Celebration 

On Friday 12th April, we will be holding an afternoon Eid celebration in the children’s classroom.  The children can come to school dressed in non-uniform or party clothes ready for the afternoon celebrations. 

We would love to decorate the classrooms ready for the celebration, but we need your help. Currently, we only have a very small handful of decorations which sadly, is not enough to decorate every classroom. So, if you have any pre-loved Eid decorations you are considering replacing this year, we would love to give them a new home here at Pearson. Any Eid decoration donations will be gratefully accepted, so if you can spare any at all, please send them with your child to their classroom or pop them into the school office.  Thank you. 

Safeguarding Children Over the Easter Holiday 

 If your concern is urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm, then contact the police via 999. 

If you have concerns about a child at Pearson, which you believe the school need to be aware of, then email Suzanne Wilson, Strategic Safeguarding Lead for HCAT: or Mrs Neale, Deputy Head and Safeguarding Lead here at Pearson Primary School: 

You can also call Childline anytime of the day or night on Tel: 0800 1111 


We hope you all have a wonderful, happy Easter break.  Stay safe and we will see you all again on Monday 8th March. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 



15th March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

The weather finally seems to be warming up ready for Spring, just in time for our Easter Holiday. Just a reminder, school closes for Easter at 3.15pm on Friday 22nd March and reopens again on Monday 8th April.

Comic Relief – Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone who generously donated to Comic Relief, we will let you know how much we raised next week. Please don’t worry if you haven’t donated yet, you still have time! This year it’s easier than ever to donate, just log on to your ParentPay account and look for the Comic Relief payment item, choose your donation amount and pay with your debit or credit card.

Spring Craft Morning

Our Spring Craft Morning was a huge success, thank you to all our families who came along to join in. It was a joy to see such happiness and fun in all the classrooms. We hope you enjoyed the morning as much as we did!

End of Term Spring Disco – Wednesday 20th March

Our Spring Disco is booked for Wednesday 20th March, and we can’t wait to see you all boogying the night away!

Tickets cost £2.00 per child and include a drink and some sweets to enjoy. We will not be selling sweets or drinks at the disco, so there is no need to send your child with any extra money on the night.

Foundation 2, Year 1 & Year 2 will enjoy their disco from 3.15pm until 4.10pm, just send their clothes in a named bag and they can get changed into their party clothes before the fun begins.

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 will need to go home first to get their dancing outfits on and then return to school ready for a 4.15pm start, the disco will finish at 5.15pm.

All children must be collected by an adult when they leave and will not be able to walk home alone.

Tickets are available via ParentPay only and are on sale now!

Decorate a Hard-Boiled Egg Competition – Wednesday 20th March

Our annual Pearson decorate a hard-boiled egg competition will be held on Wednesday 20th March and our theme this year is anything to do with sport!

To be in with your chance of winning a delicious chocolate Easter egg, bring your egg-cellently decorated, hard-boiled egg into the dining hall on Wednesday morning before 8.45am. Each year group will have their own table, but please remember to write your name on your egg.

There will be two winners from each year group and the winning eggs will be chosen by our independent judge, Pastor Pete.

We cannot wait to see your cracking designs!

Wraparound Care – Hull City Council Survey

The Early Years Standards and Improvement Team from Hull City Council have asked if you could complete this short survey all about wraparound care. Wraparound care is a term time provision such as breakfast club or after school club. The Government are looking at increasing wraparound provision availability for primary school children aged 4 to 11, if needed, and are using this survey as part of their research.

If you would like to complete this survey, please follow this link

The survey will close on Monday.

Free Easter Holiday Camps – 25th March to 5th April

Healthy Holidays Hull are holding free Easter Holiday Camps for children aged 5 to 12 years old. There are three venues to choose from, Hymers College, Waudby Centre and here at Pearson Primary School. The camps provide a free lunch and activities such as dance and sport.

The camp at Pearson will run from Tuesday 2nd April until Friday 5th April from 8am to 1pm.

Please note, the Holiday Camps are not affiliated with Pearson Primary School and our staff will not be present.

For more information regarding all the different camps or to book please visit or call them on Tel:01482 218753

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday for the last exciting week of term!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


8th March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We cannot quite believe we are now more than halfway through this term! Time just seems to whizz by! Just a reminder that our last day of term is Friday 22nd March, and we return after the Easter break on Monday 8th April.

World Book Day

We all had a wonderful day on Thursday celebrating World Book Day, and we wanted to say thank you to everyone who joined us in dressing up as their favourite character. This year, your outfits were truly amazing, in fact, we think it may have been the best year yet for the most fabulous outfits ever! Well done everyone!

Y4, Y5 & Y6 PSHE – Relationship and Changing Me Consultation

As part of the PSHE curriculum next term, we will be teaching the ‘Relationship and Changing Me Units’ to years 4, 5 & 6.

There have been no changes to the relationship curriculum since 2020 but to help you make informed decisions about your child’s access to the Changing Me Unit, and to review the content and resources that we use in the Summer Term, we are holding an Education Consultation for years 4, 5 & 6 on Tuesday 12th March, throughout the afternoon.

Please note, the consultation is available by appointment only. If you would like to make an appointment, you must return the appointment request slip, which can be found on the bottom of the letter sent home yesterday, by no later than Monday 11th March. We will then contact you with an appointment time for Tuesday afternoon.

Red Nose Day – Friday 15th March

To show our support for Red Nose Day, on Friday 15th March, we are having a non-uniform day in exchange for a £1.00 donation. As it is Red Nose Day, anything red would be ideal, but any non-uniform will be great too.

As we are now a cashless school, please note, we can only accept payments via our online system, ParentPay. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any cash donations.

All monies raised will go directly to Red Nose Day.

Spring Craft Morning – Friday 15th March, 9am

Our next classroom-based craft session is on Friday 15th March at 9am. We are always so pleased to see how many families attend our craft events so if you would like to come along, please send your child to their classroom at 8.45am and wait in the dining hall. Once the children have been registered, we will collect you from the dining hall and take you to join your child in their classroom to enjoy some, free, fun crafting time together. We hope to see you there.

End of Term Spring Disco – Wednesday 20th March

Our Spring Disco is booked for Wednesday 20th March, and we can’t wait to see you all boogying the night away!

Tickets cost £2.00 per child and include a drink and some sweets to enjoy. We will not be selling sweets or drinks at the disco, so there is no need to send your child with any extra money on the night.

Foundation 2, Year 1 & Year 2 will enjoy their disco from 3.15pm until 4.10pm, just send their clothes in a named bag and they can get changed into their party clothes before the fun begins.

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 will get their dancing shoes on at home, ready for a 4.15pm start, and the disco will finish at 5.15pm.

All children must be collected by an adult when they leave and will not be able to walk home alone.

Tickets are available via ParentPay only and are on sale now!

Have a lovely weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


1st March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Spring is almost here! The days are getting longer, the daffodils are flowering, and we are hopeful for some warmer weather soon.

The lighter mornings also make it much easier to get up and be at school on time every day, so with this in mind, we are launching our Spring Attendance Competition.

Spring Attendance Competition

Our attendance since we returned to school has been good, despite the usual coughs and colds, thank you all for your continued support.

To reward the children that do come to school every day, we are holding a Spring Attendance Competition. The competition runs from Monday 26th February to Friday 22nd March, and if your child achieves 100% attendance between these dates, they will receive a small prize!

Health and Relationships Education – All Year Groups – Unchanged Since 2020

The Health and Relationships Curriculum is compulsory for all children and takes place in all year groups from Nursery upwards. To support families to discuss the content of the Health and Relationships Curriculum, prior to it being taught in the classroom, we host a termly Curriculum Consultation Session for parents and carers. The session allows us to share the resources with you, answer any questions you may have and provide support where required.

Our next Health and Relationship Curriculum Consultation, for all year groups is on Tuesday 5th March, 9am until 9.30am in the dining hall. 

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

For World Book Day this year, we will be dressing up as character that can be found in any of the fantastic books written by Julia Donaldson, David Walliams or Roald Dahl!  We can’t wait to see your wonderful costumes on Thursday 7th March.

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


23rd February 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We hope you all enjoyed a restful break over our half term break.  

Fundraising – New Wellington Boots 

Thank you to everyone who has helped raise much needed funds for our school by attending our school fayres. Every penny raised has been re-invested back into helping our children enjoy the best possible experience whilst here at school. We are always incredibly humbled by your generosity, thank you.  

We are delighted to tell you that we have used the fundraising money to buy over 100 pairs of wellington boots and a storage area to keep them dry!  

Our children love being outside jumping in puddles or playing in mud and having a communal stock of wellies will allow them to really enjoy playtimes without the worry of wet, muddy socks and shoes!  

We are also lucky enough to have had 30 pairs of pre-loved wellies donated to us by some of our wonderful families, but we will always be grateful for more. If you do have any wellington boots your family have outgrown, please consider donating them to us. Any donations can be dropped off at the school office any time. Thank you.  

On Street Parking 

Recently, we have seen an increase in parents and carers parking their cars or dropping children off in no parking zones. This is unsafe and illegal. The no parking zones are there to keep all our children safe from moving vehicles on their way to and from school.  

For clarity, please do NOT park or stop your vehicle to drop children off: 

  • On the yellow zig zags 
  • On double yellow lines 
  • On the gym car park  
  • Over resident’s driveways 

A traffic warden will be in attendance at regular intervals to monitor and issue tickets to anyone parking illegally, so please make sure you adhere to the rules. 

Year 1 Parents Only – Phonics Meeting – Wednesday 28th February 

Here at Pearson, we use phonics to teach the children the sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and how to form the letters when writing. 

Miss Nixon will be holding a Year 1 parents phonics meeting full of useful hints and tips on how you can help your child use phonics at home.  The meeting will be on Wednesday 28th February at 8.50am, in the small hall.  We hope to see you there. 

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 

For World Book Day this year, we will be dressing up as character that can be found in any of the fantastic books written by Julia Donaldson, David Walliams or Roald Dahl!  We can’t wait to see your wonderful costumes on Thursday 7th March. 

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care,  

Mrs L Clarkson 


9th February 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a reminder, school is now closed for the half term holiday and will re-open again on Tuesday 20th February.

Safeguarding Children Over the Holiday

If your concern is urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm, then contact the police via 999.

If you have concerns about a child at Pearson, which you believe the school need to be aware of, then email Suzanne Wilson, Strategic Safeguarding Lead for HCAT: or Mrs Neale, Deputy Head and Safeguarding Lead here at Pearson Primary School:

You can also call Childline anytime of the day or night on Tel: 0800 1111

EYFS Parents Only – Phonics Meeting – Wednesday 21st February

Here at Pearson, we use phonics to teach the children the sounds in English, the letters that represent them, and how to form the letters when writing.

Miss Nixon will be holding an EYFS parents phonics meeting full of useful hints and tips on how you can help your child use phonics at home. The meeting will be on Wednesday 21st February at 8.50am, in the small hall. We hope to see you there!

Wellington Boots Still Wanted!

We’re not going to let the wet weather spoil our outdoor play, so would love to have a supply of wet weather clothing available for the whole school to use!

We are still hoping to have a store of wellington boots and waterproof coats for all 226 of our children here at Pearson, so we really need your help!

If you have any preloved children’s wellington boots or waterproof coats that you no longer need, in any children’s sizes, we would love to give them a new home here at school.

All donations will be gratefully received, just pop them into the school office anytime.

Have a wonderful restful break, and we will see you all again on Tuesday 20th February.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


2nd February 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who came to our parent’s coffee morning yesterday, it was lovely to see you all enjoying a warm drink and a good chat!

Year 5 Fundraising

Year 5 managed to raise a whopping £161.50 from their bun sale last week! We wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated buns and/or bought a bun, all the money raised will go directly towards paying for the coach hire for the Year 5 residential visit later in the year. Miss Tomlinson, Mrs Richardson and all of Year 5 are incredibly grateful, thank you.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Next week is Children’s Mental Health Week with the theme being ‘My voice matters’. We will hold an assembly to learn about the importance of being able to express ourselves and how this can have a positive impact on our wellbeing. We will also be enjoying some fun activities in our classrooms based around the ‘my voice matters’ theme.

Internet Safety Day

Safer Internet Day takes place on Tuesday 6th February this year. In school we will have conversations with our pupils, to get them thinking about how they can protect themselves when using devices linked to the internet – including tablets, on social media, while viewing videos or whilst gaming.

We will talk in school about how children can keep themselves safe online- but safe internet use begins at home.

Do you monitor what your children see and do?

If you would like help setting parental controls on your devices, please pop by on Friday 9th February at 8.50am to see our IT technician Gareth. Please remember to charge your devices before you bring them along.

Half Term Break

Just a reminder that school closes next Friday, the 9th February at 3.15pm and reopens again on Tuesday 20th February.

Warm/Waterproof Winter Clothing

As well as bringing us the first, welcome signs of spring, the month of February can also be very wet and very cold! With this in mind, please make sure your child comes to school dressed appropriately, as here at Pearson we enjoy playing out, no matter what the weather! Waterproof shoes, a warm coat, a hat and gloves are all essential clothing to enable your child to fully immerse themselves in outdoor play during the colder days.

As always, please make sure your child’s clothing is named, this makes it much easier for us to return lost property to its rightful owner.

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


26th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now more than halfway through this half term, doesn’t time fly by so quickly?

School closes for our half term break at 3.15pm on Friday 9th February and we return to school on Tuesday 20th February.

Year 5 – Fundraising

Thank you to everyone who donated a delicious sweet treat or bought a bun from our Year 5 bun stall today. We are still counting the money raised and will update you next week with the grand total. All money raised will go directly towards the cost of coach travel for their residential visit next September.

Parents and Carers Coffee Morning – Thursday 1st February 9am

We are hosting a parents and carers coffee morning on Thursday 1st February from 9am till 10am and you are all invited. The coffee morning will be a very informal, friendly place to meet up with other parents and carers, and some staff members too. Please pop by for a chat and warm drink, we’d love to see you there!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will see you again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


19th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have really enjoyed playing outside this week and the small flurry of snow we had on Tuesday caused all sorts of excitement! The children were hoping for enough snow to build a snowman, but sadly it wasn’t to be!

Staff Update

On Monday, Mr Emmerson will be joining our team as an ASA. He will be mainly based in our Foundation Year.  Please join us in welcoming Mr Emmerson to our Pearson family.

Roof Repairs Update

As you will have noticed, the work to repair our roof was unfortunately delayed.  We are now expecting the scaffolding around the class 1 building to be in place when we return to school on Monday.  We will, of course, make the playground a safe place for the children to play so there may be some additional fencing or barriers temporarily placed around the building.

Community PCSO Drop-in  – Monday 22nd January

Our community PCSO’s Neil and Raf will be here at Pearson on Monday at 3.15pm for a drop-in problem-solving session. If you have any queries or concerns relating to our community, please speak with Neil or Raf about these on Monday.

We hope you enjoy a warmer weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


11th January 2024 


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome back and Happy New Year to all our Pearson families! We hope you all had a wonderful, restful break. 

Staff Changes 

This term, we have two new staff members joining our team so please join us in welcoming Miss Habbershaw and Miss Wilson to our school.  

Miss Habbershaw is a class teacher, who will be offering additional support throughout the school and Miss Wilson is a trainee teacher, who will be working with Mr Knowles in Y1 until Easter. 

We are also saying a see you soon to Miss Marley and a fond farewell to Mrs Lloyd. 

Mrs Lloyd, our Year 5 ASA has successfully been appointed as a classroom teacher in Kent. We wish Mrs Lloyd every success in her new career. 

Miss Marley, our Y2 trainee teacher, will spend this term in another school and will return to us after the Easter break. We hope Miss Marley enjoys her new school, and we’ll look forward to seeing her again in April. 

Roof Repairs 

As you may have noticed, our roof is in need of some repairs. We have arranged for some of the more urgent work to be completed over the coming week, so when you return to school on Monday, the playground will look a little different!  To enable the roof to be repaired safely, there will be scaffolding in place around the whole of the class 1 building. We will, of course, make the playground a safe place for the children to play so there may be some additional fencing or barriers temporarily placed around the building. 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care,  

Mrs L Clarkson 


21st December 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

What a busy and fun week we have all had! We’ve been wowed by our amazing Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 children performing their nativities, we’ve danced the night away at our disco and we’ve enjoyed a truly delicious Christmas lunch today! 

After all that fun and hard work, we are all ready for a well earnt rest now!   

School closed at 3.15pm today and reopens again at 8:45 on Tuesday 9th January 2024.  

Safeguarding Children Over the Christmas Holiday 

If your concern is urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm, then contact the police via 999. 

If you have concerns about a child at Pearson, which you believe the school need to be aware of, then email Suzanne Wilson, Strategic Safeguarding Lead for HCAT: or Mrs Neale, Deputy Head and Safeguarding Lead here at Pearson Primary School: 

You can also call Childline anytime of the day or night on Tel: 0800 1111 

We hope you all enjoy the holiday and get to make lots of special memories together. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you all, 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


15th December 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Princes Avenue Methodist Church this morning, it really was lovely to see so many family members join us. We must say, the singing from our children and parents alike was beautiful and really made us smile! Thank you.

Christmas Countdown

There’s lots of fun to be had next week, here’s some dates for your diary so you don’t miss out!

Tuesday 19th December

EYFS Performance – 10am or 2pm

Our Foundation children will be proudly presenting their fabulous Christmas performance to our EYFS parents and carers.  

Look out for your tickets in your child’s book bag. Please note, tickets are limited to two per family.


EYFS2, Y1 and Y2 will be dancing the night away from 3.15pm to 4.10pm. They can bring their party clothes in a named bag and get changed at school before the disco. Parents can collect the children from their normal collection point at 4.10pm. 

Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6 children can show us their dance moves from 4.15pm to 5.15pm.  All children at the disco must be collected from their usual collection point at 5.15pm and will not be able to walk home unaccompanied. 

Sweets and drinks will be available to buy at the disco, priced between 50p and £1.00 (cash only).

Disco tickets cost £1.50 per child and are only available to buy via ParentPay.

Wednesday 20th December

Y1 & Y2 Performance – 10am or 2pm

Our Y1 and Y2 children are very excited to show their amazing Christmas performance to their parents and carers.

Look out for your tickets in your child’s book bag. Please note, tickets are limited to two tickets per child.

Thursday 21st December

Christmas Jumper/Party Outfit

We will be wearing our Christmas jumpers or party clothes all day to really get into the festive spirit! 

Christmas Lunch

We will be enjoying a delicious Christmas lunch with all the trimmings, lovingly prepared by our cooks here at PearsonSchool meals cost £1.50 per child, per day for children in Y3 to Y6.

Last Day of Term

School finishes for the Christmas holidays at the end of the school day. We will return to school on Tuesday 9th January 2024.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all on Monday for an exciting last week of term.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


7th December 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Thank you once again for all your support at our wonderful Christmas Fayre last week, we managed to raise a huge £439.30 for our school! All monies raised are used to enhance our children’s learning experiences. The children will help decide what to spend the money on when we return in the New Year. 

A Generous Donation 

We would like to say a very sincere thank you to one of our very kind and generous parents, who recently made a donation to our school. The money will be saved until the New Year, when our school council will decide what to spend it on. We are incredibly grateful,  thank you.

Christmas Disco – Tuesday 19th December 

It’s time to polish your dancing shoes and boogie on down to our Christmas disco!   

EYFS2, Y1 and Y2 will be dancing the night away from 3.15pm to 4.10pm. They can bring their party clothes in a named bag and get changed at school before the disco. Parents can collect the children from their normal collection point at 4.10pm. 

Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6 children can show us their dance moves from 4.15pm to 5.15pm.  All children at the disco must be collected from their usual collection point at 5.15pm and will not be able to walk home unaccompanied. 

Tickets cost £1.50 per child and are available to buy on ParentPay now.  

Tickets will be kept safe by the class teacher until the day. 

Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 21st December 

On our last day of term, we will be enjoying a delicious Christmas lunch with all the trimmings, lovingly prepared by our cooks here at Pearson.  We will be wearing our Christmas jumpers or party clothes all day to really get into the festive spirit! 


Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care 

Mrs L Clarkson




1st December 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Fayre today, we were amazed by how many families joined us for some Christmas fun! We hope you all enjoyed the stalls and crafting as much as we did!

We also wanted to thank Father Christmas for coming to see us again and working his Christmas magic to make it snow!

Warm Winter Clothing

After our first flurries of both real and magical snow this week, we noticed lots of our children ended up with very cold hands and wet feet! Please make sure your child comes to school dressed for the weather. Waterproof shoes, a warm coat, a hat and gloves are all essential clothing to enable your child to fully immerse themselves in outdoor play during the colder months.

On Street Parking

Recently, we have seen an increase in parents and carers parking their cars illegally outside the school grounds. Unsafe parking has unfortunately resulted in yet another near miss, on this occasion, no one was hurt, but we may not be as lucky next time!

The no parking zones are there to keep all our children safe from moving vehicles on their way to and from school.

For clarity, please do NOT park or stop your vehicle to drop children off:

· On the yellow zig zags

· On double yellow lines

· On the gym car park

· Over residents’ driveways

Have a wonderful weekend, and we’ll see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


24th November 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who came along to our winter craft morning on Monday, it really was lovely to see you all enjoying some family fun together. We saw some wonderful crafty creations too!

Children in Need -Thank You

Together we managed to raise a huge £153.84 for Children in Need, thank you all for your generosity. Every penny raised will go directly to Children in Need.

Tuesday 28th November – Pyjamas and Reading Day

On Tuesday, we are having a cozy PJ and reading day here at Pearson so we can all come to school in our snuggly pyjamas and read some fabulous books! It sounds like a perfect day!

In return, we are asking each child to donate a chocolate bar, any size or type will be gratefully accepted, but please ensure it is nut free. All chocolate donations will be used for our delicious Christmas Chocolate Raffle.

At lunch and breaktime, children will play outdoors as usual, so please make sure they have a pair of sensible shoes and a warm coat they can wear.

Wednesday 29th November – Flu Vaccinations

On Wednesday, the NHS flu vaccination team will be here to administer the remaining vaccinations to those children that have already been registered but have not received theirs yet.

Registration for the vaccine is now closed, so if you have missed the deadline, but would still like your child to be immunised, please see your GP for advice.

Friday 1st December – Christmas Fayre

Our fabulous Christmas Fayre will take place next Friday from 2.30pm till 3.15pm and you are all invited!

There will be lots of unique festive crafts to buy and make, all carefully put together by our children, fun games to play and raffles to be won. We will also be selling delicious sweets, biscuits and mince pies, along with a choice of hot and cold drinks.

We have also received some very exciting news via elf-mail. Father Christmas had such fun at last year’s school fayre that he is going to travel all the way from The North Pole to visit us again!

Father Christmas has even asked his elves to make a Santa’s Grotto again, right here at Pearson Primary School! If you would like to say hello to Father Christmas, come along to his magical grotto and if you’re really lucky, you may even receive a small gift from him!

To help Father Christmas buy all the very expensive magic food he needs to feed his very hungry reindeer, there will be a small charge of £1 per child to visit Father Christmas, payable on the day.

We don’t want anyone to miss the festive fun so if parents and carers are unable to come, all children will still get the chance to walk around the Fayre. So, if your child would like to take part in any of our games, visit Father Christmas or buy anything from our stalls, please send some money in a named envelope for them on the day. Prices will range from 50p to £1.

Please note, if you arrive after 2.15pm, your child will already be visiting the Fayre so you must sign in at the gate and locate your child yourself.

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday, ready for a fun filled week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


17th November 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for all your generous support for Children in Need. We are busy counting all the cash and ParentPay donations and will let you know how much we’ve raised next week.

Autumn Craft Morning – Monday 20th November 9 am 

Please join us at 9:00 am on Monday, for another creative family craft session. Once the children have been registered in class, we will take you to their classrooms to enjoy some, free, fun family time together.  All craft supplies will be provided.  We can’t wait to see your wonderful autumnal creations!

Dates for Your Diary – Christmas Events 

There is so much to look forward to over the next five weeks of term, and we don’t want you to miss a thing. Here are some dates for your diary.

Friday 1st December at 2 pm – Christmas Fayre 

Come along and join in our festive fayre, there will be fun crafts to buy and make, drinks and sweets to enjoy, our amazing Santa’s Grotto, stalls and raffles and much more!

If you would like to hire a stall to sell your goods, please pop into the school office to discuss it further.

Wednesday 6th December – Pyjamas and Reading Day 

We are having a cosy PJ and Reading Day here at Pearson, this means we can come to school in our snuggly pyjamas and read some fabulous books! It sounds like a perfect day! All we ask for in exchange, is a chocolate bar to donate to our spectacular Christmas Chocolate Raffle.  More details will follow soon.

Tuesday 19th December – School Disco 

It’s that time of year for the children to don their dancing shoes and party clothes again! Tickets will be available to buy via ParentPay soon, look out for more details.

Thursday 21st December – Last Day of Term  

The school will close at the end of the school day and will re-open on Tuesday 9th January 2024. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


10th November 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a fantastic first week back. The children have settled beautifully back into school, and we have seen some excellent work being completed in all the classrooms!

Family Groups

Every child at Pearson Primary is a member of a family group. Our family groups are made up of a member of staff (teaching and non- teaching) and at least one child from every year group starting with our F2 children.

We meet once a week and this enables us to develop strong relationships with all members of the group and gives us a sense of belonging. Each week we share what we have been doing at home and our plans for the week ahead. We reflect on our choices and other issues that arise and are important to us week by week.

You child will start in their new family group on Monday so please ask them about it when they come home.

Tuesday 14th November – Odd Sock Day for Anti-bullying Week

To mark the start of anti-bullying week, we are asking the children to wear odd socks next Tuesday. We want to see as many odd socks as possible, be it spotty, stripy or different colours as long as they don’t match, you will be showing your support! We will also be completing anti-bullying activities in school.

Friday 17th November – Non-Uniform Day for Children in Need

Friday is Children in Need day! We will be wearing non-uniform in exchange for any spare change you may have, or you can donate via ParentPay. All donations will be gratefully received.

All monies raised will go directly to Children in Need, thank you.

Monday 20th November – Autumn Stay and Craft

We are always so pleased to see how many families attend our craft events. So, this time, we wanted to give you advance notice of our next classroom-based craft session! Please join us at 9:00am on Monday 20th November, to join your children in one of their classrooms and enjoy some, free, fun family time together.

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson 


26th October 2023  

Dear Parents and Carers,   

We have now reached the end of our first half-term of the 2023/24 school year!  

Half-term Holiday 

Just a reminder that school is now closed for the half-term holiday and will re-open again on Monday 6th November. 


Thank you to everyone who has already activated their ParentPay account, we hope you are finding it easy to navigate!  

If you haven’t already done so, you must activateyour ParentPay account as soon as possible.  When we return to school, we will no longer be able to accept cash for any reason. This means all payments for clubs, uniform, school trips and lunches must be made online using ParentPay.   

If you need any support to set up your ParentPay account, please contact the school office to arrange a convenient time for them to help you. 

Bonfire Night Safety 

Today we have held an assembly around Firework Safety, but we would also like to give you some information to share with your families on how to keep family, pets and friends safe at firework and bonfire time. 

Only adults should deal with firework displays and the lighting of fireworks. Always follow the firework code 

  • Do not buy fireworks from unlicensed retailers, as these fireworks may be unsafe and illegal. 
  • Only buy fireworks that comply with current safety standards. 
  • Always keep fireworks in a closed box. Take them out one at a time and close the box. 
  • Never put fireworks in your pocket. 
  • Be considerate. Let your neighbours know you will be having a display, especially if they are elderly or they have pets or children. 
  • Avoid setting fireworks off late at night, particularly if it is a school-night. 
  • Ensure your pets are safe and indoors if possible. 
  • Carefully follow the instructions on EACH firework. 
  • Never go back to a lit firework unless the instructions advise otherwise. 
  • Never throw fireworks; it is dangerous. 
  • Light fireworks one at a time, at the end of the fuse, and at arm’s length. 
  • Light sparklers one at a time and wear suitable gloves, even when lighting them. 
  • Never give sparklers to a child under the age of 5. 
  • Never throw spent fireworks on a bonfire. 
  • Only adults should take care of the safe disposal of fireworks once they have been used. 


We hope you have a well-earned, restful half-term break, and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 6th November. 

Take very good care,  

Mrs L Clarkson 



19th October 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We only have four more school days left until we break off for half term! Remember, school closes at the end of the day on Thursday 26th October and reopens again on Monday 6th November.

Harvest Donations

Thank you to everyone for your very generous donations for our Harvest festival. All donations have been gratefully received by Pastor Peter from Princes Avenue Methodist Church and will be shared equally between The Open Doors charity and our local community. Thank you.

HCAT Board Vacancy

Our trust, HCAT, currently have one vacancy for a parent trustee. Parent trustees are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending Trust schools. They serve a 4-year term of office and have a vital role to play in making sure every child receives the best possible education.

If you are interested in becoming a parent trustee and you would like more information as to what the role entails, please click here:

Attendance & Time Keeping

Our attendance since we returned to school has been good, despite the usual winter sniffles and colds, so thank you all for your continued support.

Unfortunately, lateness in now becoming an issue and we wanted to make you aware of the direct impact this can have on your child’s education.

Did you know, if your child is late by:

· 5 minutes every day, over a year, this equates to 3.5 school days or 20 lessons!

· Being late by 30 minutes every day, over a year, is the same as being absent from school for a huge 22 days or 123 lessons!

Being on time really does make a big difference to your child’s learning.

To guarantee being at school on time, why not bring your child to our free Early Birds Club, every school morning? Gates open at 8am until 8.10am, but please note, there will be no admission to Early Birds Club after 8.10am.

Our Early Birds Club provides a friendly, happy and safe environment where the children can enjoy a free delicious breakfast of toast with jam or butter and a choice of healthy cereals and fruit.

Our Early Birds Cub is available to all children from Year 1 up to Year 6. Early Birds Club is not available for our EYFS children in the first instance, due to the increase of staffing ratio children of this age require.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday for a short, 4 day week!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


13th October 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s been a very busy week here at Pearson! We can’t believe we are almost at the end of our first half-term of the 2023/24 school year!  Just a reminder that school will close for half term at the end of the day on Thursday 26th October, and we will return to school on Monday 6th November.

Craft Morning

Thank you to everyone who came to our Autumnal craft morning, we think that was our best craft event yet, we hope you did too! The good news is, you don’t have to wait long until we do it all again! Our next family craft morning will be held on Monday 20th November. Be sure to save the date in your diary so you don’t miss out!

Flu Immunisations

The flu immunisation team visited us on Tuesday, when some of our children received their nasal flu immunisation. Don’t worry if you registered your child and they didn’t receive theirs yet, as the team are due to return on 26th November when they will administer the remaining immunisations.

Please note, the link to register your child for a free flu vaccination here at school, has now closed. If you did not consent to the immunisation at school, but would still like your child to receive it, please see your GP for further advice.

ParentPay – IT Support

By now, you should have received your log on details to access ParentPay. If you haven’t already done so, please log on to activate your account as soon as possible.

You must activate your account, as when we return in November, Pearson Primary School will be entirely cashless. This means we will no longer be able to accept cash for lunches, uniform, school trips and clubs from Monday 6th November.

If you need any help with ParentPay at all, please just bring the device you would like to access ParentPay with, to our last drop in session on Friday 20th October at 8.50am till 10am, where our IT technician, Gareth, will be happy to help.

Harvest Donations

This year we will be supporting The Open Doors Project and our local community.  We would really appreciate any donations of dry goods like rice, pasta and sugar, tinned goods such as tuna, sardines, soup or unopened toiletries. All donations will be distributed fairly between our chosen charities.

Should you wish to help, please bring any donations to the dining hall before Thursday 19th October, thank you in advance for all your support.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


6th October 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers,

The Autumn season is definitely upon us, the weather is getting colder and the nights are drawing in. Please make sure your child comes to school wearing appropriate clothing and footwear. We do play out in all weathers, so a warm winter coat along with waterproof footwear is essential to ensure your child can enjoy spending time outdoors.


By now, you should have received your log on details to access ParentPay. If you haven’t already done so, please log on to activate your account as soon as possible.

Activating your account is really easy, just click on this link  click on the red ‘For Parents box’, the red ‘Parents Login’ drop down box and then enter the username and password from the 2nd page of the letter we sent home.

If you need any help with ParentPay at all, please just bring the device you would like to access ParentPay with, to one of our drop in sessions. Our IT technician, Gareth, will be happy to help get you set up. Our first session was held this morning, but don’t worry if you missed it, just pop by the small hall at 8.50am on either Friday 13th or Friday 20th October, there is no need to book, just turn up. You must remember to bring your device with you, otherwise we will be unable to help!

Please be aware you must activate your account as soon as possible, as when we return in November, Pearson Primary School will be entirely cashless. This means we will no longer be able to accept cash for lunches, uniform, school trips and clubs from Monday 6th November.

Coffee and Craft Morning – Monday 9th October  

You are all invited to our coffee and craft morning, 9am till 10am on Monday 9th October.

All the crafting material you need to join your child in some autumnal crafty fun will be provided.

When you have dropped your child off at 8.45am, please go to the dining hall, your child will be brought to you once they have been registered in their class.

We really do hope to see you all there!

Free Flu Vaccinations 11th October & 29th November  

To help keep our children and local community safe and well, all primary school aged children in England (from EYFS2 class to Year 6) will be offered a flu vaccination by the NHS school aged immunisation service. Most children are offered a nasal spray flu vaccine, however a halal option is also available via injection.

As the immunisation team are visiting Pearson on Tuesday 11th October and Wednesday 29th November, we recently sent a text message containing a link to the flu vaccination consent form.

This form must be completed in all instances, even if you do not consent to your child to being immunised.

If you have not already completed the form, please follow this link to complete the form as soon as possible, thank you.

The weather forecast has promised us sunshine, so we hope you all have a lovely sunny weekend and we will see you again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


29th September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who came to our parents’ evening/Macmillan coffee evening. It was lovely to see you all enjoying a drink and a sweet treat with family and friends.

Together we managed to raise a huge £113.04, and every penny will go to Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you!

Goodbye Mrs Andersson

Today we have said goodbye and good luck to Mrs Andersson, who has been a wonderful ASA here at Pearson Primary School for 23 years! Thank you Mrs Andersson for your commitment and hard work over the years, we will all miss you. We wish you lots of happiness in your new adventures!

EYFS Parents Only – Phonics Meeting – 4th October 8.50am

Here at Pearson, we use phonics to teach the children the sounds in English, the letters that represent them, and how to form the letters when writing.

Miss Nixon will be holding an EYFS parents phonics meeting full of useful hints and tips on how you can help your child use phonics at home. The meeting will be on Wednesday 4th October at 8.50am, in the small hall. We hope to see you there!

Hull Fair Menu – Thursday 5th October

To celebrate Hull Fair week, our hot school lunch on Thursday 5th November will be Hull Fair themed! More details about our delicious menu will be sent out via text message next week.

School meals cost £1.50 per day for all children in Year 3 and above, unless you are entitled to free school meals (benefit based). 

Individual and Family Photographs – Now available to order

Please check your child’s book bag for their school photo order form. Please note, all orders need to be completed online and we are unable to accept any orders here at school. If you need any help ordering online, please pop in to see us.

Coffee and Craft Morning – Monday 9th October

You are all invited to our coffee and craft morning, 9am till 10am on Monday 9th October. Please come along to join your child in some autumnal crafty fun! More details will be sent out soon.

Free Flu Vaccinations 11th October & 29th November

To help keep our children and local community safe and well, all primary school aged children in England (from EYFS2 class to Year 6) will be offered a flu vaccination by the NHS school aged immunisation service. Most children are offered a nasal spray flu vaccine, however a halal option is also available via injection.

As the immunisation team are visiting Pearson on Tuesday 11th October and Wednesday 29th November, we recently sent a text message containing a link to the flu vaccination consent form.

This form must be completed in all instances, even if you do not consent to your child to being immunised.

If you have not already completed the form, please follow this link to complete the form as soon as possible, thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson




22nd September 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

This week, the weather has managed to change from wet and windy to beautiful sunshine!  Thank you to everyone who sent their child in weather appropriate clothing, this week has certainly been a test of all of our weather forecasting skills! 

Parent’s Meeting & Macmillan Coffee Evening 

This year, we will be combining our parent’s evening with raising much needed funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. Please join us in the small hall either before or after your appointment where there will be delicious buns & cakes for sale at a cost of 50p each.  All proceeds will go directly to Macmillan Cancer Support. 

Please remember that parent’s evenings will take place after school on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th September. The purpose is to discuss how your child has settled into their new class and to provide you with an opportunity to ask any questions that you have not yet had answered. We will also be using this opportunity to update medical records and contact information so please make sure that you are ready to update our records.  

An appointment time has been sent home in your child’s bookbag so please make sure to look for it. 

Individual School Photographs 

The children all looked incredibly smart for their individual photographs today! Wrates photographers will send more details on how to order online in the next few weeks. Look out for the proof copy in your child’s bookbag soon. 


Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 



15th September 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We can’t quite believe we are already at the end of week two of our new school year! The children have all settled beautifully into their school routine, well done everyone. 

Individual and Family School Photographs 

It’s photo time again! Get ready to look super smart and smile your best smile! 

Wrates photographers are visiting our school on Friday 22nd September 2023.  

Throughout the school day they will take individual photos of every child, which will then be available to purchase through the Wrates website.  

The photographer will also be available to take family photographs between 8am and 8.30am only, in the small hall. Please note, this is on a first come, first served basis and you may have to wait for your turn. These will also be available to buy from the Wrates website. 

Details will be sent home on how to purchase your copy over the next few weeks.  

Parent’s Meetings 

Parent’s meetings will take place on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th September, to discuss how your child has settled into their new class.   

An appointment time will be sent home in your child’s bookbag next week, please be sure to look out for it. 

All Weather Outdoor Play  

Here at Pearson, we like to play outside in all weathers and as we all know, our British weather is very unpredictable! Pease make sure your child has suitable outdoor clothing such as waterproof footwear, and a waterproof coat so they are prepared whatever the weather. 

We are hoping the sun will continue to shine for us over the weekend and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


8th September 2023  

Dear Parents and Carers,  

We hope you all had a restful break over the summer, welcome back!  

The children have all settled really quickly back into the school routine and are already working hard in class. Well done everyone.  

 School Uniform 

We celebrate being part of the Pearson Primary School community by committing to wear our school uniform. We are proud to look smart and feel like we belong. Thank you for ensuring your child comes to school in the correct Pearson uniform, every day.     

Remember, from year 1 upwards, every child also needs to bring their own water bottle to school every day. This will help encourage the children to drink plenty of water throughout the school day. We will encourage the children to take their water bottles home every evening to be washed, ready to be brought back the next day. Please make sure your child’s water bottle and uniform has their name clearly written on it, so we can quickly return it if it gets lost.  

We now have Pearson water bottles to purchase, available at the school office for £2.50 each.   

We have also redesigned our bookbags, which are now navy blue in colour and have a shoulder strap as well as a handle, also available to buy from the school office for £5.00.  Please note, the old style bookbags are still acceptable uniform.   

Remember, should you be unable to provide the required uniform, please do pop to the school office or speak to a member of staff to make us aware, as we may be able to help.  

Parent’s Meetings 

We will be holding a parent’s meeting in a couple of weeks’ time, to discuss how your child has settled into their new class.  

We will confirm the date via text message and an appointment time will be then sent home in your child’s bookbag.  


We had hoped, that when we returned to school in September, we would have moved over to an online, cashless system called ParentPay.    

Unfortunately, there has been a delay with setting up ParentPay which means in the short term, we are still only able to accept cash payments. We are working hard to get the system up and running soon and are aiming to make a gentle transition to ParentPay over the next few weeks with a view to be completely cashless by the time we return after October half term.   

To use the system effectively, we will require an email address to set up your account. Don’t worry if you haven’t got an email account at the moment, there will be lots of help available here at school, nearer the time. 


Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday, 

 Take very good care, 

 Mrs Clarkson 


21st July 2023  

Dear Parents and Carers,  

Today is the last day of the 2022-23 school year. The children have all worked incredibly hard this year and we are so proud of them all. Well done!  

I also wanted to thank you all for your continued support. We have had another busy year, with lots of wonderful family events from fayres to craft mornings, digging and planting to stay and play afternoons! We have been overwhelmed by the attendance at our events. We really do hope this continues for 2023-24!   

School will reopen on Wednesday 6th September for the new term.  

 Goodbye Year 6   

Today is our current Year 6’s last day here at Pearson. They leave us with fond memories and bright futures ahead of them. We are confident that they will make an exceptional start in their new schools in September because they are exceptional young people, who embody the school’s core values of being restorative, inclusive and working hard.   

We wish them all the very best and look forward to hearing about their future successes.    

Uniform Expectations 

We celebrate being part of the Pearson Primary School community by committing to wear our school uniform. We are proud to look smart and feel like we belong.  On Thursday we sent a flyer home with every child, detailing our uniform expectations for the new school year. Please ensure your child returns after the summer holidays wearing the correct Pearson uniform. 

Remember, from year 1 upwards, every child also needs to bring their own water bottle to school every day. This will help encourage the children to drink plenty of water throughout the school day. We will encourage the children to take their water bottles home every evening to be washed, ready to be brought back the next day. Please make sure your child’s water bottle and uniform has their name clearly written on it, so we can quickly return it if it gets lost. 

 Should you be unable to provide the required uniform, please do pop to the school office or speak to a member of staff to make us aware, as we may be able to help. 


When we return to school in September, we will no longer be able accept cash payments at school, instead, we are moving over to an online system, ParentPay.  This will allow you to make payments for lunch, school uniform, after school clubs and school trips through ParentPay or with cash in PayPoint stores. 

A letter will be sent home with your child soon, so please check their book bags for your copy. Should you need any help setting your account up, please let us know in the school office when we return on 6th September.  

New Lunchtime Menu 

Our delicious new 2 week menu starts in September, please follow this link or see our website to view them 

Finally, we hope you have lots of fun and make lots of lovely memories over the summer holidays. There are lots of wonderful things to see and do during the break, but please stay safe and take good care of each other.   

We look forward to seeing you all again in the new school year.     

We return on Wednesday 6th September. Gates open at 8:45. Let’s make sure our attendance and punctuality get off to a great start! 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 



14th July 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

This week the children have all settled into their new classes wonderfully and have once again amazed us with their positive attitude to learning. Well done everyone! 

School Fayre – Thank you 

We just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who came along to our fayre last Friday, it was really lovely to see so many of our families enjoying themselves and having fun! We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did! 

Water Bottles 

When we return after the summer holiday, we would like every child from year 1 upwards to bring their own water bottle to school every day. This will help encourage the children to drink plenty of water throughout the school day. We will encourage the children to take their water bottles home every evening to be washed, ready to be brought back the next day. Please make sure your child’s water bottle has their name clearly written on it, so we can quickly return it if it gets lost. 

If you are unable to provide a water bottle for your child, please pop into the office or speak to a member of staff to see if we are able to help. 

End of Term 

Our last day of term is next Friday, 21st July and we will return to school on Wednesday 6th September. Please note, the school will be closed throughout the holiday so should you have any outstanding queries, please contact us before Friday 21st July. Thank you. 

Have a restful weekend and we will see you all on Monday for the last week of term, 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 



3rd July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone that came along to our sports week finale. We hope you all enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did.

Our winners were ……………..

The Red Team! Well done!

Strike Action – Wednesday 5th July

As I am sure you are aware, the planned action is as a result of a dispute between the unions and the government. We are expecting a significant number of colleagues at Pearson to be taking industrial action.

To ensure our school remains safe for our children and that there is adequate supervision in place, some of our year groups are closed on the 5th July.

To clarify, the following year groups will be closed 5th July.

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

All other classes will remain open.  Year 6 and EYFS are on school trips and so must arrive at school on time.

Breakfast club and afterschool clubs will remain open, as normal, for children who are coming in to school.

School Fayre

Remember, our school fayre is this Friday, 7th July at 1.15pm. You are all invited to come along and join us for the best Pearson School Fayre ever! All classes are in school on this day.

Along with our usual class stalls and tombola, we have a bouncy castle slide, circus skills sessions, arts & craft sessions, a sweet and drinks stall, and much more! We even have some parents hiring stalls to sell their goods this year too.

We really hope you can join us, it is going to be amazing! If you are unable to join us, you can send your children to school with a small amount of money to spend in the afternoon. We will make sure they have access to the fayre.

Remember, if you would like to hire a stall, please just pop into the school office to book.

Transition Weeks

The children will be moving into their new classes from Monday 10th July. This means they will spend their last day with their current teacher, in their current classroom on Friday 7th July. All classes are in school on this day. This will also be our farewell class party morning, so children can come to school dressed in their party clothes.

As HCAT will turn 10-years old this year, our fabulous cooks are also making party food for lunch to help us celebrate!

The new class teachers for next year will be:

EYFS – Mrs Thackrey

Year 1 – Mr Knowles

Year 2 – Miss White

Year 3 – Miss Giblin

Year 4 – Miss Nixon

Year 5 – Miss Tomlinson

Year 6 – Miss Dunlop

Staff Changes

We wanted to let you know about a few changes to our staffing at the end of term:

Miss Hall will be leaving us for pastures new and we wish her every success in the future. We will miss you, Miss Hall!

As the baby is due over the summer holidays, Miss Jowsey will be going on maternity leave. Good luck Miss Jowsey!

Miss Clarkson (Achievement Support Assistant) will be leaving to pursue an exciting new role in another school. Congratulations Miss Clarkson!

Miss Giblin will be joining our teaching team from September, so I’m sure you will all join me in welcoming Miss Giblin to our Pearson family.

Thank you again for your continued support over this school year, we are already looking forward to the new term in September!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


23rd June 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers,    

It promises to be an exceptionally busy last few weeks in school and so this week, I want to provide you with a reminder about a few dates for your diary.

Week beginning 26th June – Sports Week

Next week is sports week! We are very excited that the children will be taking part in extra PE lessons during the week.

Please can you make sure that you child has a PE kit bag with them every day so that they are ready to take part as required. Each child will either be in the red or the blue team, so will need to wear something in the corresponding colour as shown on Mr Knowles’ letter. Please don’t worry if you don’t have anything in your team’s colour, we will provide the children with a blue or red paper wrist band if necessary.

On Friday, for one day, they are invited to come to school wearing their blue or red PE kit as they will be active for most of the day. Families are all invited to the Sports Week Finale on Friday afternoon. This will begin at 1:20 and Mr Knowles will be sending out a separate letter with all the details on.

We are all hoping for a sunny sports week so it is very important that all children have a water bottle in school. Please send one with their name on every day. We will have small bottles of water for the children to buy and use for the week if you don’t have one. These will be sold for 50p.

Tuesday 27th June – Sponge the Leavers event

Children are welcome to bring in 50p on Tuesday to take part in our annual tradition of throwing wet spongers at our Year 6 children who will be leaving our school shortly!

Monday 3rd July – Craft Morning

We are hosting a craft morning first thing on Monday, supported by Fran, our new friend who is working on preparations for the Peel Street Park Festival being held on Saturday 15th July.

Please join us from 8:50 until 10:00. Your children will be able to join you after registration. Teas, coffees and other refreshments will be on sale.

Tuesday 4th July – Parents Evening

This is an informal opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and celebrate their success this year. There is no need to make an appointment, teachers will be available from 3:30 until 5:00. Please do pop in if you have any other questions or queries.

Have a lovely sunny weekend,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


16th June 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers,    

We’ve had a lovely start to this half term and I’ve been really pleased to see so many children wearing summer hats in this lovely summer sun. Thank you for your support with this. The children are having great fun playing outside and we are keen to make sure that they are as safe as possible.   

Tuesday 20th June – EYFS Pick up and Play    

We would like to invite the families of children in EYFS to join us for a special Pick up and Play session on the main field. This will start at 2.30pm and it will be a great opportunity for your children to show you the areas that they most enjoy using during their lunchtimes.   

Pearson Tree – Update  

Sadly, the extensive work we have done to try to save our Pearson tree hasn’t worked, and we now have to move to phase 2.  Unfortunately, this means the tree will now be completely felled, leaving only a very small stump. The work is scheduled to take place on Saturday 1st July. 

We are still collecting green, brown, white and blue bottle tops and plastic lids to contribute to our planned mural so please send them in with your children over the coming weeks.   

Sun cream & Sunhats 

As staff are unable to apply sun cream to your child, we recommend you apply it before school, at home.  If your child is old enough to safely apply their own sun cream, you can send them to school with a named bottle for them to apply when needed.  

Please make sure your child’s name is written on all items of clothing, hats and sun cream. This makes returning lost property much easier, thank you.  

Parent Local Tier Board Election   

We have a vacancy for one parent member for the newly formed Local Tier Board for Pearson Primary School. If you are interested, please click on the link below. 

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care,  

Mrs L Clarkson 



9th June 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers,  

We hope you all enjoyed a restful break as we welcome you all back for the last term of this school year! We hope you are all ready for a busy but fun term.  To make sure you don’t miss out, here’s some dates for your diary, more details will follow nearer the events:  

 Tuesday 20th June – EYFS Pick up and Play  

Look out for more details soon. 

 Friday 30th June – Sports Day  

Parents and Carers are invited to come along to show their support during the afternoon. Who will win this year, the red or the blues? 

 Tuesday 4th July – Parent Drop – in evening 

Come along and chat to your child’s teacher and view their work from this school year.  

 Friday 7th July – Leavers Parties (morning) & Summer Fayre (afternoon) 

This will be the last day the children are with their teacher before transitioning into their next year group. This can only mean one thing – it’s party time! Class parties will take place in the morning. As it’s also HCAT’s birthday celebrations on the same day, our kitchen will be serving party food for lunch! 

 Our Summer Fayre this year promises to be bigger and better than ever before! We hope you can all join us and help raise some much-needed funds for our school. If you would like to rent a stall (for a small fee) to sell your own products, please enquire at the school office before Friday 30th June. 

 Monday 10th July – First Day in New Classrooms (Year 1 upwards) 

Children will move to their new classrooms with their new teachers. 

 Wednesday 12th July – EYFS Children Transition to Year 1 

The children will gently ease into year 1. 

 Friday 21st July – Last Day of Term 

School will close at 3.15pm and will re-open for the new school year on Wednesday 6th September 2023. 


We are hoping the sunshine will finally make an appearance, so we can all enjoy a wonderful sunny weekend.  We will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care,  

 Mrs L Clarkson 




26th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Remember, school closes today at 3.30pm for Whit Week and re-opens again on Wednesday 7th June.

We want to end this half term by wishing you all a safe and happy half term holiday. We are confident that the sun is going to shine and that we will all be able to spend some time outside with our friends!

If your children are playing out this half term, please encourage them to watch this video with you to remind them how to be safe near the roads.

Pearson Tree – Update

On Thursday this week, the children took part in some activity to mark the upcoming changes to the Pearson Tree. As scheduled, the work to cut back the tree will take place on Saturday 27th May.

The tree surgeons are hoping to keep some of the larger branches intact so we can create something wonderful from them for future generations to enjoy. We will keep you updated with our ideas!

We have been humbled to receive a donation of a new ‘baby’ horse chestnut tree from one of our families. In the years to come, we will be encouraging the children to watch the growth of the new tree, and the regrowth of the Pearson Tree, alongside all the other planting that you have helped us with this half term. Everything is growing beautifully, and the children are really enjoying the longer grass and wildflowers to play in!

We are still collecting green, brown, white and blue bottle tops and plastic lids to contribute to our planned mural so please don’t throw any away over the holidays.

After School Stay and Play Event – Thursday 8th June 

Don’t forget, you are all invited to join us for some family fun at 3.15pm on Thursday 8th June.

We will be leaving our outdoor grounds open for you all to enjoy some outdoor family playtime together and you will have full use of all our outdoor equipment including sporting equipment like bats and balls, outdoor toys and trim trail.

To take part, just collect your child as usual at 3.15pm and stay and play until 4.15pm.

To clarify, every child will still need to be collected from school at 3.15pm and can only stay and play if they are accompanied by their parent, carer or family member. We hope to see you all there!

Sun cream & Sunhats

Hopefully we will be enjoying a warmer and sunnier half term so please make sure that you send your child to school with a sunhat and sun cream on those sunny days.

As staff are unable to apply sun cream to your child, we recommend you apply it before school, at home.  If your child is old enough to safely apply their own sun cream, you can send them to school with a named bottle for them to apply when needed.

As always, we will be playing outdoors in all weathers, so don’t put away those raincoats just yet, you never know when we might need them!

Please make sure your child’s name written on all items of clothing, hats and sun cream. This makes returning lost property much easier, thank you.

We have such a busy last term to look forward to, so make sure you return on Wednesday 7th June, refreshed and ready for the new term! Have a safe and happy break.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


19th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a very short letter this week but don’t worry, we will have lots of information to share with you when we return in the new term!

Whit Week Half-Term Holiday

This term really is flying by! Remember, we break off for half term on Monday 29th May and return to school on Wednesday 7th June 2023.

After School Stay and Play Event – Thursday 8th June

Our last Stay and Play Event was so successful, we thought we would do it all again! You are all invited to join us for some family fun at 3.15pm on Thursday 8th June.

We will be leaving our outdoor grounds open for you all to enjoy some outdoor family playtime together and you will have full use of all our outdoor equipment including sporting equipment like bats and balls, outdoor toys and trim trail.

To take part, just collect your child as usual at 3.15pm and stay and play until 4.15pm.

To clarify, every child will still need to be collected from school at 3.15pm and can only stay and play if they are accompanied by their parent, carer or family member. We hope to see you all there!

Have a wonderful, warm and sunny weekend and we will see you all again on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


12th May 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Even though the weather has been rather unkind to us this week, we are hoping for sunnier days over the weekend!

Just a reminder, that we do play out in all weather conditions, including rain so please make sure your child comes to school dressed appropriately.

Year 6 SAT’s

Well done to all our year 6 children who have all worked incredibly hard this week completing their SAT’s! The children have all shown such resilience and we are so proud of you all, well done!


We celebrate being part of the Pearson Primary School community by committing to wear our school uniform. We are proud to look smart and feel like we belong. It is expected that every child wears their school uniform every day for school.

If your child is not wearing their uniform, we will call you and request that you bring your child’s uniform to school for them to change in to.

Our School Uniform is:

Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo

White polo shirts or white school shirts

Black trousers/shorts/pinafore or skirt

Blue gingham summer dress

Black, plain, sensible shoes

Please note, headscarves should be plain black, navy blue or white

Pearson Tree – Update

After seeking advice from many tree surgeons, the local authority and an independent tree surveyor, I am very sorry to say, our beloved Pearson Tree is damaged and sadly needs to be cut down to around 5 meters tall.  We have been assured by the experts that this will provide the tree with the best possible chance of survival and that we may hopefully, see it regrow over the coming years.

The work is scheduled to take place on Saturday 27th May, so when we return from the half term break the playing field will certainly look very different!

The tree has been such an important legacy of Pearson Primary School, and every school on this site before us, for at least the last 130 years, so please rest assured we have not made this decision without plenty of expert advice and lots of careful deliberations.

To help future generations recognise how important the tree is to our community, we would really like to create a beautiful mural of our Pearson Tree.  We thought using recyclable materials such as green, brown, white and blue bottle tops, would be a great idea. So, from Monday, there will be a container in each classroom for the children to donate any clean bottle tops in please.

Thank you for your support during this time and we will continue to keep you updated with any further information.

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


5th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We were really looking forward to our Family Coronation Event this afternoon, but unfortunately, the great British weather had different plans! We are sorry for any inconvenience the change of plans may have caused.

Despite the wet weather, the children have still enjoyed some indoor celebrations this afternoon! Our indoor picnic was loads of fun!

Pearson Tree

As I’m sure many of you are already aware, our beloved Pearson Tree is badly damaged. The tree has been such an important legacy of Pearson Primary School, and the previous schools on this site, for at least the last 130 years and it means a great deal to us. We are currently seeking expert advice and will keep you informed as things progress.

King’s Coronation Bank Holiday Monday – 8th May

Just a little reminder that school will be closed on Monday 8th May to celebrate the King’s Coronation. We will re-open again on Tuesday 9th May.

Year 6 SATs Week – 9th May to 12th May

We would just like to wish all our year 6 children good luck for their upcoming SATs. They have all worked incredibly hard in preparation for next week and we are already super proud of you all! Good luck everyone!

Whatever you get up to this weekend, we hope you enjoy the extra day off and we will see you all again on Tuesday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


28th April 2023 


Dear Parents and Carers, 

We hope you are looking forward to the extra-long weekend this week and next! Remember school is closed on Monday 1st May and Monday 8th May for bank holiday Monday and the King’s Coronation.  

Strike Action – Tuesday 2nd May  

As I am sure you are aware, the planned action is as a result of a dispute between the unions and the government. We are expecting a significant number of colleagues at Pearson to be taking industrial action.   

To ensure our school remains safe for our children and that there is adequate supervision in place, some of our year groups are closed on the 2nd May.   

To clarify, the following year groups will be closed on Tuesday 2nd May: 

Year 2  

Year 3  

Year 5  

All other classes will remain open.  

Breakfast club and afterschool clubs will remain open, as normal, for children who are coming into school.  

I apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or concerns about the arrangements outlined above, please speak to Mrs Rix in the first instance. As ever, thank you for your continued support. School will be open to all year groups on Wednesday 3rd May.   

King’s Coronation – Friday 5th May 

To mark this very special occasion, we have a wonderful day planned here at Pearson Primary School. We are asking the children to come to school dressed in red, white and blue clothing, in keeping with the national colours of the United Kingdom. We then have a special menu for lunch, followed by a fun family event: 

King’s Coronation Lunch 

To celebrate the King’s Coronation, the children will be enjoying a delicious King’s Coronation Tea Party for lunch on Friday 5th May.  There will be sandwiches, chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, sausage or cheese and onion rolls, crisps, salad and picnic eggs! And if that wasn’t enough, there will be lots of amazing desserts to choose from such as gingerbread or shortcake crowns, victoria sponge cake or cupcakes! 

For children in year 3 to year 6, school meals cost £1.50 per child per day (unless your child entitled to free school meals). You don’t need to pre-book school meals, just ask your child to let their teacher know on the day! 

For more information, including allergens, on both our Coronation menu and normal menu, please follow this link 

King’s Coronation Family Event – 2.00pm till 3.10pm 

You are all invited to our King’s Coronation Family Event on Friday 5th May at 2pm.  Please come along and enjoy our outdoor space and join in some fun, family activities.  There will be den building, dancing, making mud pies in our mud kitchen, bug hunting and much more!! An invitation has been sent home with your child today. 

There will also be a refreshments stall selling sweets and soft drinks, so please bring some small change along with you.  All profits will go directly back into the school funds. Most items will cost 50p or £1.00. 

We really do hope you can join in the celebrations with us and hope to see you there! 


Have a wonderful, long weekend and we will see you again on Tuesday for EYFS, Year 1 Year 4 and Year 6.  

Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5 will join us all again on Wednesday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 






21st April 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you all enjoyed a restful Easter break and for those who are celebrating Eid today, Eid Mubarak.

After School Clubs

Our after school clubs start again next week. If you haven’t already put your name down, don’t worry, you still have time!

Our clubs this term are:

Monday – Just Play (Yr 1 to Yr 6) or Football (Yr 4 to Yr 6)

Tuesday – Craft/Drawing (Yr 1 to Yr 6)

Wednesday – Puzzle & Games (Yr 1 to Yr 6) or Skateboarding (Yr 2 to Yr 6)

Thursday – Multi-sports (Yr 1 to Yr 6)

All clubs cost £5.00 per child with the exception of skateboarding which costs £10.

Please see Miss Maw on the playground or pop to the school office to book your place.

Rail Safety

On Tuesday, we are very pleased to welcome a Community Rail Education Officer to Pearson, who will be speaking to our children all about keeping themselves safe around railway tracks and trains.

Strike Action – Thursday 27th April

As I am sure you are aware, the planned action is as a result of a dispute between the unions and the government. We are expecting a significant number of colleagues at Pearson to be taking industrial action.  

To ensure our school remains safe for our children and that there is adequate supervision in place, some of our year groups are closed on the 27th April.  

To clarify, the following year groups will be closed on 27th April  

Year 2 

Year 3 

Year 5 

All other classes will remain open. 

Breakfast club and afterschool clubs will remain open, as normal, for children who are coming in to school. 

If your child is in year 2 (they are automatically entitled to a free school meal) or if your child has been awarded free school meals from Hull City Council, you can collect a packed lunch containing a sandwich, crisps, fruit and a yoghurt between 11am and 12pm from school on 27th April.  

Please note this must be ordered in advance, via the school office, no later than 10.30am on Monday 24th April.   

I apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or concerns about the arrangements outlined above, please speak to Mrs Rix in the first instance. As ever, thank you for your continued support. School will be open to all year groups on Friday 28th April.  

Please be aware there is another expected strike action day on Tuesday 2nd May and we will provide more details next Friday.

Bank Holiday Monday & Kings Coronation Bank Holiday

Just a little reminder that we have two bank holiday Monday’s coming up and school will be closed on both of these dates:

Bank Holiday Monday – 1st May

The Kings Coronation Bank Holiday – 8th May


Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


31st March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

School is now closed for the Easter Holidays. Thank you all for your continued support over the Spring term, we have really enjoyed opening up our school and welcoming everyone to join in with all our events! We hope you have enjoyed attending them as much as we have enjoyed hosting them!

The summer term promises to have many more events for you all to enjoy, here’s a few dates for you to remember for when we return.

New Menu – Starts 17th April

Our delicious new two-week menu starts when we return. You will notice a few exciting differences to our usual menu, such as finger food Wednesdays, where you can build your own burger or wrap!

Please see our website or follow this link to see what we have on offer for you to enjoy

EYFS Parent’s Consultation – 17th April

Our next Parent’s consultation is on our first day back, Monday 17th April at 2.30pm and is focussed on families with children in EYFS.

Charlotte, our NHS Mental Health Support Nurse, will be talking about a very important subject, ‘looking after our wellbeing’ and then the rest of the meeting will focus on ‘Shine’. This is the outdoor play and learning project we are running in the Foundation Stage. You will have the opportunity to learn all about it and make a visit to the Outdoor learning environment with your children.

We really do hope you can join us for a really informative, informal chat, a slice of homemade cake and a hot drink.

After School Stay and Play Event – Tuesday 18th April

On Tuesday 18th April, weather permitting, we are leaving our outdoor grounds open for you all to enjoy some outdoor family playtime together after school. You will have full use of all our outdoor equipment, including a range of sporting equipment like bats and balls, outdoor toys and the fixed play equipment.

To take part, just collect your child/ren as usual at 3.15pm and stay and play until 4.15pm!

Eid Party – Friday 21st April

To celebrate Eid, each year group will be holding an Eid party in their classrooms on Friday 21st April. This year, we are so pleased to be able to accept all of your amazing party food donations once again. We are looking forward to trying all of your delicious treats, but please make sure there are no nuts in any of the food brought into school.  Look out for more details to follow when we return after the break. Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who entered our Easter raffle, you have all helped to raise an amazing £92.00 for our school.

The lucky winners are (drum roll please …………)

 1st Prize  –  Raella

2nd Prize  –  Ivy

3rd Prize – Yasin

Stay safe and enjoy the Easter break. We will see you all again on Monday 17th April,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


24th March 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

The end of Spring Term is fast approaching, so just a reminder that we break up next Friday, 31st March and return on Monday 17th April. 

We still have lots to fit in before we break off, so here’s some dates to make a note of in your diary. 

Spring Disco – Monday 27th March 

It’s time to pop on your dancing shoes again! To celebrate the end of term we are holding our Spring Disco! 

Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 can bring their party clothes to school in a bag and get ready straight after school. Their disco is 3:15 – 4:15.            

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will return to school for their disco at 4:15 until 5:15.    

Tickets are on sale now and are available to buy from your child’s class teacher, in their classroom, at a cost of £2 per ticket. A small packet of sweets and a drink of juice are included in the price of the ticket!  

Please note, tickets will be handed to the children by their teacher on Monday, the day of the disco.  

Children can also buy extra drinks and snacks at the disco for 50p each item.  

Decorate an Egg Competition – Tuesday 28th March  

Please remember that everyone is invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg for our annual Easter Egg Competition. As our ongoing project this year is working on and improving outdoor play and learning, the theme for this year’s competition is ‘Outdoor Play’. This could be your favourite outdoor game, something you would like to see in our playground, anything at all as long it fits our theme!  

If entries could please be dropped off in the small hall on arrival to school on Tuesday 28th March, they will be displayed for all the children to view during the day. Winners will be announced in the afternoon assembly. 

Good luck everyone, we cannot wait to see all of your eggcellent creations! 

Easter Raffle- to be drawn Friday 31st March 

This year’s Easter raffle is full of delicious chocolate, fluffy toys, and more! To be in with a chance of winning, buy your raffle tickets from staff members on the playground every morning. Tickets cost £1 for 5 tickets and will be drawn on Friday 31st March. Will yours be the winning ticket? 

All monies raised will be used towards enhancing our children’s time here at Pearson.  

Year 5 Fundraiser for PGL Residential Trip – Friday 31st March 

Year 5 are running a cake and bun sale at playtime on Friday. All children will be able to buy a treat at playtime so get your 50p’s ready. Any purchases can be eaten at playtime or wrapped up and taken home to be eaten later on.  

Have a wonderful weekend and remember that the clocks go forward 1 hour on Sunday at 1am. 

Take very good care,  

 Mrs L Clarkson 


17th March 2023  

Dear Parents and Carers,    

Thank you to everyone who attended our Spring Craft Coffee Morning, we hope you all enjoyed making your amazing spring crafts as much as we enjoyed hosting the event!  

Red Nose Day  

Today we showed our support for Red Nose Day by wearing red!  Together, we managed to raise £85.43 which will all go directly to Red Nose Day. Well done everyone and thank you.  

 Bring-a-box Day  

Weather permitting, we are holding a bring-a-box day on Tuesday 21st March! Bring-a-box day means we are asking every child to bring an empty box to school to play with during lunchtime. Any box will do, big or small, as long as it’s empty!  By bringing an empty box, we are hoping to spark imaginations and encourage play throughout the year groups.  

Decorate an Egg Competition 

All our Pearson families are invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg for our annual Easter egg competition. As our ongoing project this year is working on and improving outdoor play and learning, the theme for this year’s competition is ‘Something to do with outdoor play’. This could be your favourite outdoor game, something you would like to see in our playground, anything at all as long it fits in our theme!  

Entries must be dropped off in the Hall on arrival to school on Tuesday 28th March, where they will be displayed for the children to view during the day. Winners will be announced in assembly on the day.   

Good luck everyone, we cannot wait to see all your eggcellent creations!!  

Easter Raffle  

This year’s Easter raffle is full of delicious chocolate, fluffy toys, and more! To be in with a chance of winning, buy your raffle tickets from staff members on the playground or the school office from Monday. Tickets cost £1 for 5 tickets. Will yours be the winning ticket? 

All monies raised will be used towards enhancing our children’s time here at Pearson.  

Spring Disco – Tickets go on sale on Monday 

It’s time to pop on your dancing shoes again! To celebrate the end of term we are holding a Spring disco on Monday 27th March! Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 can bring their party clothes to school in a bag and get ready straight after school. Their disco is 3:15 – 4:15.           

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will return to school for their disco at 4:15 until 5:15.   

 Tickets will be on sale from Monday and are available to buy from your child’s class teacher in their classroom at a cost of £2 per ticket. A small packet of sweets and a drink of juice are included in the price of the ticket! 

Please note, tickets will be handed to the children by their teacher on the day of the disco. 


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all again on Monday for another busy week.  

Take very good care,   

Mrs L Clarkson  


10th March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

After a very cold and wintery week, we are hoping spring will soon be here bringing some much warmer weather along with it!

Mosque Class Visits

We would like to express a special thank you to Hull Mosque & Islamic Centre in Berkeley Street, who kindly welcomed us into the mosque as part of our RE curriculum. Imam Salik was very informative and the visits really helped to enhance our learning, thank you.

Spring Coffee Morning – Monday

This Monday, 13th March at 9am, we are hosting a Spring Coffee Morning, and you are all invited! Come along and join your child/children to make some fun, spring arts and crafts. Everything you need to get creative will be provided, and as always, there will be a warm drink and a biscuit to enjoy.

We hope to see you there!

Strike Action – Wednesday 15th March & Thursday 16th March

As I am sure you are aware, the planned action is as a result of a dispute between the unions and the government. We are expecting a significant number of colleagues at Pearson to be taking industrial action.

To ensure our school remains safe for our children and that there is adequate supervision in place, some of our year groups are closed on the 15th & 16th March.

To clarify, the following year groups will be closed on 15th & 16th March.

Year 2

Year 3

Year 5

All other classes will remain open.

Breakfast club and afterschool clubs will remain open, as normal, for children who are coming in to school.

If your child is in year 2 (they are automatically entitled to a free school meal) or if your child has been awarded free school meals from Hull City Council, you can collect a packed lunch containing a sandwich, crisps, fruit and a yoghurt between 11am and 12pm from school on 15th & 16th March.

Please note this must be ordered in advance, via the school office, no later than 10.30am on Monday 16th March.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or concerns about the arrangements outlined above, please speak to Mrs Rix in the first instance. As ever, thank you for your continued support. School will be open to all year groups on Friday 17th March.

Friday 17th March – Red Nose Day

For a suggested donation of £1 (or whatever you can spare) we are asking the children to come to school dressed in red on Friday 17th March. All donations will be gratefully received and will go directly to Red Nose Day.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


3rd March 2023

 Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to attend our community events recently, it really has been wonderful seeing our Pearson families taking such an interest in our school and we have loved hearing your thoughts and ideas!

The children (and grown up’s) thoroughly enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day, and I must say, the outfits this year were spectacular!

This week has flown by with Parents Evenings, our Family Consultations and World Book day, and the next few weeks seem just as busy!  Here are the dates for your diary for the next two weeks:

Week commencing 6th March – Mosque Visits – all year groups 

Over the next week, as part of our religious Education curriculum, all children who access RE are going on a visit to our local mosque.

Tuesday 7th March – Year 4 & 5 Museum Visit  

Our Year 4 & Year 5 children will be visiting the Hull and East Riding Museum in Hull’s museums quarter, to learn all about the Romans.

 Thursday 9th March – Health & Relationship Consultation for Parents at 9am– All year groups & Sex Education Consultation for Parents at 2.30pm–Years 4, 5 & 6

For more information, please see the letter sent home in your child’s book bag today.

Monday 13th March – Spring Coffee Morning for Families at 8.50am

Come along and join your child/children and have some fun making spring crafts together.  Everything you need to create some wonderful art will be provided and as always, there will be a warm drink and biscuits to enjoy too.  We hope to see you there.

Thursday 16th March – EYFS Streetlife Museum Visit

Our children from EYFS will enjoy a visit to the Streetlife Museum in Hull’s Museum Quarter.

 Friday 17th March – Red Nose Day

For a suggested donation of £1 (or whatever you can spare) we are asking the children to come to school dressed in red on Friday 17th March. All donations will be gratefully received and will go directly to Red Nose Day.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


24th February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you all enjoyed a restful half term break. The next few weeks are packed full with community events, and we look forward to welcoming you all.  Here are just a few dates for your diary, with more to follow in next week’s letter!

Family Consultation

We are holding our next family consultation on Monday 27th February, 2.30pm until 3.15pm and we would really welcome your thoughts and ideas on an exciting new project we are working on to enhance our children’s playtimes. We will also be introducing our NHS Mental Health Support Nurse, Charlotte, who visits Pearson to chat to both children and adults on a weekly basis.

We really do hope you can make this very informative consultation, and as always there will be a slice of delicious cake and a warm drink to enjoy!

Strike Action – Tuesday 28th February

As I am sure you are aware, the planned action is as a result of a dispute between the unions and the government. We are expecting a significant number of colleagues at Pearson to be taking industrial action.

To ensure our school remains safe for our children and that there is adequate supervision in place, some of our year groups are closed on the 28th February.

To clarify, the following year groups will be closed on 28th February

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

All other classes will remain open.

Breakfast club and afterschool clubs will remain open, as normal, for children who are coming in to school.

If your child is in year 2 (they are automatically entitled to a free school meal) or if your child has been awarded free school meals from Hull City Council, you can collect a packed lunch containing a sandwich, crisps, fruit and a yoghurt between 11am and 12pm from school on 28th February.

Please note this must be ordered in advance, via the school office, no later than 10.30am on Monday 27th February.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or concerns about the arrangements outlined above, please speak to Mrs Rix in the first instance. As ever, thank you for your continued support. School will be open to all year groups on Wednesday 1st March.

Phonics for Families – Year 1

Miss Nixon will be inviting families from year 1 to join us for a phonics session, where there will be lots of useful hints and tips to help you read with your child at home using the Read, Write Inc phonics programme.

Year 1 Parents – Wednesday 1st March, 9am until 10am

We hope to see you there!

Parents Consultation Evenings

Our parent consultation evenings, where you can view your child’s work and speak to their teacher, will be held on:

Wednesday 1st March

Thursday 2nd March

Tuesday 7th March

Appointment times have been sent home in your child’s book bag today.

World Book Day – 2nd March

This year for World Book Day, we are reading a book called ‘The Pet’ by Catherine Emmett and David Tazzyman.

‘The Pet’ is all about a boy who wants a pet which is bigger and better than everybody else’s!

To celebrate this wonderful book, on World Book Day, Thursday 2nd March, we are asking all our children (and staff) to dress up as their favourite animal or, in the colour of an animal.

We are very excited to see all your amazing outfits!

We hope you all enjoy a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday for our very busy week!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


10th February 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have all worked really hard this term and are all ready for a well earnt rest. We hope you all get the chance to relax over the half term break! Remember school closes today at 3.15pm and will re-open again on Tuesday 21st February.

We have lots of events planned for next term so here are some dates for your diary:

Phonics for Families – EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2

Miss Nixon will be inviting parents to join us for a phonics session, where there will be lots of useful hints and tips to help you read with your child at home using the Read, Write Inc phonics programme.

EYFS Parents – Wednesday 22nd February, 9am until 10am

Year 1 Parents – Wednesday 1st March, 9am until 10am

Year 2 Parents – Wednesday 8th March, 9am until 10am

We hope to see you there!

Family Consultation

We are holding our next family consultation on Monday 27th February, 2.30pm until 3.15pm and we would really welcome your thoughts and ideas on an exciting new project we are working on to enhance our children’s playtimes. We will also be introducing our NHS Mental Health Support Nurse, Charlotte, who visits Pearson to chat to both children and adults on a weekly basis.

We really do hope you can make this very informative consultation, and as always there will be a slice of delicious cake and a warm drink to enjoy!

World Book Day – 2nd March

This year for World Book Day, we are reading a book called ‘The Pet’ by Catherine Emmett and David Tazzyman.

‘The Pet’ is all about a boy who wants a pet which is bigger and better than everybody else’s!

To celebrate this wonderful book, on World Book Day, Thursday 2nd March, we are asking all our children (and staff) to dress up as their favourite animal or, in the colour of an animal.

We are very excited to see all your amazing outfits!

Parents Consultation Evenings

Our parent consultation evenings, where you can view your child’s work and speak to their teacher will be held on:

Wednesday 1st March

Thursday 2nd March

Tuesday 7th March

There will be more details to follow, and will be sent home in your child’s book bag nearer the time.

Spring Monday Morning Meet-up

Come along for a warm drink and biscuits, and join your child in making some Spring Crafts on Monday 13th March 9am until 10am. All the materials you need to make your crafty creations will be provided, we look forward to seeing you all then.

Have a lovely half term break and stay safe! We will see you all again on Tuesday 21st February.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


3rd February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

The weeks seem to be flying by, we only have one more week left of this half term! School will close at 3.15pm on Friday 10th February and we will return to school on Tuesday 21st February 2023.

Thank You

Thank you for your continued support during the strike day on Wednesday. We will keep you updated about any further strike action and how it may affect our school nearer the time, for reference, the next future planned date is Tuesday 28th February 2023.

Wellington Boots Wanted!

We’re not going to let the wet weather spoil our outdoor play, so plan to have a supply of wet weather clothing available for the whole school to use!

We are hoping to have a store of wellington boots and waterproof coats for all 223 of our children here at Pearson, so we really need your help!

If you have any preloved children’s wellington boots or waterproof coats that you no longer need, in any children’s sizes, we would love to give them a new home here at school.

All donations will be gratefully received, just pop them into the school office anytime.

Thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we’ll see you all again on Monday for the last week of term,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


24th January 2023

Dear Parent/Carers

Re: Strike Action – Wednesday 1st February

Following my letter last week about the strike action planned for Wednesday 1st February, I am writing to give you as much notice as possible of the impact on Pearson Primary School.

As I am sure you are aware, the planned action is as a result of a dispute between the unions and the government. We are expecting a significant number of colleagues at Pearson to be taking industrial action.

To ensure our school remains safe for our children and that there is adequate supervision in place, some of our year groups are closed on the 1st February.

To clarify, the following year groups will be closed on 1st February

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

All other classes will remain open.

Breakfast club and afterschool clubs will remain open, as normal, for children who are coming in to school.

If your child is in year 2 (they are automatically entitled to a free school meal) or if your child has been awarded free school meals from Hull City Council, you can collect a packed lunch containing a sandwich, crisps, fruit and a yoghurt between 11am and 12pm from school on 1st February.

Please note this must be ordered in advance, via the school office, no later than Thursday 26th January.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or concerns about the arrangements outlined above, please speak to Mrs Rix in the first instance. As ever, thank you for your continued support. School will be open to all year groups on Thursday 2nd February.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs L Clarkson


20th January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have had an exciting week, we loved seeing them all having so much fun and enjoying the little snow showers!  There was so much amazement and joy, it was wonderful to watch.

Teacher Strikes

As you will be aware from the news, the National Education Union (NEU) has recently announced a number of planned industrial action/strike days across England and Wales, the first of which is scheduled for 1st February.

We are currently planning for how this may affect our school, and will share the details with you as soon as possible. As always, thank you for your continued support, it really does make a difference.

Reading under the Stars

On Monday 30th January, our upper school children (Years 4, 5 & 6) are all invited to wear their most comfortable pajamas and join us for reading under the stars. Don’t worry, we won’t be outside in the cold though, we’ll be cosy and warm in our starry themed classrooms! Don’t forget to send your child with their uniform and sensible shoes in a named bag for them to change into ready for playtime.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us from 9am until 10am, we hope to see you there.

Look out for more details to follow next week.

Have a wonderful (and hopefully not quite as chilly) weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


13th January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We’ve had a wonderful start to our new term, the children have all settled well and have been working very hard!

Attendance & Time Keeping

Our attendance since we returned to school has been amazing, despite the usual winter sniffles and colds, so thank you all for your continued support.

Unfortunately, lateness in now becoming an issue and we wanted to make you aware of the direct impact this can have on your child’s education.

Did you know, if your child is late by:

  • 5 minutes every day, over a year, this equates to 3.5 school days or 20 lessons!
  • Being late by 30 minutes every day, over a year, is the same as being absent from school for a huge 22 days or 123 lessons!

Being on time really does make a big difference to your child’s learning.

To guarantee being at school on time, why not bring your child to our free Early Birds Club, every school morning? Gates open at 8am until 8.15am, but please note, there will be no admission to Early Birds Club after 8.15am.

Our Early Birds Club provides a friendly, happy and safe environment where the children can enjoy a free delicious breakfast of toast with jam or butter and a choice of healthy cereals and fruit.

After breakfast all the children buddy up and enjoy some reading time together and then they join in with a variety of organised play and educational activities such as outdoor skills games, table tennis, and construction challenges.

Our Early Birds Cub is available to all children from Foundation Stage 2 (with prior permission, please speak to Mrs Thackery) up to Year 6.Early Birds Club is not available for our Foundation 1 children, due to the increase of staffing ratio children of this age require.

We hope the weather stays dry and bright for the weekend and you all enjoy a restful break. We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


6th January 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year to all our Pearson families, we hope you all had a restful break and are feeling recharged, ready for another busy term.

PE Kits

PE lessons are a compulsory part of our curriculum and will take place every week for every child (excluding Foundation 1).

It’s important to wear our PE kit when playing sports or being active to keep our school uniform clean and hygienic. With this in mind, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school, on their allocated day.

For EYFS2, Year 1, 2 & 3 – we recommend leaving a named PE kit in a named bag at school.  Your child’s teacher will send the PE kits home at the end of each term to be washed and returned at the start of the new term.

Year 4 – PE will take place every Tuesday

Year 5 – PE will take place every Friday

Year 6 – PE will take place every Friday

Please note, if your child does not have their PE kit with them, they will still participate in the lesson. Wearing their school uniform may result in their uniform getting dirty or damaged and we would like to avoid this if at all possible.

Wellington Boots Wanted!

Here at Pearson, we like the children to play outside in all weathers including rain, but only if they are suitably dressed, so, we are holding a Welly & Waterproof Drive!

If you have any preloved children’s wellington boots or waterproof coats that you no longer need, we would love to give them a new home here at school.

Any donations will be gratefully received, thank you.

Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


16th December 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week has been a very busy, but incredibly fun week!

We have been lucky enough to watch our amazing Foundation Stage, Year 1 & Year 2 children shine in their Nativity plays, and they really were spectacular! Well done to everyone involved, we are very proud of you all.

We have popped on our dancing shoes and danced the night away at our disco on Wednesday evening where lots of fun and laughter was had by everyone.

And yesterday, at our Christmas parties, we ate lots and lots of party food and pulled lots and lots of Christmas crackers.

Even with all the festive fun and excitement, our children have still managed to work really hard during their lessons, well done everyone.

After all that fun and hard work we are all ready for a well earnt rest now!

School closes at 3.15pm today and reopens again on Wednesday 4th January 2023.

School Fayre

We just wanted to say thank you once again to everyone who came to our Christmas Fayre. Because of your support we managed to raise a huge £350 for our school! All monies raised are used to enhance our children’s learning experiences. With this in mind, the children have chosen to spend the money on some wonderful new books for Pearson Primary School, and are looking forward to reading them when they arrive in the New Year.

Safeguarding Children Over the Christmas Holiday

If your concern is urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm, then contact the police via 999.

If you have concerns about a child at Pearson, which you believe the school need to be aware of, then email Suzanne Wilson, Strategic Safeguarding Lead for HCAT: or Mrs Neale, Deputy Head and Safeguarding Lead here at Pearson Primary School:

You can also call Childline anytime of the day or night on Tel: 0800 1111

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and make lots of special memories together.

We will see you all again on Wednesday 4th January for the start of another exciting term.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mrs L Clarkson


9th December 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who came to our Craft morning on Thursday, we were amazed by how many families joined us! We hope you all enjoyed making some lovely festive masterpieces together!

Our Christmas lunch was delicious and it was great to see all our children having so much fun. We especially enjoyed seeing such wonderful outfits!

There are still lots of festivities to come during the last week of term.

EYFS Christmas Performance  – Tuesday 13th December -9:40am or 1:55pm  

Our Foundation children will be proudly presenting their fabulous Christmas performance to our EYFS parents and carers only.

Look out for your tickets in your child’s book bag. Please note, tickets are limited to two per family.

Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas performance  – Wednesday 14th December – 1:55pm or Thursday 15th December at 9:40AM

Our children from Year 1 and Year 2 will be super excited to perform their Christmas play for their parents and carers​.

Tickets are available to collect from Monday, please note, tickets are limited to two per family on a first come, first served basis.

Wednesday 14th December – School Disco

Tickets are now on sale from your child’s class teacher at a cost £2.00 per child and include entry to the disco and a hotdog or halal hotdog.

Lower school will boogie on down from 3.15pm until 4.15pm & upper school will dance the night away from 4.15pm till 5.15pm.  There will be sweets (50p & £1) and drinks (50p) to buy too.

We will send the details again next week via text, so look out for our message!

Thursday 15th December – Class Christmas Parties

Each class will enjoy a Christmas party after lunch on Thursday 15th December, party food will be provided. Please send £1 per child to cover the cost of the food, any left overs will be enjoyed the next day.

Friday 16th December – Last Day of Term

School will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December at 3.15pm and reopens on Wednesday 4th January.

Have a lovely relaxing weekend and we’ll see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



2nd December 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Fayre today, we were amazed by how many families joined us for some Christmas fun! We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!

Father Christmas enjoyed meeting you all so much, he has already arranged to come back again next year!

We only have two more weeks left before we break up for Christmas, and we have lots of exciting events in store.

Thursday 8th December – Family Christmas Craft morning from 8:50am till 10:00am.The children will need to go to class for registration as usual and then you can join them for some fun festive crafts. Everything you need will be provided, so just come along and join in.

Thursday 8th December – Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Lunch

If they wish, children can wear a Christmas jumper or party clothes, or even just a hint of a celebration outfit with some fancy socks or a hairband to celebrate Christmas Jumper Day! We can’t wait to see your wonderful outfits.

Our very talented cooks will also be serving a delicious traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and as always, Halal turkey will be available.  Christmas dinner will cost £1.50 per child from Year 3 upwards (unless you are entitled to free school meals) and for our younger children in EYFS2, Year 1 & Year 2, school meals are free.

There will of course, be lots of festive fun and music across lunchtime too.

Tuesday 13th December – am & pm – EYFS Christmas Performance

Our Foundation children will be proudly presenting their fabulous Christmas performance to our EYFS parents and carers only. There will be a performance in the morning and in the afternoon so that everyone can hopefully attend. Times to be confirmed.

Wednesday 14th December –am – KS1 Christmas performance –

Our children from Year 1 and Year 2 will be super excited to perform their Christmas play for their parents and carers​. The exact time is still to be confirmed, but don’t worry if you can’t make this performance, there is another chance on Thursday 15th December in the morning. Time to also be confirmed.

Wednesday 14th December – School Disco

Tickets will go on sale from Tuesday, and will cost £2.00 per child.

Lower school will boogie on down from 3.15pm until 4.15pm & upper school will dance the night away from 4.15pm till 5.15pm.  There will be sweets (50p & £1) and drinks (50p) to buy too.

We will send the details again next week via text, so look out for our message!

Thursday 15th December – Class Christmas Parties

Each class will enjoy a Christmas party after lunch on Thursday 15th December, party food will be provided. Please send £1 per child to cover the cost of the food, any left overs will be enjoyed the next day.

Friday 16th December – Last Day of Term

School will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December at 3.15pm and reopens on Wednesday 4th January.

Have a lovely relaxing weekend and we’ll see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


25th November 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

The weeks are whizzing by, and December will soon be upon us! We have lots of fun planned throughout the coming weeks and we will keep you updated on all our events via the Friday letter, class dojo, texts and on our website!

Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas Fayre will take place next Friday from 2.30pm till 4.00pm and you are all invited!

There will be lots of festive crafts to buy, all carefully handmade by our children, fun games to play and tombola’s to be won. We will be selling delicious hot dogs, halal hotdogs, biscuits and mince pies, along with a choice of hot and cold drinks.

News of our school Fayre has travelled all the way to The North Pole, and a VERY special guest has sent us an elf-mail asking if he could come along to meet you all!

Can you guess who is going to pop into our school just in time for our Fayre?

It’s Father Christmas!!!

Father Christmas has even asked his elves to make a Santa’s Grotto, right here at Pearson Primary School! If you would like to say hello to Father Christmas, come along to his magical grotto and if you’re really lucky, you may even receive a small gift from him!

To help Father Christmas buy all the very expensive magic food he needs to feed his very hungry reindeer, there will be a small charge of £1.50 per child to visit Father Christmas, payable on the day.

We don’t want anyone to miss the festive fun so if parents and carers are unable to come, all children will still get the chance to walk around the Fayre. So, if your child would like to take part in any of our games, visit Father Christmas or buy anything from our stalls, please send some money in a named envelope for them on the day. Prices will range from 50p to £1.

Please note, if you arrive after 2.45pm, your child will already be visiting the Fayre so you must sign in at the gate and locate your child/ren yourself.

Children will be able to leave the school site at 3:15 as usual.

Chocolate Raffle – Donations

Thank you all for your kind donations of chocolate, ready for our very chocolatey chocolate tombola! We are still accepting chocolate donations right up until Wednesday, and any chocolate bars (nut free) you can spare will be gratefully accepted.

Children in Need

Wow, well done everyone for all your generous donations for Children in Need last week. We managed to make a Pudsey Bear big enough to fill our stage with all the coins and together we raised a huge £123.76.

Thank you.

Enjoy a lovely relaxing weekend and we will see you all again on Monday

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


18th November 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

After a very rainy week here at Pearson, we are hoping for a nice dry weekend!

Children in Need

We have really enjoyed seeing all your spotty and Pudsey outfits today, you all looked fabulous.

Thank you all for your very generous donations for Children in Need, we managed to draw a rather large Pudsey Bear with all the coins!

We will let you know next week the total amount raised and all donations will go directly to Children in Need, thank you.

Monday Morning Meet Up – 8.50am till 10am

You are all invited to our Monday Morning Meet-up, where we will be making some lovely Autumnal crafts with the children. If you would like to come along and join us, please send your children to class as normal and then head to the dining hall for a warm drink and a biscuit whilst you wait.  The children will get their morning register mark in class and then be brought across to the dining hall to meet you.  Then the crafting can begin! Everything you need you need to create an Autumnal masterpiece will be provided!

Please note, only children with a parent or carer on site will take part in the crafts in the dining hall.

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


11th November 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Next week, as well as working incredibly hard in class, we will also be having some fun showing our support for some very worthwhile charities.

Monday – Odd Sock Day for Anti-bullying Week

To mark the start of anti-bullying week, we are asking the children to wear odd socks on Monday 14th November. We want to see as many odd socks as possible, be it spotty, stripy or different colours as long as they don’t match, you will be showing your support!

Friday – Non-Uniform Day for Children in Need

Friday is Children in Need day!  We will be wearing spotty themed non-uniform in exchange for any spare change you may have. The coins will then be used to create a Pudsey Bear! All donations will be gratefully received and the more coins we receive the bigger the Pudsey Bear! How big do you think he will be??

All monies raised will go directly to Children in Need, thank you.

Flu Immunisations

This year, we have had the biggest uptake on flu immunisations ever! So big in fact, that the immunisation team needs to come back again for a second day. If your child has been immunised today they will have brought a slip home with them, if you gave consent and your child does not have a slip they will receive their vaccination on Tuesday 29th November.

Please don’t worry if you haven’t given consent yet, just follow the link below

Remember, as well as the nasal spray there is also a halal version which is administered by injection.

If you have any queries or questions about the flu immunisations, please contact IntraHealth directly on Tel: 0333 3583397.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you and your odd socks again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs Clarkson


4th November 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,

We were really pleased to welcome our children back after the half term break, they have all settled back into the school routine nicely. We know how difficult it can be getting to school on time when it’s dark and cold outside, so well done everyone and keep it up!

Mobile Phones – Polite Notice

To continue to help us to keep our children safe, please do not use your mobile phones whilst on school grounds. Thank you.

Community Events – Dates for your diary

We have so many exciting community events planned for this term, why not make a note in your diary so you don’t miss out!

Family Sewing Project – Tuesday 8th, 15th, and 22nd November, 3:15pm to 4:15pm. Bring the family along and enjoy some craft time together, everything you need will be provided! We cannot wait to see your creations! To sign up, please return the reply slip sent home with your child on Wednesday or pop into the office.

Monday Morning Meet Up – Monday 21st November 8:50am to 10:00am. Children are able to join their families for some crafting time, making lots of Autumnal art. More details to follow.​

 Pearson’s Spectacular Christmas Fair – Friday 2nd December 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Come along for your chance to buy some wonderful gifts, thoughtfully handmade by our Pearson children. There will be lots of stalls including hot drinks & food, raffles, and games. If you are interested in hiring a stall (for a very small fee), please contact the school office for more information.

 Family Christmas Craft morning – Thursday 8th December – 8:50am to 10:00am.Join          your children for some fun Christmas crafts. Look out for more details to follow.

EYFS Christmas Performance – Tuesday 13th December – am & pm. Our Foundation children will be proudly presenting their fabulous Christmas performance to our EYFS parents and carers only. There will be a performance in the morning and in the afternoon so that everyone can hopefully attend. Times to be confirmed.

KS1 Christmas performance – Wednesday 14th December –am.  Our children from Year 1 and Year 2 will be super excited to perform their Christmas play for their parents and carers​. The exact time is still to be confirmed, but don’t worry if you can’t make this performance, there is another chance on Thursday 15th December in the morning. Time to also be confirmed.

Enjoy the weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday for another busy week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


20th October 2022     

Dear Parents and Carers,

After a lovely sunny start to the week, the autumnal weather has definitely arrived today! Let’s hope the sun shines for us again on during our half term break.  Remember, school closes today and reopens on Tuesday 1st November.

Harvest Festival

Thank you all so much for all your incredibly generous Harvest donations. The donations were gratefully received by the Open Doors Charity and some of our local, elderly neighbours.

Thank you for your support.

Internet Safety

As the weather gets colder, it’s likely children will spend more time indoors playing on their electronic devices.  With this in mind, please make sure parental controls are on any devices your child uses and speak to your child about staying safe online. We have lots of useful hints and tips on how to keep your child safe online on our website or click here:

It’s important to remind children to be kind to one another whilst using electronic devices such as phones, tablets, laptops and gaming consoles as they often don’t realise the impact of their comments when made online and it could be considered as cyberbullying. For more information about cyberbullying and online harassment please follow this link or see our website.

We hope you all thoroughly enjoy the half term break, and we will see you all again on Tuesday 1st November!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


14th October 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s been a very busy week here at Pearson! We can’t believe we are almost at the end of our first half-term of 2022/23!

Parent’s Evenings

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our parent’s evenings on Wednesday and Thursday this week.  It was really lovely to see so many families enjoying a warm drink and a chat in between appointments.

We hope our children loved sharing their work with you as much as our teachers enjoyed telling you all about their amazing achievements!

If you were unable to make our Parent’s evening, it is really important that you pop in to make an alternative appointment with your child’s teacher so that you can hear all about your child’s progress so far this year.

October Half Term

Just a little reminder that we close for October half term, on Thursday 20th October 2022 and return to school on Tuesday 1st November 2022. We hope you are all looking forward to a wonderful relaxing break.

Enjoy the weekend and we will see you all again on Monday, ready for a short 4 day week!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


7th October 2022

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We have been so busy this week, it seems to have flown by!  The last day of term will be here before we know it!  School will close for the October half term on Thursday 20th October and will reopen on Tuesday 1st November.

Community Events

Thank you to everyone who came to our Family and Community Session on Monday. We were thrilled to see such a good turn out! Your input was invaluable and we have listened to your feedback and will be making changes to some of our parent meetings in the future.

Thank you to our Year 2 parents who attended Miss Nixon’s phonics group on Wednesday, we hope you have enjoyed putting some of the things we discussed into practice at home.

Harvest Festival

This year we will be supporting The Open Doors Project and our local community.  We would really appreciate any donations of dry goods like rice, pasta and sugar, tinned goods such as tuna, sardines, soup or unopened toiletries. All donations will be distributed fairly between our chosen charities.

Should you wish to help, please bring any donations to the dining hall before Wednesday 12th October, thank you in advance for all your support.

Parents Evening

Next week we are looking forward to welcoming you all to our parents evening.  This is your opportunity to chat to your child’s class teacher, meet our Wellbeing Team and look at the amazing work your child has created so far this year.

So, why not come along and join us for a warm drink and biscuits and take the opportunity to talk to our wonderful Wellbeing Team whilst you wait.

Parents evening will be held on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October and appointment times have been sent home in your child’s book bag. Please check for your invitation today.

We look forward to seeing you then!

Enjoy the weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


30th September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we go into Autumn, the colder weather is creeping upon us.  With this in mind, please make sure you send your child to school in their school jumper and winter coat.  We play outside as much as possible here at Pearson, so it’s important your child is dressed in warm clothing.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who donated all of the delicious cakes and buns and to all the parents that popped in to our coffee morning. We couldn’t have hosted such a lovely morning without your support.

The children have all thoroughly enjoyed their slices of cake too – there were lots of big smiles (and plenty of crumbs) to be seen everywhere!

Together we have raised £101.50, all of which will go directly to Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you so much.

Phonics Meeting

Thank you to our Year 1 parents who attended our parent phonics group on Wednesday, hosted by Miss Nixon. We hope you enjoy putting some of the things we discussed into practice at home.

Miss Nixon will also be holding a group for our Year 2 parents, on Wednesday 5th October at 9am in the small hall. As always, hot drinks and biscuits will be provided too.

We hope to see you there.

Family and Community Engagement Session

Just a reminder that our next Family and Community Engagement Session is on Monday 3rd October at 2.15pm and our focus will be on:

  • Understanding the key messages from our latest Ofsted report;
  • Working together with us, to plan for an exciting, new family project here at Pearson.

Everyone is welcome, so please do come along and join us for a drink and a delicious slice of cake baked by our very own cook here at school.

Hull Fair Menu – Thursday

To celebrate Hull Fair week, our hot school lunch on Thursday will be Hull Fair themed! There will be all the traditional fair food to enjoy such as hot dog in a roll, burger in a bun, homemade pattie, chips, beans or peas, doughnuts and fair themed buns and biscuits.

School meals cost £1.50 per day for all children in Year 3 and above, unless you are entitled to free school meals (benefit based).

Individual and Family Photographs

Please check your child’s book bag for their school photo order form. Please note, all orders need to be completed online and we are unable to accept any orders here at school. If you need any help ordering online, please pop in to see us.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you on Monday for another busy week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


4th November 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,

We were really pleased to welcome our children back after the half term break, they have all settled back into the school routine nicely. We know how difficult it can be getting to school on time when it’s dark and cold outside, so well done everyone and keep it up!

Mobile Phones – Polite Notice

To continue to help us to keep our children safe, please do not use your mobile phones whilst on school grounds. Thank you.

Community Events – Dates for your diary

We have so many exciting community events planned for this term, why not make a note in your diary so you don’t miss out!

Family Sewing Project – Tuesday 8th, 15th, and 22nd November, 3:15pm to 4:15pm. Bring the family along and enjoy some craft time together, everything you need will be provided! We cannot wait to see your creations! To sign up, please return the reply slip sent home with your child on Wednesday or pop into the office.

Monday Morning Meet Up – Monday 21st November 8:50am to 10:00am. Children are able to join their families for some crafting time, making lots of Autumnal art. More details to follow.​

 Pearson’s Spectacular Christmas Fair – Friday 2nd December 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Come along for your chance to buy some wonderful gifts, thoughtfully handmade by our Pearson children. There will be lots of stalls including hot drinks & food, raffles, and games. If you are interested in hiring a stall (for a very small fee), please contact the school office for more information.

 Family Christmas Craft morning – Thursday 8th December – 8:50am to 10:00am.Join          your children for some fun Christmas crafts. Look out for more details to follow.

EYFS Christmas Performance – Tuesday 13th December – am & pm. Our Foundation children will be proudly presenting their fabulous Christmas performance to our EYFS parents and carers only. There will be a performance in the morning and in the afternoon so that everyone can hopefully attend. Times to be confirmed.

KS1 Christmas performance – Wednesday 14th December –am.  Our children from Year 1 and Year 2 will be super excited to perform their Christmas play for their parents and carers​. The exact time is still to be confirmed, but don’t worry if you can’t make this performance, there is another chance on Thursday 15th December in the morning. Time to also be confirmed.

Enjoy the weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday for another busy week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


23rd September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children all looked incredibly smart for their photographs today. You will receive an order form in about two weeks’ time, so please look out for it in your child’s book bag!

Phonics Meeting

Thank you to our EYFS parents who attended our parent phonics group on Wednesday, hosted by Miss Nixon. We hope you enjoy putting some of the things we discussed into practice at home.

Miss Nixon will also be holding a group for class 1 and class 2 parents, and as always, hot drinks and biscuits will be provided too.

Class 1 – Wednesday 28th September at 9am in the small hall

Class 2 – Wednesday 5th October at 9am in the small hall.

We hope to see you there.

Family and Community Engagement Session

Our next Family and Community Engagement Session is on Monday 3rd October at 2.15pm and our focus will be on:

· Understanding the key messages from our latest Ofsted report

· Working together with us, to plan for an exciting, new family project at here at Pearson

Everyone is welcome, so please come along and join us for a drink and a delicious slice of cake baked by our very own cook here at school.

PE Kits

As part of our curriculum, children will participate in a PE lesson every week. For PE lessons we wear our PE kit, this helps us feel part of a team. It’s important to wear our PE kit when playing sports or being active to keep our school uniform clean and hygienic

For our lower school children (EYFS2 – Yr3) we recommend sending their PE kit to school on the first day of term and leaving it here at school. The class teacher will then send your child home with their PE kit on the last day of term to be washed.

For our upper school children, PE will be on the same day each week. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school to change into on their timetabled day.

Year 4 – Friday

Year 5 – Tuesday

Year 6 – Thursday

Our School PE Kit:

• Blue or white plain t-shirt

• Blue or black plain sports shorts

• Trainers or sandshoes

• For colder weather a plain black hoodie/sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms

Please ensure your child has warm outdoor PE clothes for colder days as PE will be outdoors wherever possible, even if the weather is a little inclement.

All jewellery must be removed for PE.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


16th September 2022

Dear Parent and Carers,

As a reminder, after the very sad news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on the day of the state funeral, Monday 19th September, the school will be closed as a mark of respect.

Our whole-school community expresses our sincere sympathies for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. The dedication she provided throughout her 70-year reign was inspirational and unparalleled and we thank her for her service.

Entrance and Exit Gates

Thank you for your patience whilst we have all been adjusting to our new main entrance gates on Leicester Street. We will be using these gates during the daytime, for breakfast club, afterschool clubs and for any other business.

However, at whole school drop off and pick up times we will open both entrances to the site. For clarity, both entrances will be opened at 8.45am and 3.10pm daily.

Please note, the school day will continue to end at 3:15pm.

We strongly recommend that you use the Leicester Street (Pearson Tree) gate but if you do choose to use the old entrance, please be extremely vigilant as both the gym carpark and staff carpark are in continuous use which creates a significant hazard.

If children have permission to walk to and from school alone, they will be directed to use the Leicester Street gate by our staff and we would appreciate your support in explaining this to them.

We hope you have a relaxing weekend and we will see you all again on Tuesday,

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


22nd July 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

The 2021-22 school year is now over and what a year it has been! We have faced so many challenges, ranging from a pandemic to a heatwave, and everything in between. Working together in partnership we have conquered them all! We would like to thank you all for your unwavering support, it really has meant a lot.

Most significantly, we have been thrilled to be able to open our school back up to our Pearson community once again. This year, we have been overwhelmed by the support and attendance at school events and we can’t stress how much your children value and enjoy your presence at school. It means an enormous amount to them.

We are hoping to continue this with even bigger and better events next year, so watch out for more details over the coming months!

Goodbye Year 6

Today is our current Year 6’s last day here at Pearson. They leave us with fond memories and bright futures ahead of them. We are confident that they will make an exceptional start in their new schools in September because they are exceptional young people, who embody the school’s core values of being restorative, inclusive and working hard.

We wish them all the very best and look forward to hearing about their future successes.

New Entrance Gate

To ensure the safety of our children and their families, the existing pedestrian entrance/exit on Margaret Street will no longer be in use after the holidays. All visitors to the school, including at drop off and pick up times, will be required to use the Pearson Tree gate on Leicester Street. Over the holidays, this will be upgraded to a new electronically controlled gate. We appreciate your support in this matter because we know how much you value our efforts to continually improve matters of safety

Don’t worry if you forget! There will be plenty of signs and staff members available to direct you.

If you are parking on any of the nearby streets to drop off/pick up your child, please respect our neighbouring community by not parking over their driveways and by taking your litter home or putting it in a bin. Thank you for your support with this.

Uniform Price Increase

Due to increasing production costs, our Pearson branded uniform prices will increase slightly from September 2022.

Our prices as from September will be:

£10.00 per jumper

£12.00 per cardigan

£4.00 per book bag

If you would like to purchase any of the above school uniform, please come to our uniform shop on Tuesday 6th September 10am till 11am or pop in to school office when the school reopens. Please note we can only accept cash for any purchases made.

Finally, we hope you have lots of fun and make lots of lovely memories over the summer holidays. There are lots of wonderful things to see and do during the break, but please stay safe and take good care of each other.

We look forward to seeing you all again in the new school year.

We return on Wednesday 7th September. Gates open at 8:45. Let’s make sure our attendance and punctuality get off to a great start!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


15th July 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have all settled really well in to their new classes with their new teachers, and have worked really hard this week. Well done to you all!

Monday Morning Meet – up

Please note, there will not be a Monday Morning Meet-up next week to allow for the Family and Community Session.

Family and Community Engagement Session

We would like to invite you all to our Family and Community Engagement session on Monday 18th July at 9:15. This is the session we originally had planned for 13th June but unfortunately had to rearrange.

This will be a short and informal session about reading. Some of our children have kindly put a little presentation together all about the Pearson approach to reading and staff will be available to answer your questions.

Please do come and join us and stay for coffee, cake and a chat afterwards.

Sun Hats and Sun Cream

We have been very lucky with the beautiful weather recently so please do make sure you continue to send your child to school with a sun hat (with their name written in) and apply sun cream before they come to school. Please note, staff are unable to apply sun cream to your child, but they can apply it themselves if you want to send it to school with them, labelled with both their name and class.

End of Term

The end of the summer term is fast approaching! School will close at 3.15pm on Friday 22nd July and will reopen on Wednesday 7th September at 8am for our Early Birds Club.

For some fun, healthy & free activities to help fill the days, please see the Healthy Holidays website or click here

We hope you have a wonderful restful weekend and enjoy the sunny weather. We will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


8th July 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are all ready for a well earnt rest after another hectic but fun filled week!

Summer Fair

Thank you all for joining us at our spectacular summer fair.  We hope you agree, this year’s summer fair was by far the best yet!

What did you enjoy the most?  Was it the enormous inflatable assault course, the fun and games, the food or was it chatting to one of our wonderful PSCO’s?  Whatever it was, we hope that you enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did!

You have all helped raise much needed funds for our school, all of which will be used to enhance our children’s learning experiences. Thank you.

New Classes

Monday is a very exciting day as all our children will move up to their new classes.  So, on Monday only, we ask all our children to line up at their new class number on the playground so their new class teacher can collect them all at 8.45am.

Staff Changes

We have some very exciting news to share with you all about changes to some of our staff for next year.

Mr Furbank is leaving us for an assistant headship role at a lovely new school. He has worked super hard to achieve this promotion and we know that he will be fabulous in his new job. We are so pleased for him, and we are very excited for his future.

We are very jealous that Miss Rae is going on to amazing new adventures in a whole new country. She will be heading to New Zealand during the summer break. Although she will be a long way away, we wish her all the best in her new venture.

Miss Sadler is also heading on to pastures new, and we wish her lots of luck for the future.

All three will be truly missed by everyone here at Pearson, and we wish them all the very best for their futures.

We are also very happy to welcome two new teachers, who will be joining us in September. Miss Tomlinson who will be teaching in Year 5 and Miss Hall who will be teaching in Year 4. We will meet these two lovely teachers for a few days before the end of term, so please do give them a wave and introduce yourself if you see them about school.  They are both very excited to meet you all!

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend, and don’t forget your sun cream!  We’ll see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care

Mrs L Clarkson


1st July 2022

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We can’t quite believe it is July already! Where has the time gone?

Bottle Donations

Thank you all for your wonderful bottle donations in exchange for wearing non-uniform today.  Your incredibly generous donations will be used as part of our tombola at our school fair on Thursday.

Unfortunately, it’s come to our attention that we are not able to accept donations of alcohol. Please let us know if you’ve made a donation of this nature, before Wednesday, so that we can safely return it to you. Please note, we can only return this to adults.

School Fair

This year’s school fair is going to be amazing! We have all been working very hard to make sure that year’s fair is bigger and better than ever before! There are lots to look forward to, including:

  • Some fabulous class stalls – fun games designed by each class, can you win a prize?
  • Emergency vehicles – come along and chat to people from the emergency services and see their vehicles.
  • A huge 65ft inflatable obstacle course – we can’t wait to try it out!
  • An ice cream van stocked full of delicious ice cream for you to buy.
  • Soft drinks, crisps and sweets to give you plenty of energy to enjoy the afternoon.
  • An amazing raffle – who will win our star prize of a baby Hull City Kit or a Hull City football?
  • Our bottle tombolo – what will you win? Shampoo, soft drinks, ketchup, give it a try to find out!

Stall and activities will cost between 50p and £1 a go, so please try to bring plenty of change with you. All monies raised will be used towards paying for our new outdoor sound system!

This year we are also hoping to invite some external stall holders to our event and would like to hear from any of our parents that would be interested in hiring a stall for a small fee. So, if you have a passion for baking, are amazing at crafts or have any other fabulous stall ideas, we want to hear from you.  Please pop in to the office or call us on Tel: 01482 328569 for more information.

We hope to see you all at our fantastic fair on Thursday 7th July, 2pm till 4pm.

Informal Drop In – Wednesday 6th July

Informal drop in, 3.15pm until 5.30pm – you are welcome to pop in to celebrate and look at your child’s work from the past year – no appointment necessary, come and enjoy a drink and biscuit whilst you wait!

Transition Week – Class Parties – Friday 8th July

Our children only have one more week left in their current classes and will move up to their new classes on Monday 11th July.  This means Friday 8th July is party day! We are asking for a £1 donation per child towards the cost of some delicious party food.  Please send your child’s £1 donation to their class teacher on Friday.  Children are able to come to school in their party clothes too!

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all on Monday for a fun-filled week!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


24th June 2022


Dear Parents and Carers

We are at the end of another busy and very hot week! There’s still lots to do before we break off for summer, so remember to check our calendar on the school website to make sure you don’t miss out.

Pearson Sports Afternoon

The sun definitely shone for our Pearson Sports afternoon, and what a wonderful afternoon it was.

All our children worked incredibly hard and had lots of fun taking part. The Red Team put up an amazing fight but the Blue Team prevailed and won our coveted Sports Day Trophy! Well done!

We were delighted to see so many families sharing the afternoon with us, thank you for your support.

Monday Morning Exercises

Don’t forget our next gentle exercise class is on Monday at 8.45am till 9.45am in the dining hall. Please do come along and join in, everyone is welcome.

Summer Fayre – Thursday 7th July at 2pm

We are really excited to be holding our Pearson Summer Fayre on Thursday 7th July at 2pm and hope you can all come.

This year we are hoping to invite some stall holders to our event and would like to hear from any of our parents that would be interested in hiring a stall for a small fee. So, if you have a passion for baking, are amazing at crafts or have any other fabulous stall ideas, we want to hear from you.  Please pop in to the office or call us on Tel: 01482 328569 for more information.

Transition Dates for Your Diary

Our children only have two weeks left in their current classes and will move up to their new classes on Monday 11th July. With this in mind, there are lots of things taking place over the next few weeks:

Wednesday 6th July – Informal drop in, 3.15pm until 5.30pm – you are welcome to pop in to celebrate and look at your child’s work from the past year – no appointment necessary, come and enjoy a drink and biscuit whilst you wait.

Thursday 7th July – Star of the Term assembly

Friday 8th July – Class parties – time to celebrate the school year with your current class teacher

Monday 11th July until end of term – Children will move to their new classes and spend time with their new class teachers. Our current year 6 children will be busy preparing for year 7.

Have an enjoyable weekend and we will see you again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


17th June 2022 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

What a busy week we have just had, it seems to have whizzed by! Only five more weeks before the end of term, so we still have lots to do.  Don’t forget, all our upcoming events are on the calendar on our school website, which can be found here 

Ofsted Visit 

Thank you to everyone who completed the parents survey and spoke to the Ofsted inspectors, it really helped them get a true feel for our school and community. It was wonderful for our visitors to see our fabulous children showing their resilience, amazing behaviour and eagerness to learn, thank you. Well done! 

I would also like to say a huge thank you to every single Pearson staff member for all their commitment and hard work, I am proud to be part of such an incredible team!   

Unfortunately, we won’t know the results of our inspection until the official report is produced in a few weeks, and we will share this with you as soon as we receive it. 

Monday Morning Exercise Class 

Due to popular demand, our Monday Morning Meet-up now incorporates a gentle exercise class.  So if you fancy donning your trainers and sweat bands, please do come and join us, the class is led by our very own Mrs Aziz and is lots of fun! There will, of course, be refreshments and biscuits to enjoy afterwards. 

We hope to see you there, every Monday, 8.45am in the dining hall. 

Family and Community Engagement Session 

We apologise for the late notice of the postponement of our Family and Community Engagement Session earlier this week.  

We will re-arrange this meeting very soon, so please do look out for your invitation. 

Sports Day 

On Wednesday, 22nd June, we will be holding our Pearson Sports Day!  We are so happy to be able to invite you all to share this day with us. We will send more details on Monday, so please make sure you look in your child’s book bag or our flyer. 

Sun Cream and Sunhats 

Summer has finally arrived so our children may be outside a little more than usual, making the most of the sunshine! With this in mind, please make sure you apply sun cream to your child before the school day and send them with a sun hat (with their name written in) to wear outdoors.  Please note, staff are unable to apply sun cream to your child, but they can apply it themselves if you want to send it school with them, labelled with both their name and their class. 

We hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend in the sun and we will see you all again on Monday! 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


10th June 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you all enjoyed a restful break over our half term break and are ready for the last term of the school year.  We have lots of exciting events taking place between now and the summer holidays, so please check out our website for more information.

Queens Jubilee Celebration Afternoon

After Wednesdays’ postponement of our jubilee celebration, (we blame the good old English weather not being able to make up its mind!) we were so pleased to be able to welcome you all today instead.

Thank you so much to everyone who came along today to our Pearson Queens Jubilee Celebration Afternoon, we were overwhelmed by all your support. It really was lovely to see our outside space being used by our wonderful families, creating fabulous memories! We hope you all had as much fun as we did!

Family and Community Engagement Session

We would like to invite you to our Family and Community Engagement Session on Monday 13th June at 2.15pm.  This will be a really informal, but really useful session about reading.  Some our children have kindly put a little presentation together all about the Pearson approach to reading and will be sharing some of their amazing, tried and tested ideas for reading at home.

Please do come and join us and stay for a coffee, cake, and a chat afterwards.

Monday Morning Meet Up

Unfortunately, our Monday Meet Up next week is cancelled, however, when it returns on 20th June, there will be a twist! During our past meet-ups, lots of our parents have asked for an exercise class. So from 20th June, get your trainers and sweat bands on and join us for an exercise class (with drinks and biscuits, of course!)

We hope to see you there.

After-School Clubs

This term we have a wide variety of after-school clubs, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! These clubs start on Monday 13th June and will run every week until the end of the summer term.


Upper school – Netball

Classes 1 to 6 – Craft

Classes 1 to 6 – Just Dance

Classes 4 to 6 – Football *Please note the session finishes at 4.30pm*


Classes 1 to 6 – Art

Classes 1 to 6 – Multi-sports

Classes 1 to 6 – Science


Classes 1 to 6 – Outdoor Adventures/Gardening

Classes 1 to 6 – Lego Club

Classes 3 to 6 – Martial Arts *Please note the session finishes at 4.30pm and costs £8 for the half term*


Classes 1 to 4 – Football

Classes 1 to 6 – Chillout Club

Our clubs this term all finish at 4.15pm, except Martial Arts and Yrs. 4 to 6 football which both finish at 4.30pm.

Clubs only cost £6 contribution per child for the half term, with the exception of martial arts which is £10.00.

A letter was in your child’s school bag on Thursday, please fill this is out if your child would like to sign up to a club. Club sign up is on Monday 13th June in the dining hall and you can sign up when your child comes to school in the morning.

Have a fabulous weekend in the sunshine, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


26th May 2022

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now at the end of another busy half term and there is lots to look forward to when we return after the break on Wednesday 8th June.

Queens Jubilee Celebration Afternoon – Wednesday

We would like to invite you all to our fabulous Queen’s Jubilee Celebration Afternoon which is planned to take place on our first day back at school, on Wednesday 8th June at 2.30pm until 4.00pm.

We are hoping you will all join us for games on the playing field, live music and lots of fun! There will be ice lollies and drinks for sale but you are welcome to bring your own soft drinks and snacks if you wish.

At 2.30pm the children will be lined up in their usual place on the playground and their teacher will hand them over to you, their parents and carers. You are then free to join in with our organised activities and enjoy using our outside space until 4.00pm.

If you are unable to make our celebration afternoon, your child will still take part in some fun indoor activities, supervised by our staff members. You must collect your child as usual at 3.15pm however why not stay and make use our outdoor space until 4.00pm.

Unfortunately, our celebration plans are dependent on our good old British weather so we will send a text out on the day if we can go ahead. Keep your fingers crossed for some sunshine!

No matter what the weather, please send your child wearing red, white and blue in honor of Her Majesty the Queen!

Jubilee Picnic Menu – Wednesday

On Wednesday 8th June we will also be enjoying a picnic lunch instead of our usual menu. There will be sandwiches, crisps, sausage or vegan rolls, carton drinks and sweet treats! Please follow this link to see the full menu and allergens (please note the date on the menu is incorrect, it should read Wednesday 8th June)

Family and Community Engagement Session 

Our next Family and Community Engagement Session is on Monday 13th June at 2.15pm and the children will be presenting the Pearson approach to reading and sharing some good ideas for reading at home.

Please do come and join us and stay for a coffee and a chat.

2022-2023 Term Dates

All our term dates for the next school year are now on our website and can found by clicking here

You can also check out all our future events on the school calendar

Have a wonderful half term break, stay safe and have lots of fun!  We will see you all again on Wednesday 8th June!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


20th May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s Friday again! The weeks are flying by and even though we break up for half term on Thursday next week, we still have lots going on!

Class Photo’s

Wrates photographers are visiting us on Wednesday 25th May and will be taking whole class photos.  Please make sure your child is wearing their Pearson school uniform on that day, so the whole class looks super smart for their photograph! Thank you.

After School Clubs

Our after school clubs are all still running next week, including Thursday.

Next term’s club letter will be sent out soon, so please keep checking your child’s book bag for the form.

Early Birds Club (Breakfast Club)

We are really proud of our free Early Birds Club, our doors open from 8am until 8.15am every school day. Please note there will be no admittance after 8.15am. Our Early Birds Cub is available to all children from Foundation Stage 2 (with prior permission) up to Year 6.

You don’t need to pre-book; you can just turn up on the day.

Our Early Birds Club provides a friendly, happy and safe environment where the children can enjoy a delicious, free breakfast of toast with jam or butter and a choice of healthy cereals and fruit.

After breakfast all the children buddy up and enjoy some reading time together and then they join in with a variety of organised play and educational activities such as outdoor skills, games, table tennis, and construction challenges.

At the end of the session the children are escorted to the playground by staff and monitored until their classroom doors are open.

Half Term

Remember, we close for half term at the end of the day on Thursday 26th May and return to school on Wednesday 8th June.


Have a wonderful, and hopefully sunny weekend and we will see you all on Monday!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


13th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another busy week has flown by! We now have less than two weeks before we break off for half term.  Our last day at school will be Thursday 27th May and we will return on Wednesday 8th June.

Year 6 SATs – Well Done

All week, our year 6 children have all worked incredibly hard to complete their SATS tests. They have shown fantastic resilience and maturity, and we are extremely proud of each and every one of them. You are all amazing! A huge well done to you all!

Year 2 SATs – Next Week

The children are really looking forward to working differently on their Year 2 SATs next week.  They will be focusing on Math’s and SPaG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation). We will make sure they have a happy experience where they get to show off their best work.  You can help by making sure children have a good breakfast every day and get to school on time. Thank you.

Book Bags – Must Be In School Every Day

So your child is fully prepared for their school day, they MUST have their book bag, reading record and reading book with them every single day. Here at Pearson we read as often as possible with our children, and to be able to do this effectively, we need their book and reading record available at all times.

Monday Morning Meet-up

Our Monday Morning Meet-up will be up and running again on Monday at 8.50am! Please come along and join us for a drink, biscuits and a chat.  We also have a crèche to occupy your little ones whilst you enjoy a hot drink. Everybody is welcome and we hope to see you there!

Mental Health Awareness Week & Pyjamarama Day

Thank you for showing your support by wearing green for Mental Health day or your pyjama’s for the Booktrust Pyjamarama Day.  Everybody made a real effort to take part, thank you.

We are keeping our fingers (and toes) crossed for a beautiful sunny weekend, so we hope you get chance to relax and enjoy the sunshine before we see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


6th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to those parents who came to our coffee morning on Tuesday, it was lovely to be able to celebrate Eid with you.

Our Eid celebrations held in class were also a great success, the children (and staff) had a wonderful time.  The food you all so generously donated was delicious.  We certainly have some very talented cooks among our parents.  Thank you.

Monday Morning Meet-up Cancelled Next Week

Unfortunately, we have to cancel our Monday Morning Meet-up this week. Don’t worry though, we will be meeting up again on Monday 16th May for more coffee, cake and a chat!

Mental Health Awareness Week – Years 2 to 6 Only

For Years 2 to 6 only, next week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the main topic of conversation is loneliness.  We will be talking about how you feel if you are lonely and how to identify those feelings.

On Friday, for Mental Health Awareness week, we will be wearing green. A green t-shirt, green socks or even a green ribbon in your hair will all help to show your support!

BookTrust Pyjamarama – Foundation Stage & Year 1 Only

On Friday, our Foundation Stage and Year 1 children only can come to school dressed in their pyjamas for The BookTrust Pyjamarama Day!  Your child can also bring their favourite bedtime story to share with their friends. We will be reading and sharing stories together throughout the day.

After School Clubs

It’s not too late to book your space on our after school clubs. We have so many clubs to choose from, you are bound to find one you enjoy!  Follow this link for more details and then just pop in to the school office to book your place.

New Lunch Menu

Just a reminder we have a new lunchtime menu, please see our website for more details

Enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


29th April 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Easter break.  We have lots to look forward to this summer term and there will more details for each event to follow over the next few weeks.  In the meantime, please see our website calendar for important dates to mark in your dairy!

Bank Holiday

Just a reminder that we have a long weekend this week!  Monday 2nd May is a Bank Holiday so school will be closed all day and school re-opens on Tuesday 3rd May.

Eid Celebrations

We hope you all have an amazing weekend celebrating Eid with your family and friends. On Tuesday, we will be holding our very own Pearson Eid celebrations and would love for you all to join us!

For the adults

Due to the bank holiday, our usual Monday Morning Meet-up will be on Tuesday and this week we will be celebrating Eid by eating, drinking hot drinks and chatting.   As always, we will provide the drinks and biscuits, however if you would like to bring any food to share, please just bring it with you on Tuesday morning. We are delighted to be able to accept homemade and shop bought food to share.

For the children

Tuesday will be a non-uniform celebration day!  This means the children can come to school dressed in non-uniform. We can’t wait to see everyone’s beautiful outfits, but please make sure that they are sensible enough for the children to play out in.

In the afternoon, each class will have their own celebration. If you would like to send food in for the class to share, please send it with your child on Tuesday morning. We are happy to be able to accept homemade or shop bought food.

After-School Clubs

This term we have a wide variety of after-school clubs, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! Have you booked your place yet?


Upper school – Netball or Craft

Lower school – Craft

Classes 1 to 6 – Just Dance

Classes 5 & 6 – Football *Please note the session finishes at 4.30pm*


Classes 1 to 6 – Art, Multi-sports or Science

Upper school – Choir


Classes 1 to 6 – Outdoor Adventures & Lego Club

Classes 3 to 6 – Skateboarding * Please note the session finishes at 4.30pm and costs £8 for the half term *


Classes 1 to 4 – Football

Classes 1 to 6 – Chill Out Club

Our clubs this term all finish at 4.15pm, except skateboarding and Yr 5 & 6 football which both finish at 4.30pm.

Clubs only cost £4 contribution per child for the half term, with the exception of skateboarding which is £8.00.

Please pop in to the office to book your place.

Have a great weekend and we will see you all again on Tuesday for a fun-packed day!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



8th April 2022 


Dear parents and carers, 

Wow, what a busy end to a busy term! This week we have had our Monday Morning Meet-up, visited the local church, decorated eggs, danced the night away at our disco and had a brilliant craft morning! We have really enjoyed opening the school back up to our Pearson community, we hope you have too. Thank you all so much for your support! 

Decorated Easter Egg Competition 

The entries this year have been amazing! Well done everyone who took part, you have done an absolutely fantastic job. In fact, they were so good, it made it very difficult to decide on the winners!  

End of Spring Term Disco 

Yesterday, we popped on our dancing shoes and had lots of fun at our end of term disco! We hope the children enjoyed themselves as much as we did! 

Easter Craft Morning 

It was lovely to see so many parents and carers join us for our Easter craft morning.  There were lots of smiles all around and lots brilliant crafty creations. Thank you so much for joining us. 

Easter Raffle Winners 

Thank you to everyone who bought our Easter raffle tickets, all the money raised will directly benefit our children here at school. 

The lucky winners are ………… 

1st Prize – Benjamin (Class 3) 

2nd Prize – Yunus (Class 6) 

3rd Prize – Iyanuloluwa (Class 2)  

End of Term Celebration Assembly 

Today we celebrated our children’s successes they have achieved over the Spring Term, and special achievement awards were awarded to the following children: 

Yunus – Class 6 

Nikan – Class 5 

Ayesha – Class 4 

Yasna – Class 3 

Shamark – Class 2 

Arifa – Class 1 

Ali – F2 

Well done, we are very proud of you all! 

Monday Morning Meet-up 

We are looking forward to another free Coffee, cake & Crèche morning when we return to school on Monday 25th April.  We do hope you can join us for a chat, just pop along to the Hall at 8.50am. Everybody is welcome! 

Wedding News! 

We have some wonderful news to share with you all. Miss Jones is getting married during the Easter break and when we return to school will be called Mrs Ralph.  We wish them lots of love and happiness for the future and hope they have the most perfect day. 


Just a reminder that school closes today at 3.15pm, and re-opens again on Monday 25th April.  We hope you all have a safe, relaxing break and look forward to seeing you all on the 25th April. 

Happy Easter! 

Take very good care,  

Mrs L Clarkson 




 1st April 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Even though we are almost at the end of another busy term, we’ve still got lots of exciting things coming up next week!

Monday Morning Meet-Up

After last week’s success, we are looking forward to another free Coffee, Cake and Crèche morning. Please bring your little ones to play and meet up with others. We would love you to join us for a chat, just pop along to the Hall at 8.50am on Monday. Everybody is welcome and we really hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Fareshare – Discontinued

Just a reminder that unfortunately, due to increasing costs to participate in the Fareshare scheme, from April, we will no longer receive a Fareshare delivery. This means yesterday’s Fareshare shop was our last one ever.

Even though we are unable to provide Fareshare food to our families, if you are experiencing financial hardship or find you are unable to feed your family, whatever the reason, please do let us know so we can try to help. We may be able to offer support in a variety of different ways. If you are affected by this, please pop in to chat to Mrs Rix or call the office onTel: 01482 328569.

Thursday 7th April – Easter egg competition

Don’t forget, you are all invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg for our annual Easter egg competition. The theme this year is ‘careers and aspirations’. What job would you like to do when you grow up?

Entries must be dropped off in the Hall on arrival to school on Thursday 7th April, where they will be displayed for the children to view during the day. Winners will be announced in assembly on the day.

We can’t wait to see your fabulous decorated eggs!

Thursday 7th April – After School Disco

Tickets for our end of term disco are available to buy now from your child’s class teacher at a cost of £1 per child.

Foundation Stage 2, Year 1, Year 2 & Year 3 can bring their party clothes to school in a bag and get ready straight after school. Their disco is 3:15 – 4:15.

Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 will return to school for their disco at 4:15 until 5:15.

We will also be selling delicious drinks, crisps and sweets on the night!

Friday 8th April – Family Easter Craft Event

Have you returned your slip to book your place yet? Spaces are limited, so please return your slip as soon as possible.

This fun family crafting event will be held first thing on Friday morning when you drop your children off at school.

Easter Raffle

Tickets for our amazing Easter raffle are on sale now! For your chance to win, tickets are available from your child’s class teachers and cost 50p each, you can buy as many tickets as you like! The raffle will be drawn during assembly on Friday 8th April.

All proceeds from the raffle will directly benefit the children here at school so your support will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Easter Holiday’s

Our last day of term is Friday 8th April and we return to school on Monday 25th April. 

 Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday for our fun-packed last week of term!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


25th March 2022


Dear parents and carers,

Although spring officially arrives on Sunday, we have been incredibly lucky to have had such wonderful weather this week. We hope you have enjoyed the sunshine as much as we have!

Monday Morning Meet-Up

This coming Monday we are offering a free Coffee, Cake and Crèche morning. Please bring your little ones to play and meet up with others. We would love you to join us for a chat, just pop along to the Hall at 8.50am on Monday. We are looking forward to seeing you all there!

Fareshare – Discontinued

Unfortunately, due to increasing costs to participate in the Fareshare scheme, from April, we will no longer receive a Fareshare delivery. This means our very last Fareshare shop will be on Thursday 31st March at 3.15pm.

Even though we are unable to provide Fareshare food to our families, if you are experiencing financial hardship or find you are unable to feed your family, whatever the reason, please do let us know so we can try to help. We may be able to offer support in a variety of different ways. If you are affected by this, please pop in to chat to Mrs Rix or call the office on Tel: 01482 328569.

Thursday 7th April – Easter egg competition

All our Pearson families are invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg for our annual Easter egg competition. The theme this year is ‘careers and aspirations’. What job would you like to do when you grow up?

Entries must be dropped off in the Hall on arrival to school on Thursday 7th April, where they will be displayed for the children to view during the day. Winners will be announced in assembly on the day.

We can’t wait to see your fabulous decorated eggs!

Thursday 7th April – After School Disco

It’s party time again! Foundation Stage 2, Year 1 and Year 2 can bring their party clothes to school in a bag and get ready straight after school. Their disco is 3:15 – 4:15.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will return to school for their disco at 4:15 until 5:15.

Tickets will be on sale from Monday, and are available to buy from your child’s class teacher in their classroom at a cost of £2 per ticket.

Friday 8th April – Family Easter Craft Event

We are really looking forward to inviting families to enjoy a fun hour of crafting together, here at school, during our annual Family Crafting Event.

This will be held first thing in the morning when you drop your children off at school however, space is limited. There will be a letter with more information and a reply slip in your child’s book bag on Monday, so please look out for it. To book your place, please return the reply slip as soon as possible.

Clock’s go back 1hr on Sunday

Just a reminder that the clocks go back at 01.00am on Sunday morning so don’t forget to change your clocks!

Have a wonderful sunny weekend, and we wish a very happy Mother’s Day to all our amazing Mum’s and Carer’s!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


18th March 2022

 Dear parents and carers,

This week we have loved welcoming all our parents and carers back into school again. The children and us, were excited to show off all their hard work in their school books and they really enjoyed showing you their classrooms during our parents evenings.  We have lots more community events planned and we will keep you updated via our Friday letters, texts and Class Dojo!

Monday Morning Meet-up

Our Monday Morning Meet-up is the perfect opportunity for you to meet with other parents, chat with us and learn about something really relevant to our school or community, and of course, there will be plenty of free hot drinks and biscuits to enjoy!  This Monday, Miss White will be leading our presentation and will be talking all about the behaviour and attitude we expect here at Pearson Primary.

Everybody is welcome, 8.50am in the small hall, every Monday, we look forward to seeing you there!

Red Nose Day – Thank You

Thank you all so much for helping us support Red Nose Day 2022 by dressing in red or non-uniform. Together we have managed to raise £84.35, well done!

Year 6 – Colour Run

To celebrate the Festival of Holi, we are starting a yearly tradition of a colour run for our current and all future Year 6 children. The Holi festival is a spectacularly beautiful and colourful event as well as a great excuse to get extremely messy! The children will run around the school field, whilst throwing perfectly safe and non-toxic brightly coloured powder at one another. Our first ever Year 6 colour run will take place next Friday 25th March, so please don’t be surprised if Pearson Primary School and our year 6 children (& staff) are temporarily multi-coloured at home time on Friday. The rest of the school will be invited to watch and cheer the Year 6’s on, from a safe distance of course!  We cannot wait to see how much mess they can make.  We will share any photos we take on twitter, so please keep an eye out for them.

Have a fabulous weekend, enjoy the beautiful weather and we will see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


11th March 2022

 Dear parents and carers,

We have had some beautiful sunny weather this week and the children have really enjoyed playing back on the school field. It’s been fantastic to see them having so much fun!

Monday Morning Meet-up

Thank you to those who joined us for our first ever Monday Morning Meet-up, it was lovely to see you all for a good chat and a hot drink. This Monday, Mr Furbank will be joining us to share some really useful hints and tips about helping your child with their times tables at home. Please do join us for a free hot drink and biscuits every Monday in the small hall at 8.50am, everybody is welcome!

Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day – Friday 18th March 11, 2022

To help raise money for Red Nose Day, next Friday will be a non-uniform day. If possible, please send your child in something red although any non-uniform is fine. We are asking for a minimum donation of 50p per child and all money raised will go directly to Comic Relief. Please send your donation with your child to their class teacher on Friday, thank you.

91 Spring Bank – Absolutely Cultured

We have been sent some incredibly exciting news about Absolutely Cultured projects in Spring Bank. Earlier this year, they were successful in securing three years of funding from the Esme Fairburn foundation to set up two creative centres in the city- Gipsyville and Spring Bank.

They are thrilled to share that they have just secured a three-year lease on number 91 Spring Bank which they are looking to use as a base for creative sessions and future projects for the local community.

They will be starting the following sessions from the week commencing 21st March which you’re more than welcome to pop along to- just drop them an email to

  •  Coffee and chat- every Friday morning 10am-12pm
  • Creative workshops with Dom Heffer- every Tuesday evening 3.30-5.30pm

Some of our children have been lucky enough to have already worked alongside Dom here at school.  The amazing artwork they created is currently on display in the dining room!

In the coming months, they will be looking to develop the number and variety of sessions they offer throughout the week and in school holidays. They’ve also been successful in a bid to the Heritage Lottery fund which will see them planning a larger scale outdoor event for summer 2023.

We hope the sunshine continues through the weekend, but whatever the weather, have a restful time and we’ll see you on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson,


4th March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a busy first week back we have all had!  The children have already settled back in to their routines well and have been working really hard.

World Book Day

We were absolutely thrilled to see such a variety of little monsters and mini teachers in school on Thursday!  Thank you all so much for taking part, your outfits were amazing.

We hope the children enjoyed the day as much as we did!

Usually, the children all receive a £1 book token to redeem against a book, but unfortunately, there has been a slight delay in the World Book Day Tokens being delivered to school, and as soon as they arrive we will send them home with the children.

Staff Changes

We are saying goodbye and good luck to Miss Mulligan who is leaving us today. We are very proud of Miss Mulligan who is going to continue her amazing work with SEN children in a special school provision. We wish Miss Mulligan lots of luck in her new role.

We are happy to welcome Miss Jowsey to our Pearson team, Miss Jowsey is joining us from another one of our HCAT schools and will be working predominately with our children in The Treehouse.  Miss Jowsey is looking forward to meeting you all, so please say hello when you see her around school.

Monday Morning Meet-up

We hope you have received your invitation to our fabulous new Monday Morning Meet-up starting on Monday!

Now all school restrictions have been lifted we really want to get you, our Pearson family, back into school and build our community spirit back up to pre-covid times.  Our Monday Morning Meet-up is the perfect opportunity for you to meet with other parents, chat with us and learn about something really relevant to our school or community, and of course, there will be plenty of free hot drinks and biscuits to enjoy!

We do hope you can join us, we are really looking forward to seeing you there every Monday at 8.50am in the dining hall.

Enjoy the weekend and we will see you all again on Monday,

Take very good care,

Mrs Clarkson


11th February 2022 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

As we are nearing the end of another busy half term, just a reminder that we break up at the end of the school day on Thursday 17th February and return on Tuesday 1st March.  

Family and Community Engagement Session 

We recently sent you an invitation to our Family and Community Engagement session on Monday 14th February at 2.15pm and we would love for you all to attend. 

We will be talking all about Restorative Practice and how we use this to help our children build, maintain and repair relationships throughout their lives. 

Restorative Practice is underpinned by values of empathy, respect, honesty, acceptance, responsibility, and mutual accountability and we will discuss how we actively encourage and implement this here at Pearson Primary School.   

Please do come along and join us for a hot drink, biscuits and a chat. We look forward to seeing you all there! 

Community Involvement – Special Thank You 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Raj Choudhury whom has very generously loaned us lots of wonderful books and given us lots of information about Islamic Miracles.  It has really enhanced our children’s learning. We are incredibly grateful for your time, thank you.  

We are always grateful for any knowledge our community is able to offer to further support our curriculum so please do let us know if you feel you may be able to help in any way.  

Parent Consultations EYFS to Class 5 

We will be offering parent consultations for all year groups, with the exception of year 6, on the evenings of Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th March.  We will be in touch after half term with more information. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you again on Monday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


4th February 2022

Dear parents and carers,

After some cold, wintery days, January is now over and we finally head in to Spring. If you look very carefully, you can already see the first daffodils sprouting!

Dates for Your Diary

We have lots to look forward to and all our February and March events are now on the website calendar so please follow this link to get a head start and put some dates in your diary! You will find all our term dates here too.

Pearson Core Values

To help our children develop a deeper understanding of the core values of our school, we will be focusing on one core value per half term. This half term our focus is about ‘working hard’ and, when we return after half term, we will concentrate on ‘inclusivity’.

Each week we will be awarding a star of the week certificate to a child in each class who has been successful within an element of this core value.  All of our children work incredibly hard here at school, so this term it will certainly be a close competition! Good luck everyone!

Our focus core value for each term can also be found on our school calendar and some more information about the school’s core values can be found by clicking on the following link.

Absence Procedures

If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, you MUST contact the school before 9am daily to inform us. If we do not hear from you, we will call you to ask why your child is absent. Please be aware, if we do not manage to speak to you, it is highly likely we will visit your home to check on the welfare of the family therefore, it is vital you contact us to prevent this happening.

Please try to book any medical appointments out of school hours, but if your child does have an appointment during the school day, please show a copy of the appointment letter/text/email to the school office.

To report a child’s absence please call 01482 328569-option 1 before 9am or pop into the school office to let us know.

We are hoping for some sunshine this weekend, but whatever the weather have a lovely time and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


28th January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have ended this week by celebrating our children that have shown determination with their learning. All our children have worked incredibly hard this week, well done.  Next week, in our celebration assembly we will be awarding certificates to those children that show consistency throughout the week.

Family and Community Engagement Sessions

Twice per year we host a Family and Community Engagement Session. This is an open invitation event for all families and will have a different focus each time based on school priorities and feedback from stakeholder surveys.

The next session is Monday 14th February 2022 at 2:15 and we would love as many parents and carers as possible to come along and join us.  We will send more details nearer to the time.

The focus for this session is Restorative Practice.

School Lunches

At Pearson we employ our own caterers who consistently produce nutritious and delicious meals. There is a wide variety of food choices with a fresh salad bar available each day.

Our staff are so proud of the contribution that they make to our children’s ability to concentrate and learn through good nutrition.  To see our current menu please click here:

Hull City Council are funding school children in Upper School; that’s Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 to get a delicious, filling lunch for just £1.50 per day. That’s less than the cost of a fizzy drink and much healthier too!

Children in Key Stage 1; that’s EYFS2, Year 1 and Year 2 will continue to receive FREE school meals.

Anyone whose children receive free school meals as part of their family benefit entitlement should continue to claim as normal.

Many of our families could get Free School Meals (benefit based) for the duration of their child’s school years, but do not claim for them. Your child may be entitled to Free School Meals if you as the parent are in receipt of any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (but NOT Working Tax Credit)

For more information or if you would like to complete an application form, you can do so by following this link to the Hull City Council

Packed Lunches

If you choose to send your child to school with a packed lunch, please make sure that it does NOT have anything that may contain nuts, this includes hazelnut chocolate spread.

It is really important that each child enjoy a healthy, balanced lunch each day.  Which means limiting the amount of sugary and fatty foods and drinks.  For lots of easy and healthy ideas, please see

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all again on Monday for another busy week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


14th January 2022 

Dear parents and carers,

The children have all settled back into the daily routine of school well and have been really focused on their learning this week. Thank you for continuing to read with your child as often as possible, it really does help them to improve their reading skills. Well done everyone!

New Staff Member

We are very excited to welcome Miss Sadler to our teaching team. Miss Sadler will be teaching across all year groups and is looking forward to meeting you all.

National Tutoring Programme

We’ve been able to offer a large number of our children extra lessons after school with money from the DfE. These lessons will really help children keep up with their learning after a disruptive couple of years.  We would like to thank the families involved for their support with this and would like to stress if your child is invited to join one of these classes, it is vital that they attend.

Please note, if your child is selected to join the programme, it will take priority over other after school clubs.


We know how difficult it is getting out of bed on these cold mornings, however it is vital that your child attends school every day, on time. If a child is late, even by just 5 minutes every day for a year, they would miss approximately 3.5 days of school over a year!

School starts at 8.45am every day, however our free early birds club starts at 8am daily (doors close at 8.15am) and all children from EYFS2 to class 6 are welcome. We offer a free breakfast for a every child and lots of staff led, fun activities. We make best use of this time with our children, completing extra reading and supporting with homework when needed. There is no need to book, just turn up on the day.

Have a wonderful and hopefully sunny weekend and we’ll see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


7th January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope that you all enjoyed a lovely Christmas break and on behalf of all the team at Pearson Primary School we wish you and your families a very happy and healthy 2022!

We have lots of information for you this week, so we have tried to keep it as brief as possible. However, as always, if you have any questions at all, please contact the school office or speak to a member of staff on the playground.


As COVID rates are increasing so quickly, we expect staff absence to increase over the coming weeks. This means it is likely that, from time to time,  your child may have some lessons with a teacher other than their usual teacher.

When a teacher is absent we will, in the first instance, try to cover classes using either our own pool of teachers or by using external supply teachers.

In the event of significant numbers of our staff being absent due to COVID, the Department of Education has given us permission to join classes together or switch to home remote online learning. Please note, this would only be used as a last resort if we have exhausted all other options.

New Guidance on Testing

If a person is displaying any COVID symptoms, they are still advised to take a PCR test at a walk in/drive through centre or to order a test via the post. The person must self-isolate until a negative result is received or they have completed 7 days isolation. On both day 6 and 7, they must take a Lateral Flow Test and if the result is negative and they do not have a temperature, they can return to school or work on day 8.

If a person does not display any symptoms but has a positive result on a Lateral Flow Test, they must self-isolate and take Lateral Flow Tests on day 6 and 7. If these are negative, and the person does not have a temperature they can return to school or work on day 8.

If someone in your household has COVID but your child does not have symptoms they can come to school as normal. However you are strongly advised by the Government to carry out a lateral flow test each day for 7 days on every other member of the household, including children over 5 in order to detect the virus.

Face Coverings

Please continue to wear a face covering when entering the school building and if you are not wearing a face covering you will be offered a disposable mask. If you are exempt for medical reasons, please politely let us know.

Cold Classrooms

Following the recommended guidelines to allow good ventilation in the classrooms, we must keep the windows open, regardless of the weather.  This means the classrooms will be colder than usual.  Please send your child in layers of warm clothing underneath their Pearson uniform to help keep them warm.

Warm Outdoor Clothing

Here at Pearson we like to play outside in all weather, with the exception of ice and heavy rain.  It is very cold at the moment, so please send your child in a warm winter coat, a hat, gloves and sensible shoes.

Please make sure you write your child’s name clearly in their clothing so that it can be returned to the rightful owner if it is lost.

We hope you all have a restful and safe weekend and we’ll see you all on Monday for another busy week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


21st December 2021 

 Dear parents and carers,

We are now at the end of an incredibly busy and challenging term and I wanted to thank you all for your continued support and kind words over the last few months.

New Adventures 

Today I would like to share some very exciting news with you.  Mr Lane, will be temporarily working at Westcott Primary School as Assistant Headteacher through the Spring and Summer Term. We wish him every success in this new challenge and know that he will continue to pop into Pearson regularly as we are all part of the same HCAT family.

Miss White will be stepping up as KS1 Phase Leader at Pearson Primary School when we return after the holiday.

Miss Sole and Mr Owens have now finished their time with us and will both be leaving to teach at different schools after the holidays.  We know you will join us in wishing them all the best of luck in their new roles.

Raffle Winner 

The lucky winner of our amazing Christmas raffle was Willow from class 3.  Thank you to all those who took part, together we managed to raise a huge £125 for our school.  Thank you!

We hope you all enjoy a very happy and safe Christmas break and we will see you all on Wednesday 5th January 2022.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


17th December 2021

 Dear parents and carers,

The children all thoroughly enjoyed their disco last night, and today’s Christmas dinner was a huge success. We have loved seeing the children having so much fun!

We have two more days of term left this year, so we look forward to seeing you all on Monday and Tuesday for some festive fun!

Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Production

Our Class 1 & 2 children are looking forward to performing some Christmas songs for parents on Monday 20th December, class 1 will perform at 9am and class 2 at 10.30am

We really value the opportunity for you to see your child on stage, however to help keep our children, families and staff safe, please note that it will be a short performance of around 10 minutes. This year:

  • we are able to offer 1 ticket per child to view the production here at school. There is no need to book, each child will bring the ticket home in their bag
  • we strongly recommend a lateral flow test before you come to the concert
  • face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt
  • the production will be approximately 10 minutes long

If you would prefer to watch the production in the comfort of your own home with as many guests as you wish, we are delighted to be able to offer an online viewing instead. The production will be available to watch online. We will send the link on Tuesday.

Christmas Party (Monday 20th December)

On Monday, each class will be having their very own Christmas party! The children can come to school dressed in their party clothes and we will be asking for a £1 contribution per child towards the party food.  Please send your child to their class with their money on Monday. Thank you.

Chill Out Tuesday (Tuesday 21st December)

We are going to spend our last day of term chilling out and reading! We will be getting comfy, wearing our pyjamas, onesies or our favourite comfy clothes for the day whilst reading lots of wonderful books and watching story related films together.  If your child would like to bring their slippers along to wear in class, just pop them in a bag and take them to class with them.  Children will still play outside at break and lunchtimes, so please make sure they still have sensible outdoor shoes and warm coats to wear.

Have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


EYFS Christmas Production

The production will take place on today at 2pm. We really value the opportunity for you to see your child on stage, however to help keep our children, families and staff safe, please note that it will be a short performance of around 10 minutes. This year:

  • we are able to offer 1 ticket per child to view the production here at school. There is no need to book, each child will bring the ticket home in their bag
  • we strongly recommend a lateral flow test before you come to the concert
  • face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt
  • the production will be approximately 10 minutes long
  • last admission will be 1.55pm

If you would prefer to watch the production in the comfort of your own home with as many guests as you wish, we are delighted to be able to offer an online viewing instead. The production will be available to watch at the same time, 2pm on Thursday 16th December. More details will follow soon.

13th December 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have lots of lovely, festive activities to look forward to until the end of term on Tuesday 21st December at 3.15pm.

Here’s a reminder for you all:

Wednesday 15th December – Our Lower school pupils will visit Spring Bank Methodist Church as part of our RE curriculum.

Friday 17th December – Our Upper school pupils will visit Spring Bank Methodist Church as part of our RE curriculum.

Friday 17th December – We are looking forward to seeing all your wonderful Christmas jumpers on our Christmas jumper day.

Friday 17th December – We can’t wait to enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner, handmade by our amazing cooks.

Friday 17th December – We will be sending all your fabulous pre-ordered Enterprise gifts home.

Monday 20th December – Each class will be having their very own Christmas party. We will be asking for a £1 contribution per child towards the party food. Please send your child to their class with their money on the day. Thank you.

EYFS Christmas Production

We are pleased to announce that we still intend for our EYFS children to take part in a Christmas Production for you all to enjoy. The production will take place on Thursday 16th December at 2pm. We really value the opportunity for you to see your child on stage, however to help keep our children, families and staff safe, please note that it will be a short performance of around 10 minutes. This year:

  • we are able to offer 1 ticket per child to view the production here at school. There is no need to book, each child will bring the ticket home in their bag
  • we strongly recommend a lateral flow test before you come to the concert
  • face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt
  • the production will be approximately 10 minutes long

If you would prefer to watch the production in the comfort of your own home with as many guests as you wish, we are delighted to be able to offer an online viewing instead. The production will be available to watch at the same time, 2pm on Thursday 16th December. More details will follow soon.

Christmas Disco

Our Christmas disco will take place on Thursday 16th December and tickets cost £1 per child.

EYFS1 to Class 3 will dance the night away from 3.15pm and then they will be taken back to their classrooms to collect their bags and coats. Parents will then be able to collect their child at 4.20am from their usual place on the playground.

Class 4 to Class 6 will pop on their dancing shoes at 4.15pm till 5.15pm and will collect their coats and bags from their classroom ready to be collected by parents at 5.20pm.

At the end of each disco, all children must be collected by an adult. Children will not be allowed to walk home unaccompanied.

Sweets, crisps and drinks will be available to buy at the disco.

Tickets are on sale now!

Chill Out Tuesday (21st December)

We are going to spend our last day of term chilling out and reading! We will be getting comfy, wearing our pyjamas, onesies or our favourite comfy clothes for the day whilst reading lots of wonderful books and watching story related films together. If your child would like to bring their slippers along to wear in class, just pop them in a bag and take them to class with them. Children will still play outside at break and lunchtimes, so please make sure they still have sensible outdoor shoes and warm coats to wear.

Face Coverings

In line with new Government guidelines, from today all adults who enter the school building are required to wear a face covering unless they are medically exempt. By adhering to the new guidelines you are helping to keep our community safe. Thank you for your continued support.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


3rd December 2021


Dear parents and carers,

We are quickly heading towards the Christmas holidays and we have so much to fit in before we break up on Tuesday 21st December!

Here’s a quick reminder of what we have planned over the coming weeks:

7th December – Last day to order our fantastic enterprise gifts – all order forms and money to be handed in to your class teacher please.

15th December –  Lower school visit to our local church.

16th December – The Pearson Primary School disco – we can’t wait to see all your fabulous dance moves! Tickets will cost £1 per child and will be available to buy from next Thursday. We will send more details next week.

17th December – Upper school visit to our local church.

17th December –  We will be enjoying a delicious Christmas lunch whilst wearing our festive jumpers for Christmas jumper day.

17th December – Your Enterprise orders will be sent home with your child.

20th December – Party day! We will be having lots of fun in our class parties.  We will be asking for a £1 donation, per child, to contribute towards the party food. More details to follow.

21st December – school closes at 3.15pm for Christmas holidays.

Winter Coats

Winter has arrived and here at Pearson we play outside in most weather. Please make sure you send your child with sensible shoes, a warm coat, gloves and a hat. Remember to write your child’s name clearly on their clothing so we can return it easily if it gets lost.

Information for parents of children on SEN register only

If your child is in Lower School (Y1, Y2 & Y3) and on the SEND register, Miss Jones will be available to update you on the work your child is doing and their progress on Friday 10th December at 9am.

If your child is in Upper School (Y4, Y5 & Y6) and on the SEND register, Miss Jones will be available to update you on the work your child is doing and their progress on Friday 17th December at 9am.

Alternatively, you can contact Miss Jones on Tel:01482 328569 or email her at

Have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


26th November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for your support and generous donations, together we managed to raise a huge £127.50 for Children in Need. Well done!

Christmas Events

As it’s almost December, this week’s letter is mostly all about Christmas!

Christmas is a modern British tradition and we love how our whole community comes together to share in the joy that Christmas brings.

We have many exciting events planned for the children to enjoy. Here a few dates for your diary:

Wednesday 15th December – Our Lower school pupils will be visiting Princes Avenue Church for a Christmas service.

Thursday 16th December –Get your dancing shoes ready for our fabulous school disco! Look out for more details to follow soon.

Friday 17th December – Our Lower school pupils will be visiting Princes Avenue Church for a Christmas service.

Friday 17th December – We cannot wait to see all your festive jumpers and tops on Christmas Jumper Day!

Friday 17th December – Our amazing cooks will be making us a delicious traditional Christmas lunch.

Monday 20th December – Party day! Each class will hold their own Christmas party. For a small donation, we will provide all the party food. We will send more information a bit closer to the time.

Tuesday 21St December – School closes for Christmas holidays at 3.15pm.

Wednesday 5th January – We return to school to start a new term.

One-Way System

We are continuing to use our one-way system whilst on the playground, please ensure you enter the playground at the main gate and exit at the Pearson tree gate.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

19th November 2021

Dear parents and carers,

What a colourful week we have had! On Monday, we wore all sorts of stripy, spotty and colourful odd socks to support anti-bullying week and today we have helped to raise lots of money for Children in Need by wearing non-uniform.  We are busy counting your generous donations and will let you know next week how much we have raised. Thank you.

Road Safety Week

At school, we will be holding an assembly about how to keep safe on and around the roads. This is especially important now that the dark nights are drawing in.

Some of the easiest ways to keep safe are:

  • Always hold an adults hand when walking near or across a road
  • Stop, look and listen and then look again before crossing a road
  • Never cross a road near a parked car
  • If possible, cross a road using a lollypop person, zebra or pelican crossing and only cross when all traffic on both sides has stopped
  • Wear bright, reflective clothing when out walking or cycling
  • Use bright visible lights on the front and back of your bike when cycling at night or in poor light
  • Always wear a cycle helmet when riding your bike

For more information on road safety, please follow the link below.

White Ribbon Day

Thursday 25th November is white ribbon day and as a school, we will be talking about how our hands are not for hurting and how to keep ourselves safe.

If you would like further information about White Ribbon Day, please follow this link

School Stakeholder Groups

Following recent changes to governance regarding School Stakeholder Groups, we have a number of vacancies for a parent trustee(s) to work across the whole of HCAT. Parent trustees are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending Trust schools. They serve a 4-year term of office and bring an important and valued perspective to the work of the Trust Board.

The Trust Board has a vital role to play in making sure every child receives the best possible education, which is reliant on trustees having the necessary experience, skills and commitment to contribute to effective governance. It is expected that trustees will make use of the various training opportunities available to them and play a full part in the work of the Trust Board and its committees.

For more information on Hull Collaborative Academy Trust, follow this link

If you are interested in becoming a parent trustee, please contact the school office for an application form. Your nomination (self-nomination is acceptable), which will need to be submitted by 17th December and are to be sent to or by post to;


c/o Dorchester Primary School

Dorchester Road



Have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


12th November 2021 

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Thursday, the 11/11/21 at 11am, we paid our respects to the armed forced community, past and present, by holding a two-minute silence.  Those of you who live close by, may even have heard the beautiful, live rendition of the ‘Last Post ‘ by Mrs Farmery our Music teacher.  The children made us very proud with their understanding and respect.

Attendance – Well Done

Attendance for every class is above 96% this week. Well done!

It is so important that every child attends school every day and on time, so thank you all for your continued support.

We have a few very busy weeks coming up, here are just a few of the exciting events we have planned:

Monday 15th November – Odd Socks and Anti-Bullying

Anti-bullying week starts next week and on Monday, we will all be wearing our odd socks to show our support. Spotty, stripy, different colours, the odder your socks are, the better!

More information about anti-bullying week will follow over the next few days.

Friday 19th November – Children in Need

This year, the theme is ‘Together We Can’. On Thursday evening, we will be sending a wristband home with every child and we would really love you to write a sentence on it about how you as a family and us here at Pearson can achieve great things together. Here are a few examples to help you on your way:

Together we can read every day with our children and make every child at Pearson a reader.

Together we can give every child the best possible education by attending school on time, every day.

Together we can do anything!

We are also holding a non-uniform day for a 50p donation per child. All contributions will be donated to Children in Need.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


5th November 2021

Dear parents and carers,

We hope you all had a lovely half term break, the children have all settled back into their school routine well.


Thank you all for your continued support with our reading scheme, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you all of our reading expectations.                Here at Pearson Primary School, we expect:

  • Every child to arrive at school with their book bag and book every day.
  • Every child to read their school book at home every day with an adult.

In addition, please read with your child for pleasure as often as possible, it could be a magazine, a favourite story or even a cook book! Remember to read, read, read!

Bonfire Night Safety

Today we have held an assembly around Firework Safety, but we would also like to give you some information to share with your families on how to keep family, pets and friends safe at firework and bonfire time.

Only adults should deal with firework displays and the lighting of fireworks. Always follow the firework code

  • Do not buy fireworks from unlicenced retailers, as these fireworks may be unsafe and illegal.
  • Only buy fireworks that comply with current safety standards.
  • Always keep fireworks in a closed box. Take them out one at a time and close the box.
  • Never put fireworks in your pocket.
  • Be considerate. Let your neighbours know you will be having a display, especially if they are elderly or they have pets or children.
  • Avoid setting fireworks off late at night, particularly if it is a school-night.
  • Ensure your pets are safe and indoors if possible.
  • Carefully follow the instructions on EACH firework.
  • Never go back to a lit firework unless the instructions advise otherwise.
  • Never throw fireworks; it is dangerous.
  • Light fireworks one at a time, at the end of the fuse, and at arm’s length.
  • Light sparklers one at a time and wear suitable gloves, even when lighting them.
  • Never give sparklers to a child under the age of 5.
  • Never throw spent fireworks on a bonfire.
  • Only adults should take care of the safe disposal of fireworks once they have been used.

Have a very safe, enjoyable weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



21st October 2021

Dear parents and carers,

We have now closed for our half term holiday and return again on Tuesday 2nd November. We hope you all have a wonderful, safe break and enjoy spending time together as a family.

Over the break, please make sure you spend time reading with your child as much as possible. The more you read together, the more your child will enjoy reading!

Have a lovely time, and remember to read, read, read!!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


15th October 2021


Dear parents and carers,

Half term is almost upon us, and what a busy half term it has been!  The children have settled really well into their new classes and have all worked incredibly hard.  Thank you for your support, especially with our new reading scheme.

Half Term Break

Reminder: School closes at 3.15pm on Thursday 21st October and reopens again on Tuesday 2nd November.

World Mental Health Day

Wednesday was a bright and colourful day, which certainly made us smile. Thank you for showing your support for World Mental Health Day by sending your child in something green.

If you would like any further information about this campaign, please follow this link:

For advice on looking after your mental health, please follow the NHS Every Mind Matters link below:

Medical Appointments

We have recently seen a significant increase in the amount of children attending appointments during the school day.  It is vital that you try to make appointments such as dentists, doctors and opticians outside of school hours where possible.

If your child does have an appointment during school hours, please bring the letter to the school office where a copy can be placed on their file.


If your child arrives at school with a coat, please check that they have their coat with them when they leave. We have seen lots of lovely coats left out on the playground that we have been unable to reunite with their owner.

If your child has lost a winter coat over the last few days, please enquire in the school office.

Please clearly write your child’s name in their coats and jumpers/cardigans so that we can return them should they get lost.

We hope you all enjoy a lovely sunny weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


8th October 2021 

Dear Parents and Carers,  

Thank you all for making our parent consultation evenings such a success.  It was wonderful to be able to open our school back up and welcome you into the classrooms again! 

Warm Clothing Indoor 

We have been incredibly fortunate with the mild weather so far, however, autumn is definitely upon us and colder weather is on its way!  

Please remember you must dress your child in extra layers to keep them warm in class. To aid ventilation in the classrooms, all windows will be wide open, regardless of the weather. This means the classrooms are very likely to be cold throughout the day. You can dress your child in any coloured warm clothing but please make sure they have their white/blue polo shirt and navy-blue cardigan or sweatshirt on top.  

Warm Clothing Outdoor 

Here at Pearson, we play outside in most weather, so please make sure your child has a suitable coat and shoes for the cold, wet weather.  

Our PE lessons will still take place outdoors whenever possible so in colder weather please send your child with a plain black hoody or sweatshirt and plain black tracksuit bottoms.  

Named Clothing 

Please ensure you write your child’s name in their school clothing, especially their jumpers/cardigans and coats. If your child misplaces their clothing whilst at school, it is incredibly difficult for us to return it to the rightful owner if the item is not named. 

World Mental Health Day 

On Wednesday 13th October, we are going to be wearing green to help raise awareness of mental health and well-being. Wear anything green, a t-shirt, a green ribbon in your hair, a pair of green socks! Anything goes! 

Neighbouring Gym Stairs 

The concrete staircase leading to our neighbours gym is very steep. Please do not let your child climb and jump up or down the stairs as they may seriously injure themselves. The gym and the staircase are private property and do not belong to the school. Thank you. 

Board of Trustees 

The school no longer has a local governing body. The Board of Trustees of the Hull Collaborative Academy Trust is now responsible for all matters relating to governance. Please see the following link to the Trust’s website that will provide you with access to information about the Board and individual trustees, as well as documents relating to governance. 

Please click here for further information 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and if you are visiting Hull Fair, stay safe and have fun! We will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


1st October 2021

Dear parents and carers,

Macmillian Coffee Morning

Thank you for all your generous donations towards our Macmillan coffee morning last Friday.  Together we raised a huge £172.50, which is amazing! Thank you so much.

Harvest Festival

This year, our Harvest festival donation to Open Doors has been fantastic. Your generosity has been overwhelming and Open Doors are incredibly grateful. The food you have given will make a significant difference to the lives of others.

Family Consultations

We are holding parent consultations on Tuesday 5th October and Thursday 7th October. These will be held at school and will give you the opportunity to see your child/ren’s classroom and meet with their teacher. Please check your child’s book bag for your appointment time.

Reading Lower School (Years 1, 2 & 3)

We have some wonderful, exciting new books for our lower school children to enjoy. Our new reading books are matched to the phonics the children have been learning in class and no longer follow their previous book band. Please see the information leaflet in your child’s book bag for more information.

We are hoping this beautiful sunshine stays for the weekend, but whatever the weather we hope you have a lovely time.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

24th September 2021

Dear parents and carers,

Macmillan Coffee Morning

What a wonderful end to a busy week! Thank you to everyone who has helped us raise much-needed funds for Macmillan. Whether you joined us for coffee and cake or donated delicious sweet treats, you really have helped make a difference. Your support has helped to raise vital funds for people living with cancer.  We will let you know our grand total raised as soon as we can.

Nasal Flu Vaccination

The deadline to give consent for the vaccine is today.  If you would like your child to have the nasal vaccine you MUST give your consent, without it, your child will not receive the vaccine. If you require a Halal version, please add this to the notes section on the online form.

PE Kit

PE will be on the same day each week, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school to change into on their timetabled day:

  • Monday – Year 1 & Year 2
  • Tuesday – Year 4
  • Wednesday – Year 3
  • Thursday – EYFS 2 & Year 5 
  • Friday – Year 6

Our School PE Kit:

  • Blue or white plain t-shirt
  • Blue or black plain sports shorts
  • Trainers or sandshoes
  • For colder weather a plain black hoodie/sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms

Please ensure your child has warm outdoor PE clothes for colder days as PE will be outdoors wherever possible, even if the weather is a little inclement.

All jewellery must be removed for PE with the exception of newly pierced stud earrings, which should be taped up, by either the child or a parent/family member.

Fareshare Shop

Every Thursday at 3.15pm, we are going to hold a Fareshare shop.

Fareshare are a charitable company that believe no good food should go to waste by distributing surplus food from supermarkets and food production companies to schools and other charitable organisations.                                                                                                By donating to the charity, we are lucky enough to receive a weekly food package for us to share with our community.

Please do come along to see us, we usually have a good selection of fruit and vegetables, fresh meat and sweet treats. Please note, our stock will vary each week. Everything is priced at a bargain 3 for £1!

Be Seen to Be Safe

We are now officially into autumn and darks nights are drawing in so it’s important to be safe to be seen.

Always wear or carry something bright that will help you to be seen more easily during the day, and at night.

By day…

During the day always wear clothes with bright colours. Fluorescent material is even better as it helps us to really stand out and be seen during the day. This material also helps us to be seen in the evening before it is dark.

By night…

Fluorescent material does not work in the dark! We need to wear something reflective so we can be seen when car headlights are shining towards us. Even a small patch of reflective material can help drivers to see us from very far away.

Things to remember!

FLUORESCENT MATERIAL – is effective outside during daytime because it reacts to the ultra-violet rays in sunlight.  It could be a stripe on your jacket, patches on your bag or an armband.

REFLECTIVE MATERIAL – works in the dark because the special surface reflects light (street lights, car headlights etc.)

We hope you have a great weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


17th September 2021

Dear parents and carers,

It has been wonderful to see all the children back in school and they have all settled really well in to their new classes.

We would also like to welcome our new Foundation children along with their parents and carers. The children have all been having lots of fun and are settling into their class routines nicely.

Please remember, school begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm every day. It is really important that every child arrives at school on time, every day. If your child is 5 minutes late for school every day, over the year, they will have lost approximately 3.5 days of school or around 20 lessons!

We have been very impressed by how smart our children look in their uniforms, by wearing our uniforms we are able show our community that we are all proud to be part of the Pearson family. Thank you for your continued support.

We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

7th September 2021

Dear Parent or Carer,

We hope you have all enjoyed a lovely summer break and are excited to return to school tomorrow. We are all really looking forward to seeing all the children again!

I wanted to start this letter by thanking you all for your continued support and understanding throughout this past year at school.  Together, we have overcome many challenges.

Covid-19 Measures

As we all return to school, I just wanted provide some reassurance that we still have measures in place to keep our community safe.  We are:

  • Staggering lunches, playtimes and assemblies in 3 groups – EYFS, Lower school (years 1, 2 & 3) and Upper school (years 4, 5 & 6)
  • Continuing to have a cleaner on site at all times
  • Maintaining our one way system – enter through the main gates and exit through the Pearson tree gate
  • Continuing our focus on handwashing and hygiene
  • Ensuring we have good ventilation at all times by keeping windows and doors open
  • Actively promoting social distancing on the playground at drop off and collection – we have increased the space for parents to wait by moving the yellow marker closer to the school grounds

Face coverings are no longer mandatory, however if you wish to wear a facemask please continue to do so.

Free Breakfast Club 8am Daily

We know some of our families have other commitments on an evening so are unable to attend our fabulous afterschool clubs. We don’t want any of our children to miss out on the chance to join in the fun so our breakfast club will now be activity based too.

At 8am, the children will eat their delicious, free healthy breakfast of toast, cereal or porridge and fruit.

At 8.15am they will begin their staff led, fun activity.

To enable the children to get the maximum amount of time to enjoy their activities, children must arrive for breakfast club at 8am. Unfortunately, there will be no entry after 8.10am.

No need to book, just turn up on the day.

More details on the breakfast club activities will follow shortly.

School Times

Just a reminder about the school start and finish times.

The whole school will start at 8.45pm and finish at 3.15pm. Please be patient as it may take a little longer than usual to collect your child as we get used to the changes.

New Staff

Please join us in welcoming five new staff members to our Pearson family.

Mrs McLean is our new Finance Manager, Miss Hutchins has joined our Administration Team, Jordan Fox is our new Facilities Manager, Miss Sole is a SEND ASA and Miss Richardson-Williams is our new Trainee Teacher.

Data Collection Forms

We will be sending a data collection form home with each child over the next few days. To help us keep your child safe, it is really important that we have the correct information regarding your children’s medical needs and emergency contact details. Please update and return the form back to your class teacher as soon as possible.

We will see you all tomorrow morning for a new, exciting term!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



23rd July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we come to the end of a very different school year, I wanted to say a huge thank you to all of our children, parents/carers and staff. This year has presented us with so many challenges and as a community, we have worked together, and overcome every single one!  I am so proud of our Pearson family.

Thank you for your continued support and kind words over the past year, it really does make a difference.


When we return to school in September, we expect all children to be in the Pearson school uniform. Wearing a uniform helps us look smart and feel like we belong.  Our uniform consists of:

Plain black trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore

White collared polo shirt

Navy blue jumper or cardigan (with or without Pearson logo)

Plain black sensible shoes

We will hold another uniform shop on Tuesday 7th September, more details will follow via text, closer to the time.

School day

Please remember the school gates will open at 8.45am and school will finish at 3.15pm for all pupils when we return on Wednesday 8th September.

Breakfast Club

Our free breakfast club opens at 8am daily and is open to all children from EYFS2 to Year 6.

We provide a free, delicious, healthy breakfast and the children can join in with a variety of play and educational activities such as colouring, table tennis, board games and playing with toys.

There is no need to book, just turn up at 8am!

After School Clubs

We are delighted to say that we will be offering a variety of after school clubs when we return in September. Will send more information during our first week back.

We hope you all have an amazing summer holiday, stay safe and we will see you all on Wednesday 8th September.

Take very good care

Mrs Clarkson

21st July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are very excited to share some amazing news with you all!

We are proud to announce that three of our wonderful Pearson family have recently gained a promotion within our trust.  This means that although they will sadly be leaving us here at Pearson, they will remain part of the HCAT team.

Miss Bennett (EYFS ASA), Mrs Shore (Finance Manager) and Ged Watts (Site Facilities Manager) will all leave for their new roles this Friday, the 23rd of July.

Miss Bennett, Mrs Shore and Ged have all worked at Pearson for a number of years and we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all their hard work and commitment.

We will miss them all, but know you will join us in congratulating them on their marvellous achievement and wishing them the very best of luck in their new HCAT schools.

Thank you,

Mrs Clarkson


16th July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week the children have all settled well into their new classrooms and impressed their new teachers with their willingness to learn. Well done everybody!

Bikes and Scooters

If your child travels to school on a bike or scooter, please make sure that they are aware of the potential dangers around them.

Recently, a child cycled onto the road outside the school gates without looking, which almost resulted in them being knocked off their bike by a passing car. The motorist was quick to act and luckily, the child was unharmed. However, this could have been a very serious accident.

Please ensure your child:

  • always wears a helmet
  • understands basic road safety, especially if they travel to school alone
  • is courteous to pedestrians when using the footpaths to cycle and scoot to school
  • does not ride their bike or scooter on school grounds

Eid al-Adha

We know many of our families will be celebrating next week, so if your child will not be attending school during Eid al-Adha, you must inform the school in writing by Monday 19th July. Your child’s absence will then be recorded as a religious observance.

Please note, if we do not receive notification in writing we will contact you, either over the phone or in person and your child may be marked as an unauthorised absence.

You can pass your letter to a member of staff on the playground or hand it in to the school office, thank you.

Covid-19 Procedures from Monday 19th July

Although the Government will be relaxing the rules on Monday, we have been given very clear advice from Public Health and our local authority to maintain our existing measures.  This means, that until the end of term, we will continue to:

  • ask all adults to wear a mask on the playground and all communal areas
  • stagger our start/finish times and lunch times
  • keep children in their existing bubbles
  • maintain social distancing

Thank you for your continued support in helping to keep our school community safe.

Hull Healthy Holidays at Pearson Primary School

We have recently sent a leaflet home with information about this exciting opportunity for our children to enjoy over the summer holidays.

Hull City Council are providing free, fun clubs for children aged 5+ throughout the summer holidays.  There are clubs available all over Hull, with one based here at Pearson Primary School.  The clubs are available on a first come, first served basis and places are filling up fast. To book a space for you child, please see

If you need any further information, please contact Miss Maw on Tel: 07584 392023.

We have one more week at school before the start of the summer holidays so let’s hope this beautiful weather is here to stay!  Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all on Monday for a fun, last week of term.

Take very good care,

Mrs Clarkson

9th July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week has been a very exciting fun-filled week. We have been showing our colours during sports week and today, children in years 1-6 have enjoyed their end of year parties.

School Reports

We hope you enjoyed reading your child’s reports, the children have all worked so hard this year and we are very proud of them all.

If you would like to discuss your child’s report with their current class teacher, we have the following dates available for a telephone appointment. All appointments will be in 10 minutes time slots between 3.30pm and 5.00pm.

EYFS – Wednesday 14th July

Year 1 – Tuesday 13th July

Year 2 – Wednesday 14th July

Year 3 – Monday 12th July

Year 4 – Monday 12th July

Year 5 – Wednesday 14th July

Year 6 – Tuesday 13th July

If you would like an appointment, please call the school office on Tel: 01482 328569 to arrange a time.

School Uniform

As we are nearing the end of term, many of you will be thinking about buying new uniform, ready for September.  We have made some small changes to our uniform, so from September our uniform will be:

Navy blue jumper or cardigan (with or without the Pearson logo)

Plain black trousers/skirt/pinafores/shorts

White collared polo shirt

Plain black sensible shoes

We will be selling school jumpers (£8.50) and school cardigans (£10.00) on the playground on Wednesday 14th July. You can buy jumpers and cardigans between school start time until 9.30am and then again from school finish time until 3.30pm.

We will be also selling uniform on Tuesday 7th September between 10.30am and 11.30am.

Healthy Holidays Hull 2021

We have been incredibly lucky here at Pearson Primary School and we are going to be hosting a healthy holiday camp provided by First Step Sports Group. This will provide healthy, fun activities for children and will run for either 4 morning or 4 afternoons a week from 16th August.  Places must be pre-booked, and spaces are limited, so watch out for further details soon.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and let’s hope England win on Sunday evening and football finally comes home!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



25th June 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are at the end of another, very busy week.  Thank you for your continued support with wearing masks on school grounds and continuing to social distance.  Thank you for keeping to your allocated time for school pick up and drop off too, it all helps to keep our community safe.

As we are nearing the end of the summer term, we are busy preparing our children for their next exciting chapter of school life.

Parents of EYFS2 Children

Our EYFS2 children are growing up so quickly and it is almost time for them to move up to Year 1.  To help the children move easily into the next phase of their education, their new class 1 teacher will join them in EYFS from Monday 12th July for the whole week.  The class will have a party with Mrs Thackrey on Friday 16th July. From Monday 19th July, the children and their new class 1 teacher will move into their new classroom for the final week. This will give the children the chance to get to know their teacher and new environment ready for September.

Details of your child’s new class teacher will be sent out soon.

Parents of Year 1 up to Year 5 Children

To help the children transition smoothly into the next school year, they will spend the last two weeks of this term in their new classroom with their new teacher. This means that Friday 9th July will be the last day your child spends in their current year.  Each class will celebrate with a party on the same day, Friday 9th July.

This will give the children the opportunity to settle into their new classroom and allow both the children and their new teacher to get to know one another before the hard work begins in September.

Details of your child’s new class teacher will be sent out soon.

PSHE Curriculum Discussion

Should you wish to discuss elements of the PSHCE curriculum with your child, we would like to offer our support to help you understand what we will be teaching  over the next few weeks. On Monday 28th June, we will make teachers available to talk you through the lessons and resources we will be using.  There is no need to book, just turn up. We will be holding 3 sessions:

Ladies only – 1.45pm till  2.15pm

Gentlemen only – 2.15pm till 2.45pm

Mixed session – 2.45pm – 3.15pm

Parents of Year 6 Children

Our Year 6 children all enjoyed a wonderful sunny day away at the seaside this week.  They had a brilliant time playing on the beach and eating ice cream!

As the Year 6 transition to senior school will be virtual this year, for the last two weeks of term, Year 6 will become our very first Pearson Year 7! From Monday 12th July, the work the children will complete will be provided by their new school. We will of course, be on hand to support and guide them through their work.

All parents

If we are lucky enough to have some sunny days in the coming weeks, please make sure you apply plenty of sun cream before your child comes to school and they bring a hat. We like to spend lots of time outside here at Pearson!

We hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please do contact us by emailing or telephoning the office on 01482 328569.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

18th June 2021

 Dear parents and carers,

We have had a really good start to this term, the children have all worked very hard in class and we have finally been able to enjoy some beautiful sunshine, even if it was just for a few glorious days!

Staggered start times

Thank you for making sure your child arrives at school for their allocated start time every day, we do appreciate your support.

As a reminder:

  • If your child’s allocated start time is 45am, please collect your child at 3.00pm
  • If your child’s allocated start time is 00am, please collect your child at 3.15pm

Please be prompt, but not early, when collecting your child at the end of the school day. We need to continue to keep the number of people on our school grounds to an absolute minimum, so being on time really does help to keep our community safe.

End of term events

We have been eagerly waiting for government guidance as to how we can safely organise some end of term school events. We have received some updated advice this week, so we are looking forward to planning some fun school activities for the rest of this term. We will be in touch shortly with more information.

We hope to see some sunshine again over the weekend, but whatever the weather, we hope you have a lovely time.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


27th May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
First, I just want to thank you for a fabulous half term and a huge well done to everybody for all your hard work.

Half Term
Remember school closes today Thursday 28th May and reopens on Wednesday 9th June.

If your child presents with any symptoms up to Saturday 29th at 15:15pm you must book A Covid test and inform the school on 07392 770625, the whole household must isolate until a negative test result is received. To book a Covid test please telephone :119 or book online at

If your child has symptoms after this date, you do not need to inform the school, but you should still book a test.

School Uniform
We are hoping for lots of sunshine this summer term so if you are thinking of buying uniform for the warmer weather, please remember it is a blue gingham dress or black or grey school shorts. Also, we do have other items of uniform available to buy in school.

The weather for the next week is looking so much better and I hope everyone have a restful break and enjoys some much-needed time with their families.

Take very good care,
Mrs L Clarkson

21st May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another mix of sunshine and showers this week, I cannot believe it is almost June! The rain has not phased the children however, and they have been working very hard in all aspects of their learning.


I would like to thank everybody for taking part in our Eid celebrations last week. The children and staff had a wonderful time, and it was fantastic to see so many wonderful party clothes. 


Although restrictions have been eased somewhat, our policy at school has not changed and I wish to remind parents to please wear a mask when on the school grounds and always maintain social distancing.

Please do not send your child to school if they or anyone in your household are displaying one or more of the following symptoms:

  • A high temperature.
  • A loss or change in normal sense of smell or taste.
  • A new continuous cough.

You must book a Covid test for the person displaying symptoms and the whole household must isolate until a negative test result is received. To book a Covid test please telephone :119 or book online at

EYFS – Year 4

Next week our teachers from F2 through to year 4 will be Telephoning parents to discuss how your children have adapted to returning to school after lockdown and answer any questions that you have

Half term

Remember we break for half term on Thursday 28th May and return on Wednesday 9th June.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

7th May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Despite the very wet weather this week, we have had a wonderful week here at Pearson Primary. The children have settled back in nicely after the Easter break and its lovely to see them engaging in their learning once more.


We are going to be celebrating Eid next Friday afternoon, we will have fish & chips for lunch, followed by some special yummy puddings made by our own school cook.

The children will then have a party back in their own classroom and we invite them to come to school on Friday in their favourite party clothes to help make this celebration special.

Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions, we are unable to accept any of your delicious homecooked food this year.  Instead, we are asking for a 50p donation per child so that we can provide some party food for everybody.  Please bring your 50p donation to your class on Friday morning.

Social Distancing

Thank you again for your continued support and for helping us keep everyone safe on the playground by adhering to our social distancing guidelines, our one-way system and, wearing a face covering while on school grounds.  These measures really do help keep our community safe.

Let’s hope the weather is a little kinder to us this weekend, enjoy your family time and I look forward to welcoming you back Monday for the start of a new week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

16th April 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you have all had a lovely Easter break.  We have had such a wonderful start to the summer term, the children have worked very hard and are already back into the school routine. We have really enjoyed seeing the children playing out in the sunshine!


Sending your child to school every day is vital for their education and well-being, especially now after experiencing months of lockdown.

Throughout the Summer term, we are going to hold a weekly, virtual assembly for the children to reward excellent attendance.  This will include:

  • Every child will get a raffle ticket for every day they attend school. Every week, a raffle will be drawn per class and 2 lucky children will get to enjoy a cupcake and juice drink as an extra special treat.
  • Most improved class – the class with the most improved attendance for that week will get an extra break time.
  • Every week your total class attendance is over 96%, your class will receive a token. Each token is worth £5.00 and will be converted to cash at the end of the term for the children to spend on a class activity. Amazing! How much can your class win? What will you spend it on? We cannot wait to find out!

Let us all do our very best and arrive on time, every day!

Be On Time

Please ensure your child arrives at school on time. Children who are late, often miss important work that is used as a framework for the rest of the school day, and it can also disrupt the rest of the class upon their arrival.

Social Distancing

Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe on the playground by adhering to our social distancing guidelines, our one way system and, wearing a face covering while on school grounds.  These measures really do help keep our community safe.

Parent/Teacher Meetings

We will be in touch to arrange virtual meetings between parents and teachers to discuss your children’s progress.  A letter with more details will be sent out soon.

I am hoping for a sunny weekend for us all to enjoy, but whatever the weather, I hope you have a relaxing weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


26th March 2021

School re-opens on Tuesday 13th April 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have wowed us once again with their resilience and enthusiasm on their return to school, they have all worked incredibly hard over the past three weeks, so well done to everyone.  It is now time for a well earnt rest, and we return on Tuesday 13th April so we hope you all have the most amazing time!

Thank You Pearson Staff

We are sure you will join us in thanking our wonderful, dedicated team of staff here at Pearson. They have all gone the extra mile to make sure that all children in our Pearson family are kept safe, happy and well educated.  Thank you.

Friday Early Leave

Today is our last early Friday leave and when we return after Easter, all children will leave at their normal pick up time of 3pm or 3.15pm, Monday to Friday.

In-house Catering

We are excited to share with you that from next term, all our catering will be ran in-house.  The staff who currently provide our school catering have transferred to HCAT from our contract caterers and are looking forward to providing healthy, nutritious lunches.

In making this change, we are able to have a greater freedom to plan menus that we know the children will love, and we hope that you will work with us to encourage your children to choose the school meal option as often as possible.

New Lunch Menus

Please follow this link to view the menus

For those children in Year 3 and above who are not entitled to benefit based free school meals, the cost remains at £1.50 per day. Whenever possible, please pay in advance, in a sealed, named envelope.

Free School Meals

For more information about benefit based free school meals, or if you think you may be eligible, please follow this link to the Hull City Council website

We hope you have a magical Easter and you get to make many fun, family memories together. Take very good care and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 13th April for the start of the Summer term.

Happy Easter!

Mrs L Clarkson

12th March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have all had such a wonderful week, seeing our school full of happy children. They all seem to have grown so much!

Thank you for respecting our social distancing rules while on school site but please remember that all adults must wear a face covering at all times on the playground.

Our staggered start and finish times have really helped us adhere to our safety procedures and we thank you for your continued support with this.


When we return after the Easter holidays, Friday’s will resume to our normal full day with either a 3pm or 3.15pm finish.

Red Nose Day

We will be selling red noses at a cost of £1.50 each, ready for the big day on Friday 19th March.  There are 9 red noses and one super rare gold nose, all of which are the most fantastically fun group of woodland creatures you have ever met. The noses are in sealed boxes and you will not be able to see which red nose you have until you open the box. Please note, unfortunately we will not be able to exchange or refund you if you do not get the nose you want.

We will send more details of when and where to buy your noses from next week.

PE Kit

As some children are coming to school in their PE kits on their class PE day, it is important that we wear the correct clothing.  Wearing the correct uniform or PE kit, helps us to look smart and feel like we belong.

Our School PE Kit is:

  • Blue or white plain t-shirt
  • Blue or black plain sports shorts
  • Trainers or sandshoes
  • For colder weather a plain black, grey or blue hoodie/sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms

We hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and we look forward to another great week next week.

Take very good care of one another,

Mrs L Clarkson

9th February 2021

Dear all,

I hope this letter finds you safe and well.

We have been so pleased to see so many of our children back in school, now that we are in the early stages of returning to some normality.

I would like to confirm that all HCAT schools will be returning to their previous individual school timetable after the easter break. This means from week commencing 12th April, Pearson Primary School will be open for a full day on Fridays.

We want to thank you for your support during these extremely challenging circumstances. Your understanding and co-operation has been greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Estelle Macdonald


23rd February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, we are delighted to confirm that school will fully reopen on the 8th March and we expect all pupils to attend from this date.

We would like to reassure you that the safety of our Pearson family is a priority, and we are working hard putting plans in place to continue to keep everyone safe upon our return.

We will be in touch soon with further details regarding start & finish times, safety measures & restrictions and any other useful information.

For now, until we return, please continue to work hard with your remote learning so that you are ready to return to school on the 8th March.

We really are looking forward to seeing you all soon and can’t wait to have our wonderful school full of happy children again.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

12th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now at the end of a very different and incredibly difficult half term.  Your support over these past few weeks has been overwhelming, and we cannot thank you enough for all you have done. The children have worked extremely hard and we have loved seeing all their fabulous work. Their resilience and determination has really shone through; we are very proud of each and every one of them, well done!

Although we cannot wait to see all our children back in school, unfortunately, we are still waiting on Government guidance as to when this might happen.  We will keep you all updated as soon as we have any more information.

Remote learning begins again and school will partially reopen (for those children currently attending) on Tuesday 23rd February.

We hope you all enjoy a wonderful, well deserved rest. Keep safe and take very good care of one another,

Mrs Clarkson

5th February 2021

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Your continued support with remote learning over these past few weeks has not gone unnoticed, thank you. We are seeing some really fabulous work from our amazing children, please continue to keep up the good work – only one more week left this half term!

Wellbeing Wednesday

After receiving lots of fantastic feedback from our first ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’, we are happy to report that it was a tremendous success! Thank you all for taking part with such enthusiasm, the photos and videos you have sent us of your family groups taking part have been wonderful.  We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all your smiling faces and we look forward to seeing more next Wednesday.

Full School Reopening

We have not been advised by the government of when schools will fully re-open, as soon as we have any more information, we will let you know as quickly as possible.

Half Term

We break up for half term at 1pm on Friday 12th February 2021 and the children who are currently in school, return on Tuesday 23rd February 2021. Please note, there will be no provision for any children to attend school during half term.

As always, if you need any further support,  please contact us by either emailing or by calling 01482 328569 during school hours.

We hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend, take very good care of one another,

Mrs L Clarkson

29th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

After a tough few weeks, we wanted to say thank you once again for your unwavering support and hard work in helping your children continue to learn.

We have been working incredibly hard to make our remote learning experience the very best it can be for our children. We have recently had a visit from Darren Marks (HCAT head of school improvement and Ofsted Inspector) and Estelle Macdonald (HCAT CEO) to review our remote learning offer and we are thrilled to share that they were incredibly complimentary about the offer we are providing for the children. They were especially impressed with the engagement of the children who are working from home. This is testament to you, our amazing parents, carers, older siblings and other adults in your household. Your continued hard work, commitment and resilience during these difficult times has once again made us incredibly proud to part of the Pearson family.

Many of the staff at Pearson are parents too, and we well understand the challenges that remote learning can present. Within our own families, some days are an absolute joy and other days can feel like we have achieved nothing at all! Although the struggles in each household vary, I am confident that we are all facing increased demands, to meet the needs of individual children of different ages, particularly in households with a number of children.

With this in mind, and to coincide with Mental Health Week next week, we are launching ‘Well Being Wednesday’ for the next two weeks.

Our aim is to create family-based learning opportunities, in line with the national Mental Health Week event, that will bring your whole family together to engage in fun learning activities that promote wellbeing.

These activities still follow National Curriculum guidelines of offering a broad and balanced curriculum. It is important though, that all children still complete their daily reading lesson, and those children in EYFS and Years 1 & 2 will also need to complete their daily phonics lessons. However, each Wednesday the rest of the remote learning work will focus on work the whole family, regardless of age, can complete together. We are hoping to include subjects such as art, outdoor learning, and fitness.

You will be able to access the ‘Well Being Wednesday’ work in the exact same way as you normally access remote learning.

There is no expectation for you to submit the ‘Well Being Wednesday’ completed work to the class teachers, but we would love it if you chose to share some of your Wednesday family learning pictures with us.

We think you are all doing a fabulous job! Keep going – we only have two more weeks until half term when we can all enjoy a much-deserved break.  Keep safe and take very good care.

Mrs L Clarkson


15th January 2021

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you once again for all your efforts with remote learning this week. We really appreciate everything that you are doing to ensure your children can access the work online, whether this be on Teams or ClassDojo. We are responding to feedback from our weekly calls to you and adjusting our delivery to make the lessons as engaging as possible for the children.

Please remember to contact your class teacher on ClassDojo, Teams or by calling the school if you need any support with the remote learning.

Curriculum Information


As we start the New Year, ‘Dreams and Goals’ will be our Jigsaw focus for the next half term.  Here is a list of the whole school weekly themes for PSHCE that we will be covering:

  • Stay motivated when doing something challenging
  • Keep trying even when it is difficult
  • Work well with a partner or in a group
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Help others to achieve their goals
  • Working hard to achieve your dreams and goals

If you have any questions or queries related to our PSHCE lessons, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Thackrey.

Wellbeing Week

In school, we also look forward to taking part in ‘Wellbeing week’ starting on the 18th January, and ‘Mental Health’ week on the 1st February.

Please make sure you are taking time to look after each other during these testing times.

Throughout the month of February, we will also be participating in various activities related to ‘National Heart Month’, where we will be learning how to keep ourselves healthy.  On the 10th February, we will also be celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Have a brilliant weekend, enjoy the well-deserved rest from remote learning, and most importantly – stay safe.

Mrs L Clarkson

8th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to start this letter by wishing you all a happy new year! We hope you enjoyed the Christmas break and made lots of happy memories.  The year may not have started as we expected but we hope 2021 is a better year for us all.

This term has begun a bit differently to what we planned and has already presented us with a few extra challenges. As always, your unwavering support has been amazing and has made the last few days much easier for us to arrange, thank you.

As you are aware, the school partially re-opened on Wednesday for our keyworker and vulnerable children, along with those children unable to complete remote learning at home.

Remote learning

As advised by the Government, every child should be completing a minimum amount of remote learning each day, including teacher led learning. This will be monitored by the class teacher and should be for:

  • 3 hours a day for years EYFS2, Year 1 and Year 2
  • 4 hours a day for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

To complete the work, your child will need access to the internet and a device such as a tablet or laptop.

All work for EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 can accessed by:

  • Visiting our website at
  • Scroll down until you reach ‘Home Learning Resources’
  • Click on your child’s year group

All work for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 can accessed by:

  • Visiting our website at
  • Clicking on the ‘Teams Login’ link at the top right-hand side of the home page.

Problems with remote learning

If you are experiencing problems accessing the Home Learning Resources on our website, please call the school immediately, and we will do everything that we can to support your access.

We will be monitoring that all children are doing their remote learning every week and, in the event that a child is not completing their work, we will be contacting you to discuss this further.

What you need to know if your child does attend school

We have tried to keep the day as a typical school day with break times and lunchtimes broadly as usual.  The children are completing the same remote learning work as those at home and they will take part in extra activities in line with the curriculum.

  • Please continue to use our one-way system, and stay behind the yellow line
  • Only one adult to enter the school grounds and they must wear a face covering at all times
  • The children start at 9am and finish at 3pm. Except on a Friday, when they leave at 1pm
  • The children must wear their school uniform
  • There is still an option of a hot meal or sandwich/wrap at lunchtime. The cost of a school meal is £1.50 per day for those in Years 3-6, unless you are entitled to benefit-based free school meals
  • Send your child with their bookbag and book so that we can change it regularly
  • Please do not send your child to school if your child or anyone in your household have any Coronavirus symptoms

Benefit-based free school meals

For those children that are entitled to free school meals and are not attending school, we will be providing a weekly food bag per child. We will be in contact next week with those families that are entitled to a food bag.

I hope you are all keeping safe and well and look forward to our school being full of happy children again soon.  Have a lovely weekend and take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

5th January 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy new year! I am pleased to inform you that your child has successfully been allocated a place at school. To reassure you, your child’s day will be as close to a typical school day as possible.

Please carefully read the information below:

  • The school day for EYFS2, Yr1, Yr2, Yr3, Yr4, Yr5 & Yr6 will be 9am until 3pm. For health and safety reasons,  we have made a decision that any child that attends in these year groups must attend for the whole day
  • This Friday will be 9am – 1pm.  We will update you about the following Friday’s as soon as possible. Please be prompt
  • The school day for EYFS1 will be 9am until 12pm
  • Only one adult to enter the school grounds and they MUST wear a face covering
  • Please use the same entrance/exit as usual
  • You must stay behind the yellow line
  • The lunch menu will remain the same or you can send your child with a packed lunch
  • Please send your child in their school uniform
  • The children will be accessing the same remote learning provision in class as the children at home. If time allows, we will complete additional learning activities based on the curriculum
  • Please send your child with their bookbag so that we can change their books on a regular basis

Please be aware if your child does not attend school as agreed, normal attendance procedures will apply.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Mrs L Clarkson

5th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Further to the Government announcement yesterday, I wanted to write to update you on the current situation.

Today, we have been very busy planning and organising. From tomorrow we are moving to a partial opening for critical workers and vulnerable children, and remote learning for those not in school. This will continue until at least Tuesday 23rd February.

Critical Worker & Vulnerable Children

If we are aware you child falls into this category, we will already have contacted you to arrange a place for your child. If you are a critical worker, as per the government list, which can be found here and your child needs a place at school, please contact us immediately to arrange.

The children that attend school during the lockdown period will be completing the same remote learning as those children staying at home. There will be additional learning activities based around the curriculum, if time allows.

Remote Learning

Remote learning will begin tomorrow for all children at home and will be monitored by your child’s teacher. The government expect your child to undertake 3 hours of schoolwork, daily, including direct instruction from a teacher. This will be in the form of internet-based video clips which can only be accessed via a laptop or tablet with internet access.  If you do not have sufficient technology or internet, you must contact the school immediately.

All work can be found on the homepage of our website under Home Learning Resources.

Free School Meals

If your child is in receipt of benefit based free school meals, we are able to offer a grab bag packed lunch for the remainder of this week.  You must inform us if you require a grab bag lunch before 10am daily. We will be in contact shortly with further information about the following weeks.

We appreciate your patience at this very difficult time, and we will keep you updated with any further information.

Please stay safe and take very good care of one another,

Mrs L Clarkson

18th December 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We have come to the end of a very busy but incredibly fun term and I wanted to send you all off on your Christmas break with a truly heartfelt thank you.  Thank you for being so supportive, for all your encouraging words and for helping us keep our children and staff safe.

There are just a few things to make you aware of before you go off to enjoy a well-deserved holiday.

Positive COVID-19 Test Over the Christmas Holidays

We want everybody to enjoy a healthy, happy Christmas holiday but if your child does test positive for COVID-19, and they developed their first symptom before 1.30pm on Sunday 20th December, you MUST inform Mrs Rix on Tel: 07392 770625. If your child develops symptoms after 1.30pm on Sunday 20th December, you do not need to contact school.

Christmas Bubble Guidelines

We know Christmas is a time that we would normally spend with loved ones and friends, however to keep everyone safe over the Christmas holidays, it is vital that we each take personal responsibility to limit the spread of the virus and protect our loved ones, particularly if they are vulnerable.

This means thinking very carefully about the risks of meeting up with others and only doing so if you feel you absolutely need to. For many, this will mean that it isn’t possible to celebrate Christmas in the way you normally would.

If you do decide you need to form a Christmas bubble, you can do so between 23 and 27 December with people from no more than three households.

If you choose to form a bubble:

  • you should stop unnecessary social contact outside your immediate household as soon as possible and for at least five days before you meet other households in your bubble
  • you should keep your bubble as small as possible
  • you can only be in one Christmas bubble
  • you cannot change your Christmas bubble
  • if necessary, you can travel between tiers and UK nations for the purposes of meeting your Christmas bubble
  • you can only meet your Christmas bubble in private homes or in your garden, places of worship, or public outdoor spaces
  • you can only meet people who are not in your Christmas bubble outside your home according to the rules in the tier you are meeting in
  • do not meet socially with friends and family that you do not live with in your home or garden unless they are part of your Christmas bubble

Scientific advice is clear that the longer you meet others for, the higher the risk of you catching and spreading the virus. You should minimise the time you spend with your Christmas bubble and should not stay overnight unless absolutely unavoidable. You cannot meet your Christmas bubble before the 23 December or after the 27 December.

Fond Farewells

As we say our goodbyes to Mrs Janet Lutkin and Mrs Irene Harrington, we wanted to thank them for all their hard work and dedication over the many years they have been part of our Pearson family. We wish them both lots of happiness for the future and hope they will come back to visit us all very soon. We will miss you Mrs Lutkin & Irene.

Friday Early Finishes

Please remember we close early on a Friday afternoon and you must pick your child up on time.

  • If your child normally finishes school at 3pm, Monday to Thursday, you must pick them up at 1pm every Friday until further notice.
  • If your child normally finishes school at 3.15pm, Monday to Thursday, you must pick them up at 1.15pm every Friday until further notice.

When we return after Christmas, the Friday early finishes will continue. We will review the situation again at February half term and we will keep you updated with any changes.

Festive Fun

Over the past few weeks, the children have being enjoying lots of festive fun, and this year, more than ever, we wanted to share our Christmas celebrations with our whole community. Make sure you keep your eye on our Facebook and twitter page or on our website for lots of fun videos and treats.  Look out for an extra special message from our amazing Pearson team, we hope it makes you smile!

Thank You, Team Pearson

Finally, I’m sure you would join me in thanking the whole staff team at Pearson for their incredible hard work and commitment to the school in 2020. Every single member of our community has gone above and beyond to ensure your children are safe, happy and learning. I couldn’t have asked for anything more, thank you.

On behalf of all the staff here at Pearson Primary School, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year.

Take very good care and we will see you all when we return to school on Tuesday 5th January 2021.


Mrs L Clarkson

11th December 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now getting close to the end of a very busy term and we just wanted to say thank you once again for your support over these past months. Your kind words and positivity really do make a difference, thank you.

Christmas Grotto

We have some very exciting news! Today, we have been extremely lucky and Santa has made a flying visit to our Pearson Primary school magical Christmas Grotto. Bernard, Santa’s head elf, has been very busy making a special gift for each child to take home and enjoy. Santa managed to see all the children from Foundation and Classes 1 & 2 before he got called away to a North Pole Emergency, the elves had run out of sellotape!  Santa kindly left gifts for all the children in Classes 3, 4, 5 & 6 before he went.  Did anyone hear the sleigh bells as he flew high above the school? Ho Ho Ho!

The children have been very good and have saved their gift to open when they get home.

Christmas Parties

This year, we are asking for a 50p donation per child to contribute towards the party food.  There will be plenty of treats for the children to enjoy including halal food. The food will be stored and served in a Covid safe way.

Your child can come to school wearing their party clothes on the day of their Christmas party.

Christmas parties will be held on:


Foundation stage 1 & 2

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 5


Class 4

Class 6

Enterprise Gifts

Thank you so much for your overwhelming generosity and for buying so many of our handmade gifts.  We have been working really hard to fulfill all your orders and if you have not received yours yet, we will get them to you next week. Thank you for your support and patience.

Staff Changes

Two of our much-loved Pearson family will be retiring at the end of term, Mrs Lutkin and Irene. I’m sure you will all agree, the office won’t be the same without Mrs Lutkin’s friendly face to greet us all and we will miss Irene’s sense of humour in the dining hall.  We will still occasionally see Mrs Lutkin and Irene around school as both have promised to pop back to visit us all soon.

We wish them both lots of happiness for the future.

Christmas Closing

We will close for Christmas on Friday 18th December at 1pm or 1.15pm, depending on your child’s collection time, and will return on Tuesday 5th January.

Friday Early Closing

Our Friday early closing will continue next term and will be reviewed again before our February half term.

As a reminder:

If you normally collect your child at 3pm on a Monday to Thursday, then on a Friday you must collect them at 1pm.

If you normally collect your child at 3.15pm on a Monday to Thursday, then on a Friday you must collect them at 1.15pm.

Please make sure that you pick your child up on time.

Have a wonderful, festive weekend and we will see you all on Monday for our last week of term.

Take very good care

Mrs L Clarkson

Wednesday 9th December 2020

Dear HCAT Parents/Carers

As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you for all the support you have given to schools during such difficult times. Your positive comments and willingness to work in partnership with us has made this time as successful as it could possibly be.

News about possible early closure

 You may have seen the recent news that the Government invited schools to consider closing a day early next week. At such short notice this would prove too disruptive to both school and families, we have therefore declined the offer. We will close on Friday 18th December after lunch as previously planned.

Review of temporary adjustments to the school week due to Covid

Thankyou for your co operation during this term with the temporary Friday afternoon closures. This measure has allowed us to keep more children in school. Given the uncertainty about what we may face in the early part of 2021, we have decided to continue with closing HCAT schools after lunch on Fridays to avoid any unnecessary further disruption. We will review this measure again before the February half term break 2021.

Finally, all that remains for me to say is to wish you all a safe, healthy and happy Christmas, and we look forward to a brighter 2021.

Yours Faithfully

Estelle Macdonald


4th December 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Christmas is definitely in the air here at Pearson Primary School! What a lovely, busy week we have all had! We have all been working super hard in class and have still managed to  put up our beautiful Christmas trees, wear our Christmas jumpers and prepare our Christmas Enterprize gifts!

Christmas Lunch

This week years 2 & 3 enjoyed their delicious Christmas lunch. Next Thursday, the rest of the school will be able to enjoy a Christmas lunch too. Thursday’s are also Christmas jumper days, so remember to wear yours if you wish.

Tree Decorations

I’m sure you have all seen our outdoor Christmas tree on the school field, at the moment we have a few decorations on it, but would love it if you could make us some more.

Please bring in your homemade decorations, from recycled materials, and help us decorate our community tree. We cannot wait to see your fantastic creations and it would be amazing if we could manage to fill every branch.

Peel Street Park Christmas Tree

Our lucky children from Class 3 visited the Peel Street tree to adorn it with your fabulous decorations. They really enjoyed their trip and the tree looked wonderful.  The tree is there for the benefit of the whole community and is well worth a visit.

Christmas Enterprize Sale

All our Enterprize crafts are carefully made to order by our children and we have so many festive items to choose from. Whatever you choose to buy, we are sure you will love it.

Details of what’s for sale can be found here:

Orders can be placed from Monday 7th December, place your orders as soon as possible so you don’t miss out.

I hope you all enjoy a nice relaxing weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

27th November 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

As December is only a few days away we are beginning to feel rather festive here at Pearson Primary School, so this week’s letter is all about Christmas!

We will still be celebrating Christmas this year with our whole Pearson family, albeit a little different to other years.  This year we will use social media much more to enable everybody to take part.  We will keep you updated about each event nearer the time, via text and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Christmas Tree – Decorations Needed

Our beautiful Christmas trees have arrived and this year we are lucky enough to have a tree outside.  We wanted to make our outdoor Christmas tree a festive focal point for our community, but we need your help to make it the most amazing tree ever! We know you have already been asked to make decorations for the Peel Street tree using recycled materials and we would love it if you could make one for our tree too.  We are really excited to see our tree decorated with your handmade creations.

Christmas Lunch

Our wonderful school cooks are making a delicious Christmas lunch for the children on Thursday 3rd December and Thursday 10th December.  We will be splitting the year groups over the two days to allow the children to have some extra time in the dining hall to enjoy their special meal.  We will inform you via text with the date for your child’s year group.

Christmas Cards

We know how much the children enjoy receiving and sending cards, and we don’t want this year to be any different. Your child can post their cards in a post box in their class and we will distribute them to their friends for them.  As we need to store all Christmas cards for a minimum of 3 days before delivering them to the children, please make sure all cards are in school by Thursday 10th December. Unfortunately, any cards received after this date will not be handed out.

Christmas Fair

Sadly, we are not able to hold a Christmas Fair this year so instead, all our children are making Christmas Enterprise gifts.  Each class has been given a small budget to make their gift with and we will be selling them on to our lovely parents to make a small profit.  All proceeds will go directly back in to making our school such a brilliant place to be.  We are looking forward to sharing our fantastic creations with you and we will send an order form and pricelist home very soon.

We hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend and we will see you on Monday for the beginning of a busy but fun week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

23rd November 2020

Dear parents and carers

I am writing to inform you that we have received confirmation that a member of our school community, who is not a member of your child’s bubble, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Following government and local authority guidance, the affected person and their family have now started their isolation.

We have also sent a letter to parents and carers of children, and the staff, of the school bubble affected telling them that they need to isolate for 14 days from when they last had contact with the person affected, in line with government guidance.

I would like to reassure you that our school is very careful to make sure everyone follows government and local authority guidance for cleaning and social distancing. Please be assured that this incident is not related to any other positive cases within our school community.

Should any member of your household start to get symptoms of COVID-19 please arrange to get them tested and inform the school immediately.

The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • a high temperature – this means they may feel hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to take their temperature with a thermometer)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if they usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste – this means they may tell you that they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different.

To book a free COVID-19 test, visit the NHS website or phone the NHS on 119:

You can get a test at a testing site, or by asking for a home testing kit.

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the government website:

The wellbeing of our children and staff is extremely important to us and we thank you once again for your continued support.

Take very good care of one another and if there is anything at all we can do to help you and your family at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel: 01482 328569 or email us at

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Clarkson

20th November 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are all managing well in this difficult situation. We wanted to say thank you again for your unwavering support during these incredibly difficult times. We really do appreciate your kind words.

Odd Socks

We loved seeing all your colourful, stripy, spotty and most importantly, odd socks in support of Anti-bullying Week. Thank you for helping us highlight such an important message.

Year 4 & Foundation Stage Children

We are expecting our Year 4 children back in class on Monday and our Foundation Stage children are back to school on Tuesday.  We are really looking forward to seeing you all.

Important – Please Read

Unfortunately, it has been reported to us that a number of children who should be  self-isolating have been seen outside of their homes. To help keep our community safe, I must remind you that if you are self-isolating you MUST stay in your home. If anyone in your household has any COVID symptoms, the whole household MUST stay in your home until a test result is received for the symptomatic person. NHS Test and Trace will then advise you when you are able to leave the house.

It is vital that you follow the government advice to stop the spread of the virus.

If you are self-isolating and need extra help with shopping, food, benefits and general support please visit the Hull City Council website or click on the link below:

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

13th November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to start today’s letter by saying a huge thank you for your support with our Friday afternoon early leaving that started today. Your prompt timekeeping enabled the teachers and support staff to get some much needed time to plan lots of exciting lessons, ready for next week.

Our Collaborative Remembrance Display

I know from your wonderful positivity and feedback, you all enjoyed our beautiful remembrance display as much as we did. We couldn’t have created such a spectacular display without your teamwork and amazing creativity, thank you.

Children in Need

After a very spotty, fun day, we are busy counting all of your generous donations for Children in Need. Thank you, and as always Children in Need will be very grateful for every penny.

Important – National Restrictions – Please Read

National Restrictions are now in place until at least Wednesday 2nd December. To help stop the spread of the virus, it is vital that we, as a community, make sure that we all adhere to the government guidance, both at school and at home. We know this is a difficult time, and now more than ever, we need our family and friends around us, but to keep our loved ones safe we must follow the restrictions. These are:

  • Not meeting socially indoors with family or friends unless they are part of your household – meaning the people you live with – or support bubble.
  • Only meeting up with one other person outside, in a public place not in a private garden.
  • You must maintain a 2-meter distance at all times from anyone not in your household or wear a face covering and maintain a 1-meter distance from anyone not in your household.

We will help to stop the spread of the virus much quicker, if we all adhere to the rules put in place by the government.

Home Learning Information

Please check your child’s book bag for a letter containing all the information you will need regarding home learning should your child need to self-isolate. Please contact us if this letter is not in your child’s bag.

I hope you all have a well-deserved, relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for another busy week on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

10th November 2020

Dear parents and carers

I am writing to inform you that we have received confirmation that a member of our school community, who is not a member of your child’s bubble, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Following government and local authority guidance, the affected person and their family have now started their isolation.

We have also sent a letter to parents and carers of children, and the staff, of the school bubble affected telling them that they need to isolate for 14 days from when they last had contact with the person affected, in line with government guidance.

I would like to reassure you that our school is very careful to make sure everyone follows government and local authority guidance for cleaning and social distancing. Please be assured that this incident is not related to any other positive cases within our school community.

Should any member of your household start to get symptoms of COVID-19 please arrange to get them tested and inform the school immediately.

The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • a high temperature – this means they may feel hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to take their temperature with a thermometer)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if they usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste – this means they may tell you that they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different.

To book a free COVID-19 test, visit the NHS website or phone the NHS on 119:

You can get a test at a testing site, or by asking for a home testing kit.

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the government website:

The wellbeing of our children and staff is extremely important to us and we thank you once again for your continued support.

Take very good care of one another and if there is anything at all we can do to help you and your family at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel: 01482 328569 or email us at

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Clarkson

9th November 2020

Dear parents and carers

I am writing to inform you that we have received confirmation that a member of our school community, who is not a member of your child’s bubble, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Following government and local authority guidance, the affected person and their family have now started their isolation.

We have also sent a letter to parents and carers of children, and the staff, of the school bubble affected telling them that they need to isolate for 14 days from when they last had contact with the person affected, in line with government guidance.

Our school is still open to all other children.

I would like to reassure you that our school is very careful to make sure everyone follows government and local authority guidance for cleaning and social distancing.

Should any member of your household start to get symptoms of COVID-19 please arrange to get them tested and inform the school immediately.

The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • a high temperature – this means they may feel hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to take their temperature with a thermometer)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if they usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste – this means they may tell you that they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different.

To book a free COVID-19 test, visit the NHS website or phone the NHS on 119:

You can get a test at a testing site, or by asking for a home testing kit.

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the government website:

The wellbeing of our children and staff is extremely important to us and we thank you once again for your continued support.

Take very good care of one another and if there is anything at all we can do to help you and your family at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel: 01482 328569 or email us at

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Clarkson

6th November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am very pleased to say our first week back at school has been absolutely wonderful. It has been lovely to see the children so full of enthusiasm and eager to learn. It makes us very proud to be part of the Pearson family.

I also wanted to thank you all for your continuous support and encouraging words during these difficult times.

Warm clothing in classrooms

As the days are now getting colder, please remember you must dress your child in extra layers to keep them warm in class.  To aid ventilation in the classrooms, all windows will be wide open, regardless of the weather. This means the classrooms are very likely to be cold throughout the day.  You can dress your child in any coloured warm clothing but please make sure that they have their navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan on top.

Community Support

Our local PCSO Neil Brewer will be visiting the school on Monday 9th November to discuss any local community issues you may have. PCSO Brewer will be on the playground from 2.45pm, so please make sure you pop by to say hello and have a chat with him.

Friday afternoon closing

Further to Monday’s letter regarding Friday afternoon closing, I would like to clarify that from Friday 13th November:

If your child/children currently leaves school at 3pm, your Friday afternoon pick up time will be 1pm.

If your child/children currently leaves school at 3.15pm, your Friday afternoon pick up time will be 1.15pm.

Every child will still eat their lunch at school and get their attendance mark for Friday afternoons as normal. Homework will be provided for the children to complete on the Friday afternoon.

If you have any queries regarding early closing on a Friday, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Term Activities

As promised, this term is going to be super busy and so much fun! We have many exciting activities planned, we cannot wait to share them with you! So here are a few:

11th November – Remembrance Day. Poppies will be on sale in school from Monday. Please send your child to class with their money, and the poppies will be taken around the classrooms for the children to purchase. The children have been creating their own poppies in class and we will be decorating the perimeter fence with them to make a beautiful remembrance display.

13th November – Children in Need. We will be wearing non-uniform or spots in exchange for a small donation.

17th November – Odd Sock Day. Wear your oddest socks to show our support for anti-bullying.

4th December – Christmas Craft Sale. Following enterprise week, the children will be able to buy Christmas crafts they have made to start the Festive season. The children will be sending out adverts for their products on social media in the coming weeks.

9th December – Music Assembly with Mrs Farmery.  More details to follow nearer the time. We will make this available for your viewing via social media.

15th December – School Christmas Dinner. A delicious festive treat, especially prepared by our brilliant school cooks.

16th & 17th December – Class Christmas Parties. This year, we will provide the party food for the children to enjoy and will ask for a 50p donation per child towards the cost.

17th December – Foundation Stage, Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Productions.  Parents will still be able to watch their children starring in this year’s fabulous production via social media.

We hope you are looking forward to this term as much as we are!

Have a lovely relaxing weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

3rd November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wanted to welcome you all back for an exciting new term. I hope you have all had a wonderful, relaxing break and are feeling refreshed and ready to work hard and enjoy another term of learning.

Traditionally, this term is very busy with lots of seasonal, family events taking place. This year will be a little different, but will still be lots of fun! We will be trying out different ways of involving our whole Pearson family, in a safe, socially distanced way.  We will be using social media and technology much more, so please bear with us if we experience a few hiccups along the way!

Friday Afternoon Closures

I apologise that you may have read about this in the local news before we had the opportunity to inform you directly. We can confirm the information published by the Hull Daily Mail was incorrect. Honest and open communication with our Pearson family is always at the forefront of our minds and a letter was scheduled to be sent to you all today, our first day back at school.

To clarify, following the HCAT letter you received this morning, from Friday 13th November, Pearson primary school will close every Friday afternoon but will remain open, as usual, the rest of the week. We will advise you shortly of your family Friday afternoon pick up time.

Lockdown Restrictions- School Measures

From Thursday, 5th November, new National Restrictions will come in to force for the whole of the UK. School will remain open and your child should still attend unless they or someone in your household is displaying any of the three coronavirus symptoms:

  • A high temperature
  • A new continuous cough
  • A loss of sense of smell or taste

To help keep everyone safe we ask that you remember Hands, Face, Space at all times.

When on and around our school grounds, please:

  • Continue to use our one way system
  • Sanitise your hands upon entry to the site
  • Maintain a 2 meter distance (or 1 meter when wearing a face covering and taking other precautions) from anyone that does not live in your household.
  • Wear a face covering when entering the school building.

We are also mindful that the pavement area around the school can become congested at pick up and drop off points. I would ask that you continue to maintain social distancing at all times on the pavements.

We will continue to practice good hand hygiene with the children and remain in our class bubbles, all staff will wear a face covering in communal areas.

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 we are increasing the ventilation in all classrooms so all windows will be open regardless of the weather. Please make sure you send your child to school in warm clothing to wear in class, we recommend additional layers such as a vest or t-shirt, along with their usual t-shirt and jumper. Unfortunately, we do not have any uniform in stock at the moment, but a plain navy blue jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan is acceptable.

Lockdown Restrictions-Government Information

The new restrictions state you must not meet socially indoors with family or friends unless they are part of your household – meaning the people you live with – or support bubble.

support bubble is where a household with one adult joins with another household. Households in that support bubble can still visit each other, stay overnight, and visit outdoor public places together. A childcare support bubble is where parents are able to form a childcare bubble with one other household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the child is 13 or under.

The new restrictions also mean you must stay at home unless you are:

  • Travelling to school or work
  • Shopping for essential items only such as food or medicine
  • For any medical reason
  • To exercise outdoors or visit an outdoor public space with the people you live with, with your support bubble or, when on your own, with 1 person from another household
  • Providing care for a vulnerable person or visiting your support bubble

Please follow this Government link for further detailed information:

Free School Meal Vouchers

To help reimburse the cost of meals over half term, eligible parents are entitled to a £10 voucher for each child who is in receipt of free school meals. If you receive a text or email from a company called Wonde, please follow the link to claim your voucher.

Free school meals are a benefit awarded by the council based on household income. If you think you may be eligible and have not yet applied for Free School Meals, please click here

As always, the Pearson team is available to help with any questions you may have or feedback you would like to give. You can contact us at, call us on Tel:01482 328569 or speak to a staff member on the playground at school drop off or pick up times. They are very easy to spot in pink high visibility vests!

Thank you for your continued support, take very good care.

Mrs L Clarkson

3rd November 2020

Dear HCAT Parents/Carers

Temporary adjustments to the school week due to COVID

Our priority at HCAT over the next few weeks, is to keep schools open to allow as many pupils as possible to attend. During this difficult period, we are experiencing unprecedented numbers of staff unavailable for work. In order to maintain the highest possible quality of education and to minimise the risk to pupils and staff, from week commencing Monday 9th November HCAT primary schools will close to pupils after lunch on a Friday. We will only be closed on the Friday afternoon each week. The school will remain open the rest of the week as normal.

This will mean that the staffing can be redirected. This will ensure schools have more capacity to cover for COVID related staff absences. This is a temporary measure and will be reviewed towards the end of term. This will take effect from Friday 13th November after lunch. Your individual school will notify you of exact timings in the coming days.

I understand this may be of some inconvenience however it is an essential measure to keep schools open. We would appreciate your continued support and understanding in these difficult times.

Yours Faithfully

Estelle Macdonald


16th October 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Before we break up on Wednesday for a well-deserved half term holiday, I wanted to thank you all again for your tremendous support over the past few weeks. The children have adapted to our new way of life easily and we are so proud of each and every one of them for their resilience and hard work. Well done!

Half Term Dates

Our last day at school will be Wednesday 21st October and we will re-open again on Tuesday 3rd November for another busy but very exciting term.

Nut Free School

Please remember we are a nut free school. This means that you must not send anything into school that may contain nuts, including Nutella and other chocolate hazelnut spreads as some of our children suffer from severe allergies.

Dinner Menu

From 3rd November our dinner menu is changing to a two-weekly menu. More details to follow and an updated menu will also be available to view on our website soon.

Teacher Contact

Over the next few weeks, your child’s teacher will be calling you to let you know how your child has settled in since our return to school in September. Please be mindful that the caller ID will likely show the call as a withheld number.

Virtual Harvest Festival

This year, our Harvest Festival will be a little different to our usual service and we will be holding a Virtual Harvest Festival so that everybody can safely take part. We have chosen to support our local community with your kind donations and will post more details about our virtual service on our social media pages very soon.

Events and Celebrations Next Term

Next term will see lots of important events that we would normally celebrate with our Pearson family and friends. We absolutely want to continue our usual traditions but need to rethink how we can safely do this. If you have any suggestions on how we can celebrate together, in a COVID safe way, please contact the school office on 01482 328569, speak to a staff member on the playground or email us at

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday for a very short week before our half term holidays begin.

Take very good care,

Mrs L. Clarkson

9th October 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,

Thinking about events that have taken place in our community, we start this week’s letter with a very heavy heart. Our thoughts go out to anyone who has been affected by any recent tragic news. If we can do anything to support you or your family at this difficult time, please let us know.

Our children, parents and staff have amazed us once again with their resilience and community spirit. We are very proud of you all and thank you for your unwavering support.

School Photographs

If you would like a copy of your child’s photo, please return the completed order form along with the correct cash or completed card details before Friday 16th October.

Half Term

Half term is nearly upon us and our children will all be ready for an extra long break after all their hard work!

Our last day will be Wednesday 21st October and we will return to school on Tuesday 3rd November.

All our term dates can be found on our website.

World Mental Health Day

Today has been a bright and colourful day, that has certainly made us smile. Thank you for showing your support for World Mental Health Day by sending your child in something green.

If you would like any further information about this campaign please follow this link:

For advice on looking after your mental health please follow the NHS Every Mind Matters link below:

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to another wonderful week of learning next week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L. Clarkson

2nd October 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wanted to say thank you once again for your positive feedback and comments over the past few weeks.

With your support, we have had the best possible start to the year. Your prompt timekeeping has helped us to keep the flow of parents and children in the playground to a minimum and our attendance has improved greatly.  Thank you for your sensible approach by only keeping your child away from school if absolutely necessary. Every school day is vitally important, especially after such a long time away from school-based learning.

More information regarding when to keep your child at home if they are feeling unwell can be found on our website or by using this link:

Flu vaccinations

Flu vaccinations will be taking place on 14th October for children in Foundation 2 through to Year 6.

Changes have been made to make sure it’s safe for your child to have the flu vaccine at school. These changes include social distancing, hand washing and wearing protective equipment.

We have sent a link via text message for you complete an online consent form. You must complete the consent form, even if you do not want your child to have the vaccination. The form is easy to do and will only take a few minutes.

New legal duty to self-isolate

People in England are now required by law to self-isolate if they test positive or are contacted by NHS Test and Trace.

Fines are now in place for those breaching self-isolation rules, starting at £1,000. This could increase to up to £10,000 for repeat offences and the most serious breaches.

If you are contacted by NHS Test and Trace or receive a positive test result, you must stay at home. This means you are NOT able to go out to the shops, work, school or meet up with others. If this is the case and we can help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Parents Survey

We will be sending out a parents/carers survey over the next few days. We are hoping you will provide us with any feedback or suggestions that you have.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing all of your happy, smiling children again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

25th September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now almost half-way through this very different half term and we are so pleased with the enthusiasm and resilience our wonderful children are showing throughout the school day.   We also wanted to say thank you to all our lovely parents and families for your continued support and kind comments during these unprecedented times.

As promised, we would like to advise you of a few changes that the government have introduced over the past week.

Entering the school office/building

In line with government guidance, please can all adults:

  • entering the school office wear a face covering or mask
  • ensure that you wash your hands at the basin in the foyer before entering
  • complete a track and trace form or scan the QR code with your NHS COVID-19 App each time you enter the main school building (anywhere beyond the school office)

Social distancing and the rule of 6

To help keep our children and wider community safe, please adhere to the following rules both on and off the school grounds.

  • maintain social distancing and keep 2 meters apart
  • do not gather in groups of more than 6 people, unless you are part of the same household

What do if your child is unwell

The government has produced some new guidelines should your child feel unwell. Further details can be found be following the link sent to your phone earlier today.

You should only book a test if your child has any of these 3 coronavirus symptoms:

  • a high temperature: any new high temperature where your child feels hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to measure the temperature)
  • a new continuous cough: coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste: a noticeable loss of smell or taste or things smell and taste different to normal

Your child does not need a test if they have a runny nose, are sneezing or feeling unwell but do not have a temperature, cough or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste. This is because these are not normally symptoms of coronavirus.

When to self-isolate?

Self-Isolation is vital in stopping the spread of the virus and you must follow the rules if your child or anyone in your household presents with any one of the 3 symptoms listed.

Self-isolation means that you are unable to leave the house for any reason. You are not able to go to school, work, food shopping or socialise with others.

The person who has any of the 3 symptoms listed, MUST self-isolate for 10 days, the rest of the household MUST self-isolate for 14 days or until a negative test has been received.

We hope this has helped clarify a few of the changes that have recently been made.

Enjoy a well earnt rest over the weekend and we look forward to another exciting, busy week next week.

Thank you once again for your support to help keep our children, families and staff safe.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


18th September 2020

Dear Parent or Carer,

We are writing to you to say thank you for your support over the past two weeks, and what fantastic weeks they have been! The support from parents and families has been crucial in getting pupils back into our classroom and we are enormously grateful. The children have been wonderful, they have adapted brilliantly to our new school routine and we are so pleased to see our classrooms filled with hard working, happy children again.

We are continuously reviewing and improving our procedures and we will keep you updated with any changes.

Pick up/Drop off times

We have recently improved our entry procedure and each child will now sanitise their hands with their class teacher before entering the building, we hope this speeds up your morning!

To help keep the flow of parents moving and the amount of people on school grounds to a minimum, if your child is confident in going to their class teacher on their own,  you can leave them at the school gate.  We have several members of staff in high visibility vests on the playground to help your child if they need it.

At school pick up, we love to see all the children excitedly chatting about their day to their adults, but unfortunately, during these different times we need to ask you to collect your child and move promptly to the exit. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

We will continue to have several senior staff on the playground at school pick up/drop off times and they can be identified by their pink high visibility vests.  They are there to offer guidance and support to both children and parents and answer any questions you may have.

Whilst waiting for the school gates to open and while on the playground, please maintain social distancing guidelines at all times.


From Monday, staff in school will be wearing masks in communal areas only.  We will not be wearing masks in the classrooms or in any outdoor areas.

Masks for parents and family members while on the school grounds are optional, children do not need to wear a mask.

Absence and attendance

With cold and flu season upon us, we want to offer some guidance about your child’s attendance at school should they fall ill.

As per the government and NHS guidelines, the whole household must self-isolate and book a test for the symptomatic person if they are displaying the following:

  • a high temperature– this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough– this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste– this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

If your child is ill with symptoms different to COVID-19, other than vomiting and diarrhoea we are happy for them to attend school. The simplest way to decide if your child should come to school is to ask yourself the following question:

Pre COVID -19 would you have sent your child to school with their current symptoms?

If the answer is yes, then please send your child to school.

The children have missed out on so much over the past 6 months and it is important that they are given the opportunity to catch up on all aspects of school including, learning and spending time with their friends.

Home Working

As you can imagine, we are busy planning for every eventuality and have already sent a pack home with every child containing 2 blank exercise books and a pencil for your child to complete their work, should you find your family self-isolating. In the case of self-isolation, schoolwork for the first few days will be sent home with your child or delivered to your home address. A teacher will then call you to check on the family’s well-being and to explain how to access home learning for your child.

We value your ideas and suggestions and if there is anything else we can support you with, or if you have any questions about what we are doing in school to keep our children safe, please contact us.

Take very good care

Mrs Clarkson

31st August 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am delighted to confirm that all children in Years 1-6 can return to school on Monday 7th September.

Children in Nursery and reception will receive a separate letter explaining their return to school and you will receive this in the next couple of days.

Many things at school have changed so that we can keep everyone safe; I hope that this letter explains clearly, the information that you need in order for the children to return.


In line with government advice we will be expecting all pupils to return to school on Monday 7th September, except for reception and nursery pupils, who will follow a phased transition. The school will follow up non-attendance using our usual policy. We appreciate that some of you may still be apprehensive; if this is the case, please do get in touch and we can discuss any concerns you have.

Picking up and dropping off children

At start and end times of the day, one adult is permitted to come on to the playground with the children. There will be a one-way system in operation, adults need to come on site via the gate with the buzzer and leave the site via the Pearson Tree gate. There will be markings on the playground to follow. Children will meet in year groups by their classroom entrance point. Although it may not be possible to speak with your child’s teacher, there will be a number of senior staff on the playground, wearing high visibility jackets, to support with any queries or to pass on messages to your child’s classroom.

It is important that you keep moving and leave the site promptly. We would ask that children in Years 4, 5 and 6 are dropped off at the gate and make their way to their classroom entrance point independently, where possible. The Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils can be responsible for taking their younger siblings to their classroom entrance point if you would prefer. All the siblings in the family will have the same start and end of day times for your convenience. You have already received this information.

Class bubbles

Children will be in bubbles with their class and will have playtimes and lunchtimes in these bubbles. Staff can move between bubbles throughout the day and will keep a distance from the children where possible. Children in KS2 classrooms will be sat facing the front of the classroom, where possible.


Children will have staggered lunchtimes during the middle of the day. EYFS will eat in the small hall and play in the Undercover area. All other classes will eat in the lunch hall in zoned areas and play on the playground in zoned areas. Years 1 and 2 will have lunch at the same time, Years 3 and 4 will have lunch at the same time and Years 5 and 6 will have lunch at the same time. The class bubbles will remain separate throughout and the dining hall will be cleaned between each group. Each class will have their own outdoor equipment to use.

We are able to offer a hot and cold meal choice each day (our revised menu is available on the website). At lunchtime, the children’s meal will be brought to the dining table for them by a member of staff. As the children are no longer able to make a meal choice at lunchtime, they will need to let their class teacher know what meal they would like each day, in the morning. We will have pictures to support them. It would be really helpful if you could discuss the meal options for that day with your child, so they are confident with their choice when asked by the teacher.

You can send a packed lunch in with your child if you prefer, these will need to be taken into the classroom with your child when they arrive at school.

School meals continue to cost £1.50 and we ask that you pay for the full week on a Monday morning. A member of staff will be available to collect money on the playground.

Book bags

We expect that children bring their book bag to school with them every day as usual.


PE will be outdoors wherever possible, even if the weather is a little inclement, so please ensure that your child has warm clothes to wear. Years 2 to 6 must wear their PE kit to school on the day that they have a PE lesson during this interim period. EYFS and Year 1 pupils are to bring their kit in a bag. PE will always be the last lesson of their day.

Breakfast Club

We will be running a breakfast club for children of working parents who require the provision. Children will sit at tables in their year groups and so places are limited. Please contact the office if you require a place.

Year 6

We are pleased to be able to offer children in Year 6 an extended day. We look forward to welcoming them at 8:15 each day. Breakfast will be made available for them and they will be based in the Year 6 classroom.

After School Clubs

There will be no after school clubs at the beginning of the Autumn Term. We will review this decision at half term.

School Uniform

Children need to wear their school uniform when they return to school.

We will be selling school uniform on Wednesday 2nd September from the school office between 9:00 – 2:00. Uniform will not be available to purchase on the children’s first day back at school. School jumpers do not have to have the school logo on, so you may be able to purchase everything you need from local retailers. On Wednesday you will also be able to collect any items that were left in school during the school’s partial closure.


Children will be instructed to wash their hands or apply hand sanitiser at regular intervals during the day, including on arrival and departure, before and after eating, playtimes or PE. All of our classrooms have sinks, soap, antibacterial cleaning products and hand sanitiser to use throughout the day. We will be promoting good respiratory hygiene using the ‘Catch it, kill it, bin in’ message.


A cleaner will be on site all day to ensure that high touch points and toilets are cleaned regularly throughout the day. Usual cleaning routines will continue to take place in the evening.


If a child, or a member of your family displays symptoms of COVID 19 please keep them off school and let us know immediately. If a case is confirmed in a year group, that year group bubble will be closed following guidance from Public Health England. During this time, children will be provided with work to complete at home. If a child becomes ill at school, they will be isolated in a medical room and supervised by a member of staff until they can be collected by yourself.

We have compiled a comprehensive risk assessment for reopening that is available through our school website; paper copies are available on request.

I appreciate that this is a long letter and that it is overwhelmingly a repetition of information that you were provided with at the end of last term, but I wanted to make sure that you had all the information that you need, so that we can have a smooth return back to school on Monday 7th September.

We simply cannot wait to have a school full of children again!

Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Mrs Clarkson


 13th July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are now at the end of a very challenging school year and I would like to thank you all for your overwhelming support, patience and kindness over the past few months. We want each and every one of you to enjoy your summer holidays and have put together a ‘family fun bag’ to help get you started!

Along with a selection of small toys and gifts for you to enjoy as a family, you will also find the following for each child in your bag:

  • A reading challenge sheet and reading record
  • A summer activity sheet
  • A letter from your child’s new teacher
  • A postcard from the school
  • Some additional information about Summer Safety and Healthy Physical Activity

We hope you all create many happy memories, filled with laughter and happiness over the summer break and we would love to see photos of how you use your bag to create a fun family game. Please feel free to tweet or post your photos on the Pearson Twitter or Facebook page for us all to see.

The contents of these bags have been funded by a very kind donation from the Caselton family and we know you will all join us in thanking them for their generosity. Mr Caselton was a much loved and very respected Governor here at Pearson for many years. At the request of the family, the money donated to us will be used to buy rewards and trophies to help celebrate the achievements of our Pearson family. These bags have been provided by this fund.

As I am sure you are aware, we are expecting all year groups to return in September, and I can assure you the safety of our children and staff is paramount.  Children have now missed a significant amount of school and although many have been working hard at home, we now need to get them back in the classroom, learning and having fun with their friends and teachers. We know the transition back to school may be difficult for some children but with your support, we will soon have the children back in the routine of school.


The planned training days for staff have now been postponed in order to facilitate an earlier start to the school year. As a result, the autumn term start date will now be Monday 7th September.

At start and end times of the day, one adult is permitted to collect the children. There will be a one-way system in operation, adults need to come on site via the gate with buzzer and leave the site via the Pearson Tree gate. There will be markings on the playground to support this.

We will not be offering a typical breakfast club or any after school clubs, however if you are a key worker and need support with childcare please contact us to discuss it further.

There will be an extended school day for year 6 children only. Their start time will be 8.15am and they will finish at 3.15pm. If you are a parent of a year 6 pupil and need support with sibling start times, please contact us.

The school has compiled a comprehensive risk assessment for reopening that is available through our school website. Paper copies are available on request.

We will continue with our increased handwashing routines and rigorous cleaning of all areas of school.

All schools within the trust will follow the same protocol should a suspected or confirmed case of Covid becomes apparent. These procedures will be followed by all schools within the trust and has been compiled following advice from the relevant health services, local authority and government guidance.

Whilst we continue to value our partnership with parents, under the current circumstances’ parents will only be allowed into school on an appointment basis in order to safeguard the community. Contact with school may continue through email and telephone.


In line with government advice, we will be expecting all pupils to return to school on Monday 7th September, except for some Foundation Stage pupils who will have a staggered start. The school will follow up nonattendance following our usual policy.

The Curriculum

All schools within the academy trust have been supported with a series of “catch up” programmes designed by a team of Specialist Leaders of Education. These programmes will ensure that all pupils will have the opportunity to address any gaps in learning that may have been missed during the lockdown. Schools will be using these early in the Autumn term combined with the broad range of the national curriculum content linked to their year group.

The school will be suspending large gatherings in the hall such as assemblies and concerts for the foreseeable future.

PE lessons will focus on “non-contact” activities and be delivered outside, where possible.

The academy trust is currently developing an online learning platform which can be utilised should the school need to temporarily close the school for any year groups for short periods of time.


All children will be required to wear their school uniform, except on their PE day, when they can come to school in their PE kit and wear it all day.

Dinner money

Minimum of weekly or monthly payments please.


There will be a hot meal and a cold meal option each day. A menu will be sent out when this becomes available.

You can send a packed lunch in with your child if you prefer, these will need to be taken into the classroom with the child when the child arrives at school.


We expect children to bring their book bags to school every day. Returned reading books will be left 48 hours before becoming available for another child to use.

Finally, enjoy the summer holidays and we will see you all on Monday 7th September. We cannot wait to see our school full of happy, smiling faces again!  Remember to have lots of fun and stay safe.

Take very good care of one another.

Mrs Clarkson

Head teacher

All of these letters can be translated by clicking the translate button below:

Letters home to parents & carers:

17th December 2021

 Dear parents and carers,

The children all thoroughly enjoyed their disco last night, and today’s Christmas dinner was a huge success. We have loved seeing the children having so much fun!

We have two more days of term left this year, so we look forward to seeing you all on Monday and Tuesday for some festive fun!

Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Production

Our Class 1 & 2 children are looking forward to performing some Christmas songs for parents on Monday 20th December, class 1 will perform at 9am and class 2 at 10.30am

We really value the opportunity for you to see your child on stage, however to help keep our children, families and staff safe, please note that it will be a short performance of around 10 minutes. This year:

  • we are able to offer 1 ticket per child to view the production here at school. There is no need to book, each child will bring the ticket home in their bag
  • we strongly recommend a lateral flow test before you come to the concert
  • face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt
  • the production will be approximately 10 minutes long

If you would prefer to watch the production in the comfort of your own home with as many guests as you wish, we are delighted to be able to offer an online viewing instead. The production will be available to watch online. We will send the link on Tuesday.

Christmas Party (Monday 20th December)

On Monday, each class will be having their very own Christmas party! The children can come to school dressed in their party clothes and we will be asking for a £1 contribution per child towards the party food.  Please send your child to their class with their money on Monday. Thank you.

Chill Out Tuesday (Tuesday 21st December)

We are going to spend our last day of term chilling out and reading! We will be getting comfy, wearing our pyjamas, onesies or our favourite comfy clothes for the day whilst reading lots of wonderful books and watching story related films together.  If your child would like to bring their slippers along to wear in class, just pop them in a bag and take them to class with them.  Children will still play outside at break and lunchtimes, so please make sure they still have sensible outdoor shoes and warm coats to wear.

Have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


17th December 2021

 Dear parents and carers,

The children all thoroughly enjoyed their disco last night, and today’s Christmas dinner was a huge success. We have loved seeing the children having so much fun!

We have two more days of term left this year, so we look forward to seeing you all on Monday and Tuesday for some festive fun!

Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Production

Our Class 1 & 2 children are looking forward to performing some Christmas songs for parents on Monday 20th December, class 1 will perform at 9am and class 2 at 10.30am

We really value the opportunity for you to see your child on stage, however to help keep our children, families and staff safe, please note that it will be a short performance of around 10 minutes. This year:

  • we are able to offer 1 ticket per child to view the production here at school. There is no need to book, each child will bring the ticket home in their bag
  • we strongly recommend a lateral flow test before you come to the concert
  • face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt
  • the production will be approximately 10 minutes long

If you would prefer to watch the production in the comfort of your own home with as many guests as you wish, we are delighted to be able to offer an online viewing instead. The production will be available to watch online. We will send the link on Tuesday.

Christmas Party (Monday 20th December)

On Monday, each class will be having their very own Christmas party! The children can come to school dressed in their party clothes and we will be asking for a £1 contribution per child towards the party food.  Please send your child to their class with their money on Monday. Thank you.

Chill Out Tuesday (Tuesday 21st December)

We are going to spend our last day of term chilling out and reading! We will be getting comfy, wearing our pyjamas, onesies or our favourite comfy clothes for the day whilst reading lots of wonderful books and watching story related films together.  If your child would like to bring their slippers along to wear in class, just pop them in a bag and take them to class with them.  Children will still play outside at break and lunchtimes, so please make sure they still have sensible outdoor shoes and warm coats to wear.

Have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


EYFS Christmas Production

The production will take place on today at 2pm. We really value the opportunity for you to see your child on stage, however to help keep our children, families and staff safe, please note that it will be a short performance of around 10 minutes. This year:

  • we are able to offer 1 ticket per child to view the production here at school. There is no need to book, each child will bring the ticket home in their bag
  • we strongly recommend a lateral flow test before you come to the concert
  • face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt
  • the production will be approximately 10 minutes long
  • last admission will be 1.55pm

If you would prefer to watch the production in the comfort of your own home with as many guests as you wish, we are delighted to be able to offer an online viewing instead. The production will be available to watch at the same time, 2pm on Thursday 16th December. More details will follow soon.

13th December 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have lots of lovely, festive activities to look forward to until the end of term on Tuesday 21st December at 3.15pm.

Here’s a reminder for you all:

Wednesday 15th December – Our Lower school pupils will visit Spring Bank Methodist Church as part of our RE curriculum.

Friday 17th December – Our Upper school pupils will visit Spring Bank Methodist Church as part of our RE curriculum.

Friday 17th December – We are looking forward to seeing all your wonderful Christmas jumpers on our Christmas jumper day.

Friday 17th December – We can’t wait to enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner, handmade by our amazing cooks.

Friday 17th December – We will be sending all your fabulous pre-ordered Enterprise gifts home.

Monday 20th December – Each class will be having their very own Christmas party. We will be asking for a £1 contribution per child towards the party food. Please send your child to their class with their money on the day. Thank you.

EYFS Christmas Production

We are pleased to announce that we still intend for our EYFS children to take part in a Christmas Production for you all to enjoy. The production will take place on Thursday 16th December at 2pm. We really value the opportunity for you to see your child on stage, however to help keep our children, families and staff safe, please note that it will be a short performance of around 10 minutes. This year:

  • we are able to offer 1 ticket per child to view the production here at school. There is no need to book, each child will bring the ticket home in their bag
  • we strongly recommend a lateral flow test before you come to the concert
  • face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt
  • the production will be approximately 10 minutes long

If you would prefer to watch the production in the comfort of your own home with as many guests as you wish, we are delighted to be able to offer an online viewing instead. The production will be available to watch at the same time, 2pm on Thursday 16th December. More details will follow soon.

Christmas Disco

Our Christmas disco will take place on Thursday 16th December and tickets cost £1 per child.

EYFS1 to Class 3 will dance the night away from 3.15pm and then they will be taken back to their classrooms to collect their bags and coats. Parents will then be able to collect their child at 4.20am from their usual place on the playground.

Class 4 to Class 6 will pop on their dancing shoes at 4.15pm till 5.15pm and will collect their coats and bags from their classroom ready to be collected by parents at 5.20pm.

At the end of each disco, all children must be collected by an adult. Children will not be allowed to walk home unaccompanied.

Sweets, crisps and drinks will be available to buy at the disco.

Tickets are on sale now!

Chill Out Tuesday (21st December)

We are going to spend our last day of term chilling out and reading! We will be getting comfy, wearing our pyjamas, onesies or our favourite comfy clothes for the day whilst reading lots of wonderful books and watching story related films together. If your child would like to bring their slippers along to wear in class, just pop them in a bag and take them to class with them. Children will still play outside at break and lunchtimes, so please make sure they still have sensible outdoor shoes and warm coats to wear.

Face Coverings

In line with new Government guidelines, from today all adults who enter the school building are required to wear a face covering unless they are medically exempt. By adhering to the new guidelines you are helping to keep our community safe. Thank you for your continued support.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


3rd December 2021


Dear parents and carers,

We are quickly heading towards the Christmas holidays and we have so much to fit in before we break up on Tuesday 21st December!

Here’s a quick reminder of what we have planned over the coming weeks:

7th December – Last day to order our fantastic enterprise gifts – all order forms and money to be handed in to your class teacher please.

15th December –  Lower school visit to our local church.

16th December – The Pearson Primary School disco – we can’t wait to see all your fabulous dance moves! Tickets will cost £1 per child and will be available to buy from next Thursday. We will send more details next week.

17th December – Upper school visit to our local church.

17th December –  We will be enjoying a delicious Christmas lunch whilst wearing our festive jumpers for Christmas jumper day.

17th December – Your Enterprise orders will be sent home with your child.

20th December – Party day! We will be having lots of fun in our class parties.  We will be asking for a £1 donation, per child, to contribute towards the party food. More details to follow.

21st December – school closes at 3.15pm for Christmas holidays.

Winter Coats

Winter has arrived and here at Pearson we play outside in most weather. Please make sure you send your child with sensible shoes, a warm coat, gloves and a hat. Remember to write your child’s name clearly on their clothing so we can return it easily if it gets lost.

Information for parents of children on SEN register only

If your child is in Lower School (Y1, Y2 & Y3) and on the SEND register, Miss Jones will be available to update you on the work your child is doing and their progress on Friday 10th December at 9am.

If your child is in Upper School (Y4, Y5 & Y6) and on the SEND register, Miss Jones will be available to update you on the work your child is doing and their progress on Friday 17th December at 9am.

Alternatively, you can contact Miss Jones on Tel:01482 328569 or email her at

Have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


26th November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for your support and generous donations, together we managed to raise a huge £127.50 for Children in Need. Well done!

Christmas Events

As it’s almost December, this week’s letter is mostly all about Christmas!

Christmas is a modern British tradition and we love how our whole community comes together to share in the joy that Christmas brings.

We have many exciting events planned for the children to enjoy. Here a few dates for your diary:

Wednesday 15th December – Our Lower school pupils will be visiting Princes Avenue Church for a Christmas service.

Thursday 16th December –Get your dancing shoes ready for our fabulous school disco! Look out for more details to follow soon.

Friday 17th December – Our Lower school pupils will be visiting Princes Avenue Church for a Christmas service.

Friday 17th December – We cannot wait to see all your festive jumpers and tops on Christmas Jumper Day!

Friday 17th December – Our amazing cooks will be making us a delicious traditional Christmas lunch.

Monday 20th December – Party day! Each class will hold their own Christmas party. For a small donation, we will provide all the party food. We will send more information a bit closer to the time.

Tuesday 21St December – School closes for Christmas holidays at 3.15pm.

Wednesday 5th January – We return to school to start a new term.

One-Way System

We are continuing to use our one-way system whilst on the playground, please ensure you enter the playground at the main gate and exit at the Pearson tree gate.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

19th November 2021

Dear parents and carers,

What a colourful week we have had! On Monday, we wore all sorts of stripy, spotty and colourful odd socks to support anti-bullying week and today we have helped to raise lots of money for Children in Need by wearing non-uniform.  We are busy counting your generous donations and will let you know next week how much we have raised. Thank you.

Road Safety Week

At school, we will be holding an assembly about how to keep safe on and around the roads. This is especially important now that the dark nights are drawing in.

Some of the easiest ways to keep safe are:

  • Always hold an adults hand when walking near or across a road
  • Stop, look and listen and then look again before crossing a road
  • Never cross a road near a parked car
  • If possible, cross a road using a lollypop person, zebra or pelican crossing and only cross when all traffic on both sides has stopped
  • Wear bright, reflective clothing when out walking or cycling
  • Use bright visible lights on the front and back of your bike when cycling at night or in poor light
  • Always wear a cycle helmet when riding your bike

For more information on road safety, please follow the link below.

White Ribbon Day

Thursday 25th November is white ribbon day and as a school, we will be talking about how our hands are not for hurting and how to keep ourselves safe.

If you would like further information about White Ribbon Day, please follow this link

School Stakeholder Groups

Following recent changes to governance regarding School Stakeholder Groups, we have a number of vacancies for a parent trustee(s) to work across the whole of HCAT. Parent trustees are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending Trust schools. They serve a 4-year term of office and bring an important and valued perspective to the work of the Trust Board.

The Trust Board has a vital role to play in making sure every child receives the best possible education, which is reliant on trustees having the necessary experience, skills and commitment to contribute to effective governance. It is expected that trustees will make use of the various training opportunities available to them and play a full part in the work of the Trust Board and its committees.

For more information on Hull Collaborative Academy Trust, follow this link

If you are interested in becoming a parent trustee, please contact the school office for an application form. Your nomination (self-nomination is acceptable), which will need to be submitted by 17th December and are to be sent to or by post to;


c/o Dorchester Primary School

Dorchester Road



Have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


12th November 2021 

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Thursday, the 11/11/21 at 11am, we paid our respects to the armed forced community, past and present, by holding a two-minute silence.  Those of you who live close by, may even have heard the beautiful, live rendition of the ‘Last Post ‘ by Mrs Farmery our Music teacher.  The children made us very proud with their understanding and respect.

Attendance – Well Done

Attendance for every class is above 96% this week. Well done!

It is so important that every child attends school every day and on time, so thank you all for your continued support.

We have a few very busy weeks coming up, here are just a few of the exciting events we have planned:

Monday 15th November – Odd Socks and Anti-Bullying

Anti-bullying week starts next week and on Monday, we will all be wearing our odd socks to show our support. Spotty, stripy, different colours, the odder your socks are, the better!

More information about anti-bullying week will follow over the next few days.

Friday 19th November – Children in Need

This year, the theme is ‘Together We Can’. On Thursday evening, we will be sending a wristband home with every child and we would really love you to write a sentence on it about how you as a family and us here at Pearson can achieve great things together. Here are a few examples to help you on your way:

Together we can read every day with our children and make every child at Pearson a reader.

Together we can give every child the best possible education by attending school on time, every day.

Together we can do anything!

We are also holding a non-uniform day for a 50p donation per child. All contributions will be donated to Children in Need.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


5th November 2021

Dear parents and carers,

We hope you all had a lovely half term break, the children have all settled back into their school routine well.


Thank you all for your continued support with our reading scheme, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you all of our reading expectations.                Here at Pearson Primary School, we expect:

  • Every child to arrive at school with their book bag and book every day.
  • Every child to read their school book at home every day with an adult.

In addition, please read with your child for pleasure as often as possible, it could be a magazine, a favourite story or even a cook book! Remember to read, read, read!

Bonfire Night Safety

Today we have held an assembly around Firework Safety, but we would also like to give you some information to share with your families on how to keep family, pets and friends safe at firework and bonfire time.

Only adults should deal with firework displays and the lighting of fireworks. Always follow the firework code

  • Do not buy fireworks from unlicenced retailers, as these fireworks may be unsafe and illegal.
  • Only buy fireworks that comply with current safety standards.
  • Always keep fireworks in a closed box. Take them out one at a time and close the box.
  • Never put fireworks in your pocket.
  • Be considerate. Let your neighbours know you will be having a display, especially if they are elderly or they have pets or children.
  • Avoid setting fireworks off late at night, particularly if it is a school-night.
  • Ensure your pets are safe and indoors if possible.
  • Carefully follow the instructions on EACH firework.
  • Never go back to a lit firework unless the instructions advise otherwise.
  • Never throw fireworks; it is dangerous.
  • Light fireworks one at a time, at the end of the fuse, and at arm’s length.
  • Light sparklers one at a time and wear suitable gloves, even when lighting them.
  • Never give sparklers to a child under the age of 5.
  • Never throw spent fireworks on a bonfire.
  • Only adults should take care of the safe disposal of fireworks once they have been used.

Have a very safe, enjoyable weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



21st October 2021

Dear parents and carers,

We have now closed for our half term holiday and return again on Tuesday 2nd November. We hope you all have a wonderful, safe break and enjoy spending time together as a family.

Over the break, please make sure you spend time reading with your child as much as possible. The more you read together, the more your child will enjoy reading!

Have a lovely time, and remember to read, read, read!!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


15th October 2021


Dear parents and carers,

Half term is almost upon us, and what a busy half term it has been!  The children have settled really well into their new classes and have all worked incredibly hard.  Thank you for your support, especially with our new reading scheme.

Half Term Break

Reminder: School closes at 3.15pm on Thursday 21st October and reopens again on Tuesday 2nd November.

World Mental Health Day

Wednesday was a bright and colourful day, which certainly made us smile. Thank you for showing your support for World Mental Health Day by sending your child in something green.

If you would like any further information about this campaign, please follow this link:

For advice on looking after your mental health, please follow the NHS Every Mind Matters link below:

Medical Appointments

We have recently seen a significant increase in the amount of children attending appointments during the school day.  It is vital that you try to make appointments such as dentists, doctors and opticians outside of school hours where possible.

If your child does have an appointment during school hours, please bring the letter to the school office where a copy can be placed on their file.


If your child arrives at school with a coat, please check that they have their coat with them when they leave. We have seen lots of lovely coats left out on the playground that we have been unable to reunite with their owner.

If your child has lost a winter coat over the last few days, please enquire in the school office.

Please clearly write your child’s name in their coats and jumpers/cardigans so that we can return them should they get lost.

We hope you all enjoy a lovely sunny weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


8th October 2021 

Dear Parents and Carers,  

Thank you all for making our parent consultation evenings such a success.  It was wonderful to be able to open our school back up and welcome you into the classrooms again! 

Warm Clothing Indoor 

We have been incredibly fortunate with the mild weather so far, however, autumn is definitely upon us and colder weather is on its way!  

Please remember you must dress your child in extra layers to keep them warm in class. To aid ventilation in the classrooms, all windows will be wide open, regardless of the weather. This means the classrooms are very likely to be cold throughout the day. You can dress your child in any coloured warm clothing but please make sure they have their white/blue polo shirt and navy-blue cardigan or sweatshirt on top.  

Warm Clothing Outdoor 

Here at Pearson, we play outside in most weather, so please make sure your child has a suitable coat and shoes for the cold, wet weather.  

Our PE lessons will still take place outdoors whenever possible so in colder weather please send your child with a plain black hoody or sweatshirt and plain black tracksuit bottoms.  

Named Clothing 

Please ensure you write your child’s name in their school clothing, especially their jumpers/cardigans and coats. If your child misplaces their clothing whilst at school, it is incredibly difficult for us to return it to the rightful owner if the item is not named. 

World Mental Health Day 

On Wednesday 13th October, we are going to be wearing green to help raise awareness of mental health and well-being. Wear anything green, a t-shirt, a green ribbon in your hair, a pair of green socks! Anything goes! 

Neighbouring Gym Stairs 

The concrete staircase leading to our neighbours gym is very steep. Please do not let your child climb and jump up or down the stairs as they may seriously injure themselves. The gym and the staircase are private property and do not belong to the school. Thank you. 

Board of Trustees 

The school no longer has a local governing body. The Board of Trustees of the Hull Collaborative Academy Trust is now responsible for all matters relating to governance. Please see the following link to the Trust’s website that will provide you with access to information about the Board and individual trustees, as well as documents relating to governance. 

Please click here for further information 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and if you are visiting Hull Fair, stay safe and have fun! We will see you all again on Monday. 

Take very good care, 

Mrs L Clarkson 


1st October 2021

Dear parents and carers,

Macmillian Coffee Morning

Thank you for all your generous donations towards our Macmillan coffee morning last Friday.  Together we raised a huge £172.50, which is amazing! Thank you so much.

Harvest Festival

This year, our Harvest festival donation to Open Doors has been fantastic. Your generosity has been overwhelming and Open Doors are incredibly grateful. The food you have given will make a significant difference to the lives of others.

Family Consultations

We are holding parent consultations on Tuesday 5th October and Thursday 7th October. These will be held at school and will give you the opportunity to see your child/ren’s classroom and meet with their teacher. Please check your child’s book bag for your appointment time.

Reading Lower School (Years 1, 2 & 3)

We have some wonderful, exciting new books for our lower school children to enjoy. Our new reading books are matched to the phonics the children have been learning in class and no longer follow their previous book band. Please see the information leaflet in your child’s book bag for more information.

We are hoping this beautiful sunshine stays for the weekend, but whatever the weather we hope you have a lovely time.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

24th September 2021

Dear parents and carers,

Macmillan Coffee Morning

What a wonderful end to a busy week! Thank you to everyone who has helped us raise much-needed funds for Macmillan. Whether you joined us for coffee and cake or donated delicious sweet treats, you really have helped make a difference. Your support has helped to raise vital funds for people living with cancer.  We will let you know our grand total raised as soon as we can.

Nasal Flu Vaccination

The deadline to give consent for the vaccine is today.  If you would like your child to have the nasal vaccine you MUST give your consent, without it, your child will not receive the vaccine. If you require a Halal version, please add this to the notes section on the online form.

PE Kit

PE will be on the same day each week, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school to change into on their timetabled day:

  • Monday – Year 1 & Year 2
  • Tuesday – Year 4
  • Wednesday – Year 3
  • Thursday – EYFS 2 & Year 5 
  • Friday – Year 6

Our School PE Kit:

  • Blue or white plain t-shirt
  • Blue or black plain sports shorts
  • Trainers or sandshoes
  • For colder weather a plain black hoodie/sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms

Please ensure your child has warm outdoor PE clothes for colder days as PE will be outdoors wherever possible, even if the weather is a little inclement.

All jewellery must be removed for PE with the exception of newly pierced stud earrings, which should be taped up, by either the child or a parent/family member.

Fareshare Shop

Every Thursday at 3.15pm, we are going to hold a Fareshare shop.

Fareshare are a charitable company that believe no good food should go to waste by distributing surplus food from supermarkets and food production companies to schools and other charitable organisations.                                                                                                By donating to the charity, we are lucky enough to receive a weekly food package for us to share with our community.

Please do come along to see us, we usually have a good selection of fruit and vegetables, fresh meat and sweet treats. Please note, our stock will vary each week. Everything is priced at a bargain 3 for £1!

Be Seen to Be Safe

We are now officially into autumn and darks nights are drawing in so it’s important to be safe to be seen.

Always wear or carry something bright that will help you to be seen more easily during the day, and at night.

By day…

During the day always wear clothes with bright colours. Fluorescent material is even better as it helps us to really stand out and be seen during the day. This material also helps us to be seen in the evening before it is dark.

By night…

Fluorescent material does not work in the dark! We need to wear something reflective so we can be seen when car headlights are shining towards us. Even a small patch of reflective material can help drivers to see us from very far away.

Things to remember!

FLUORESCENT MATERIAL – is effective outside during daytime because it reacts to the ultra-violet rays in sunlight.  It could be a stripe on your jacket, patches on your bag or an armband.

REFLECTIVE MATERIAL – works in the dark because the special surface reflects light (street lights, car headlights etc.)

We hope you have a great weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


17th September 2021

Dear parents and carers,

It has been wonderful to see all the children back in school and they have all settled really well in to their new classes.

We would also like to welcome our new Foundation children along with their parents and carers. The children have all been having lots of fun and are settling into their class routines nicely.

Please remember, school begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm every day. It is really important that every child arrives at school on time, every day. If your child is 5 minutes late for school every day, over the year, they will have lost approximately 3.5 days of school or around 20 lessons!

We have been very impressed by how smart our children look in their uniforms, by wearing our uniforms we are able show our community that we are all proud to be part of the Pearson family. Thank you for your continued support.

We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

7th September 2021

Dear Parent or Carer,

We hope you have all enjoyed a lovely summer break and are excited to return to school tomorrow. We are all really looking forward to seeing all the children again!

I wanted to start this letter by thanking you all for your continued support and understanding throughout this past year at school.  Together, we have overcome many challenges.

Covid-19 Measures

As we all return to school, I just wanted provide some reassurance that we still have measures in place to keep our community safe.  We are:

  • Staggering lunches, playtimes and assemblies in 3 groups – EYFS, Lower school (years 1, 2 & 3) and Upper school (years 4, 5 & 6)
  • Continuing to have a cleaner on site at all times
  • Maintaining our one way system – enter through the main gates and exit through the Pearson tree gate
  • Continuing our focus on handwashing and hygiene
  • Ensuring we have good ventilation at all times by keeping windows and doors open
  • Actively promoting social distancing on the playground at drop off and collection – we have increased the space for parents to wait by moving the yellow marker closer to the school grounds

Face coverings are no longer mandatory, however if you wish to wear a facemask please continue to do so.

Free Breakfast Club 8am Daily

We know some of our families have other commitments on an evening so are unable to attend our fabulous afterschool clubs. We don’t want any of our children to miss out on the chance to join in the fun so our breakfast club will now be activity based too.

At 8am, the children will eat their delicious, free healthy breakfast of toast, cereal or porridge and fruit.

At 8.15am they will begin their staff led, fun activity.

To enable the children to get the maximum amount of time to enjoy their activities, children must arrive for breakfast club at 8am. Unfortunately, there will be no entry after 8.10am.

No need to book, just turn up on the day.

More details on the breakfast club activities will follow shortly.

School Times

Just a reminder about the school start and finish times.

The whole school will start at 8.45pm and finish at 3.15pm. Please be patient as it may take a little longer than usual to collect your child as we get used to the changes.

New Staff

Please join us in welcoming five new staff members to our Pearson family.

Mrs McLean is our new Finance Manager, Miss Hutchins has joined our Administration Team, Jordan Fox is our new Facilities Manager, Miss Sole is a SEND ASA and Miss Richardson-Williams is our new Trainee Teacher.

Data Collection Forms

We will be sending a data collection form home with each child over the next few days. To help us keep your child safe, it is really important that we have the correct information regarding your children’s medical needs and emergency contact details. Please update and return the form back to your class teacher as soon as possible.

We will see you all tomorrow morning for a new, exciting term!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



23rd July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we come to the end of a very different school year, I wanted to say a huge thank you to all of our children, parents/carers and staff. This year has presented us with so many challenges and as a community, we have worked together, and overcome every single one!  I am so proud of our Pearson family.

Thank you for your continued support and kind words over the past year, it really does make a difference.


When we return to school in September, we expect all children to be in the Pearson school uniform. Wearing a uniform helps us look smart and feel like we belong.  Our uniform consists of:

Plain black trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore

White collared polo shirt

Navy blue jumper or cardigan (with or without Pearson logo)

Plain black sensible shoes

We will hold another uniform shop on Tuesday 7th September, more details will follow via text, closer to the time.

School day

Please remember the school gates will open at 8.45am and school will finish at 3.15pm for all pupils when we return on Wednesday 8th September.

Breakfast Club

Our free breakfast club opens at 8am daily and is open to all children from EYFS2 to Year 6.

We provide a free, delicious, healthy breakfast and the children can join in with a variety of play and educational activities such as colouring, table tennis, board games and playing with toys.

There is no need to book, just turn up at 8am!

After School Clubs

We are delighted to say that we will be offering a variety of after school clubs when we return in September. Will send more information during our first week back.

We hope you all have an amazing summer holiday, stay safe and we will see you all on Wednesday 8th September.

Take very good care

Mrs Clarkson

21st July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are very excited to share some amazing news with you all!

We are proud to announce that three of our wonderful Pearson family have recently gained a promotion within our trust.  This means that although they will sadly be leaving us here at Pearson, they will remain part of the HCAT team.

Miss Bennett (EYFS ASA), Mrs Shore (Finance Manager) and Ged Watts (Site Facilities Manager) will all leave for their new roles this Friday, the 23rd of July.

Miss Bennett, Mrs Shore and Ged have all worked at Pearson for a number of years and we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all their hard work and commitment.

We will miss them all, but know you will join us in congratulating them on their marvellous achievement and wishing them the very best of luck in their new HCAT schools.

Thank you,

Mrs Clarkson


16th July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week the children have all settled well into their new classrooms and impressed their new teachers with their willingness to learn. Well done everybody!

Bikes and Scooters

If your child travels to school on a bike or scooter, please make sure that they are aware of the potential dangers around them.

Recently, a child cycled onto the road outside the school gates without looking, which almost resulted in them being knocked off their bike by a passing car. The motorist was quick to act and luckily, the child was unharmed. However, this could have been a very serious accident.

Please ensure your child:

  • always wears a helmet
  • understands basic road safety, especially if they travel to school alone
  • is courteous to pedestrians when using the footpaths to cycle and scoot to school
  • does not ride their bike or scooter on school grounds

Eid al-Adha

We know many of our families will be celebrating next week, so if your child will not be attending school during Eid al-Adha, you must inform the school in writing by Monday 19th July. Your child’s absence will then be recorded as a religious observance.

Please note, if we do not receive notification in writing we will contact you, either over the phone or in person and your child may be marked as an unauthorised absence.

You can pass your letter to a member of staff on the playground or hand it in to the school office, thank you.

Covid-19 Procedures from Monday 19th July

Although the Government will be relaxing the rules on Monday, we have been given very clear advice from Public Health and our local authority to maintain our existing measures.  This means, that until the end of term, we will continue to:

  • ask all adults to wear a mask on the playground and all communal areas
  • stagger our start/finish times and lunch times
  • keep children in their existing bubbles
  • maintain social distancing

Thank you for your continued support in helping to keep our school community safe.

Hull Healthy Holidays at Pearson Primary School

We have recently sent a leaflet home with information about this exciting opportunity for our children to enjoy over the summer holidays.

Hull City Council are providing free, fun clubs for children aged 5+ throughout the summer holidays.  There are clubs available all over Hull, with one based here at Pearson Primary School.  The clubs are available on a first come, first served basis and places are filling up fast. To book a space for you child, please see

If you need any further information, please contact Miss Maw on Tel: 07584 392023.

We have one more week at school before the start of the summer holidays so let’s hope this beautiful weather is here to stay!  Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all on Monday for a fun, last week of term.

Take very good care,

Mrs Clarkson

9th July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week has been a very exciting fun-filled week. We have been showing our colours during sports week and today, children in years 1-6 have enjoyed their end of year parties.

School Reports

We hope you enjoyed reading your child’s reports, the children have all worked so hard this year and we are very proud of them all.

If you would like to discuss your child’s report with their current class teacher, we have the following dates available for a telephone appointment. All appointments will be in 10 minutes time slots between 3.30pm and 5.00pm.

EYFS – Wednesday 14th July

Year 1 – Tuesday 13th July

Year 2 – Wednesday 14th July

Year 3 – Monday 12th July

Year 4 – Monday 12th July

Year 5 – Wednesday 14th July

Year 6 – Tuesday 13th July

If you would like an appointment, please call the school office on Tel: 01482 328569 to arrange a time.

School Uniform

As we are nearing the end of term, many of you will be thinking about buying new uniform, ready for September.  We have made some small changes to our uniform, so from September our uniform will be:

Navy blue jumper or cardigan (with or without the Pearson logo)

Plain black trousers/skirt/pinafores/shorts

White collared polo shirt

Plain black sensible shoes

We will be selling school jumpers (£8.50) and school cardigans (£10.00) on the playground on Wednesday 14th July. You can buy jumpers and cardigans between school start time until 9.30am and then again from school finish time until 3.30pm.

We will be also selling uniform on Tuesday 7th September between 10.30am and 11.30am.

Healthy Holidays Hull 2021

We have been incredibly lucky here at Pearson Primary School and we are going to be hosting a healthy holiday camp provided by First Step Sports Group. This will provide healthy, fun activities for children and will run for either 4 morning or 4 afternoons a week from 16th August.  Places must be pre-booked, and spaces are limited, so watch out for further details soon.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and let’s hope England win on Sunday evening and football finally comes home!

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson



25th June 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are at the end of another, very busy week.  Thank you for your continued support with wearing masks on school grounds and continuing to social distance.  Thank you for keeping to your allocated time for school pick up and drop off too, it all helps to keep our community safe.

As we are nearing the end of the summer term, we are busy preparing our children for their next exciting chapter of school life.

Parents of EYFS2 Children

Our EYFS2 children are growing up so quickly and it is almost time for them to move up to Year 1.  To help the children move easily into the next phase of their education, their new class 1 teacher will join them in EYFS from Monday 12th July for the whole week.  The class will have a party with Mrs Thackrey on Friday 16th July. From Monday 19th July, the children and their new class 1 teacher will move into their new classroom for the final week. This will give the children the chance to get to know their teacher and new environment ready for September.

Details of your child’s new class teacher will be sent out soon.

Parents of Year 1 up to Year 5 Children

To help the children transition smoothly into the next school year, they will spend the last two weeks of this term in their new classroom with their new teacher. This means that Friday 9th July will be the last day your child spends in their current year.  Each class will celebrate with a party on the same day, Friday 9th July.

This will give the children the opportunity to settle into their new classroom and allow both the children and their new teacher to get to know one another before the hard work begins in September.

Details of your child’s new class teacher will be sent out soon.

PSHE Curriculum Discussion

Should you wish to discuss elements of the PSHCE curriculum with your child, we would like to offer our support to help you understand what we will be teaching  over the next few weeks. On Monday 28th June, we will make teachers available to talk you through the lessons and resources we will be using.  There is no need to book, just turn up. We will be holding 3 sessions:

Ladies only – 1.45pm till  2.15pm

Gentlemen only – 2.15pm till 2.45pm

Mixed session – 2.45pm – 3.15pm

Parents of Year 6 Children

Our Year 6 children all enjoyed a wonderful sunny day away at the seaside this week.  They had a brilliant time playing on the beach and eating ice cream!

As the Year 6 transition to senior school will be virtual this year, for the last two weeks of term, Year 6 will become our very first Pearson Year 7! From Monday 12th July, the work the children will complete will be provided by their new school. We will of course, be on hand to support and guide them through their work.

All parents

If we are lucky enough to have some sunny days in the coming weeks, please make sure you apply plenty of sun cream before your child comes to school and they bring a hat. We like to spend lots of time outside here at Pearson!

We hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please do contact us by emailing or telephoning the office on 01482 328569.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

18th June 2021

 Dear parents and carers,

We have had a really good start to this term, the children have all worked very hard in class and we have finally been able to enjoy some beautiful sunshine, even if it was just for a few glorious days!

Staggered start times

Thank you for making sure your child arrives at school for their allocated start time every day, we do appreciate your support.

As a reminder:

  • If your child’s allocated start time is 45am, please collect your child at 3.00pm
  • If your child’s allocated start time is 00am, please collect your child at 3.15pm

Please be prompt, but not early, when collecting your child at the end of the school day. We need to continue to keep the number of people on our school grounds to an absolute minimum, so being on time really does help to keep our community safe.

End of term events

We have been eagerly waiting for government guidance as to how we can safely organise some end of term school events. We have received some updated advice this week, so we are looking forward to planning some fun school activities for the rest of this term. We will be in touch shortly with more information.

We hope to see some sunshine again over the weekend, but whatever the weather, we hope you have a lovely time.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


27th May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
First, I just want to thank you for a fabulous half term and a huge well done to everybody for all your hard work.

Half Term
Remember school closes today Thursday 28th May and reopens on Wednesday 9th June.

If your child presents with any symptoms up to Saturday 29th at 15:15pm you must book A Covid test and inform the school on 07392 770625, the whole household must isolate until a negative test result is received. To book a Covid test please telephone :119 or book online at

If your child has symptoms after this date, you do not need to inform the school, but you should still book a test.

School Uniform
We are hoping for lots of sunshine this summer term so if you are thinking of buying uniform for the warmer weather, please remember it is a blue gingham dress or black or grey school shorts. Also, we do have other items of uniform available to buy in school.

The weather for the next week is looking so much better and I hope everyone have a restful break and enjoys some much-needed time with their families.

Take very good care,
Mrs L Clarkson

21st May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another mix of sunshine and showers this week, I cannot believe it is almost June! The rain has not phased the children however, and they have been working very hard in all aspects of their learning.


I would like to thank everybody for taking part in our Eid celebrations last week. The children and staff had a wonderful time, and it was fantastic to see so many wonderful party clothes. 


Although restrictions have been eased somewhat, our policy at school has not changed and I wish to remind parents to please wear a mask when on the school grounds and always maintain social distancing.

Please do not send your child to school if they or anyone in your household are displaying one or more of the following symptoms:

  • A high temperature.
  • A loss or change in normal sense of smell or taste.
  • A new continuous cough.

You must book a Covid test for the person displaying symptoms and the whole household must isolate until a negative test result is received. To book a Covid test please telephone :119 or book online at

EYFS – Year 4

Next week our teachers from F2 through to year 4 will be Telephoning parents to discuss how your children have adapted to returning to school after lockdown and answer any questions that you have

Half term

Remember we break for half term on Thursday 28th May and return on Wednesday 9th June.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

7th May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Despite the very wet weather this week, we have had a wonderful week here at Pearson Primary. The children have settled back in nicely after the Easter break and its lovely to see them engaging in their learning once more.


We are going to be celebrating Eid next Friday afternoon, we will have fish & chips for lunch, followed by some special yummy puddings made by our own school cook.

The children will then have a party back in their own classroom and we invite them to come to school on Friday in their favourite party clothes to help make this celebration special.

Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions, we are unable to accept any of your delicious homecooked food this year.  Instead, we are asking for a 50p donation per child so that we can provide some party food for everybody.  Please bring your 50p donation to your class on Friday morning.

Social Distancing

Thank you again for your continued support and for helping us keep everyone safe on the playground by adhering to our social distancing guidelines, our one-way system and, wearing a face covering while on school grounds.  These measures really do help keep our community safe.

Let’s hope the weather is a little kinder to us this weekend, enjoy your family time and I look forward to welcoming you back Monday for the start of a new week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

16th April 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you have all had a lovely Easter break.  We have had such a wonderful start to the summer term, the children have worked very hard and are already back into the school routine. We have really enjoyed seeing the children playing out in the sunshine!


Sending your child to school every day is vital for their education and well-being, especially now after experiencing months of lockdown.

Throughout the Summer term, we are going to hold a weekly, virtual assembly for the children to reward excellent attendance.  This will include:

  • Every child will get a raffle ticket for every day they attend school. Every week, a raffle will be drawn per class and 2 lucky children will get to enjoy a cupcake and juice drink as an extra special treat.
  • Most improved class – the class with the most improved attendance for that week will get an extra break time.
  • Every week your total class attendance is over 96%, your class will receive a token. Each token is worth £5.00 and will be converted to cash at the end of the term for the children to spend on a class activity. Amazing! How much can your class win? What will you spend it on? We cannot wait to find out!

Let us all do our very best and arrive on time, every day!

Be On Time

Please ensure your child arrives at school on time. Children who are late, often miss important work that is used as a framework for the rest of the school day, and it can also disrupt the rest of the class upon their arrival.

Social Distancing

Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe on the playground by adhering to our social distancing guidelines, our one way system and, wearing a face covering while on school grounds.  These measures really do help keep our community safe.

Parent/Teacher Meetings

We will be in touch to arrange virtual meetings between parents and teachers to discuss your children’s progress.  A letter with more details will be sent out soon.

I am hoping for a sunny weekend for us all to enjoy, but whatever the weather, I hope you have a relaxing weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


26th March 2021

School re-opens on Tuesday 13th April 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have wowed us once again with their resilience and enthusiasm on their return to school, they have all worked incredibly hard over the past three weeks, so well done to everyone.  It is now time for a well earnt rest, and we return on Tuesday 13th April so we hope you all have the most amazing time!

Thank You Pearson Staff

We are sure you will join us in thanking our wonderful, dedicated team of staff here at Pearson. They have all gone the extra mile to make sure that all children in our Pearson family are kept safe, happy and well educated.  Thank you.

Friday Early Leave

Today is our last early Friday leave and when we return after Easter, all children will leave at their normal pick up time of 3pm or 3.15pm, Monday to Friday.

In-house Catering

We are excited to share with you that from next term, all our catering will be ran in-house.  The staff who currently provide our school catering have transferred to HCAT from our contract caterers and are looking forward to providing healthy, nutritious lunches.

In making this change, we are able to have a greater freedom to plan menus that we know the children will love, and we hope that you will work with us to encourage your children to choose the school meal option as often as possible.

New Lunch Menus

Please follow this link to view the menus

For those children in Year 3 and above who are not entitled to benefit based free school meals, the cost remains at £1.50 per day. Whenever possible, please pay in advance, in a sealed, named envelope.

Free School Meals

For more information about benefit based free school meals, or if you think you may be eligible, please follow this link to the Hull City Council website

We hope you have a magical Easter and you get to make many fun, family memories together. Take very good care and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 13th April for the start of the Summer term.

Happy Easter!

Mrs L Clarkson

12th March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have all had such a wonderful week, seeing our school full of happy children. They all seem to have grown so much!

Thank you for respecting our social distancing rules while on school site but please remember that all adults must wear a face covering at all times on the playground.

Our staggered start and finish times have really helped us adhere to our safety procedures and we thank you for your continued support with this.


When we return after the Easter holidays, Friday’s will resume to our normal full day with either a 3pm or 3.15pm finish.

Red Nose Day

We will be selling red noses at a cost of £1.50 each, ready for the big day on Friday 19th March.  There are 9 red noses and one super rare gold nose, all of which are the most fantastically fun group of woodland creatures you have ever met. The noses are in sealed boxes and you will not be able to see which red nose you have until you open the box. Please note, unfortunately we will not be able to exchange or refund you if you do not get the nose you want.

We will send more details of when and where to buy your noses from next week.

PE Kit

As some children are coming to school in their PE kits on their class PE day, it is important that we wear the correct clothing.  Wearing the correct uniform or PE kit, helps us to look smart and feel like we belong.

Our School PE Kit is:

  • Blue or white plain t-shirt
  • Blue or black plain sports shorts
  • Trainers or sandshoes
  • For colder weather a plain black, grey or blue hoodie/sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms

We hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and we look forward to another great week next week.

Take very good care of one another,

Mrs L Clarkson

9th February 2021

Dear all,

I hope this letter finds you safe and well.

We have been so pleased to see so many of our children back in school, now that we are in the early stages of returning to some normality.

I would like to confirm that all HCAT schools will be returning to their previous individual school timetable after the easter break. This means from week commencing 12th April, Pearson Primary School will be open for a full day on Fridays.

We want to thank you for your support during these extremely challenging circumstances. Your understanding and co-operation has been greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Estelle Macdonald


23rd February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, we are delighted to confirm that school will fully reopen on the 8th March and we expect all pupils to attend from this date.

We would like to reassure you that the safety of our Pearson family is a priority, and we are working hard putting plans in place to continue to keep everyone safe upon our return.

We will be in touch soon with further details regarding start & finish times, safety measures & restrictions and any other useful information.

For now, until we return, please continue to work hard with your remote learning so that you are ready to return to school on the 8th March.

We really are looking forward to seeing you all soon and can’t wait to have our wonderful school full of happy children again.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

12th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now at the end of a very different and incredibly difficult half term.  Your support over these past few weeks has been overwhelming, and we cannot thank you enough for all you have done. The children have worked extremely hard and we have loved seeing all their fabulous work. Their resilience and determination has really shone through; we are very proud of each and every one of them, well done!

Although we cannot wait to see all our children back in school, unfortunately, we are still waiting on Government guidance as to when this might happen.  We will keep you all updated as soon as we have any more information.

Remote learning begins again and school will partially reopen (for those children currently attending) on Tuesday 23rd February.

We hope you all enjoy a wonderful, well deserved rest. Keep safe and take very good care of one another,

Mrs Clarkson

5th February 2021

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Your continued support with remote learning over these past few weeks has not gone unnoticed, thank you. We are seeing some really fabulous work from our amazing children, please continue to keep up the good work – only one more week left this half term!

Wellbeing Wednesday

After receiving lots of fantastic feedback from our first ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’, we are happy to report that it was a tremendous success! Thank you all for taking part with such enthusiasm, the photos and videos you have sent us of your family groups taking part have been wonderful.  We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all your smiling faces and we look forward to seeing more next Wednesday.

Full School Reopening

We have not been advised by the government of when schools will fully re-open, as soon as we have any more information, we will let you know as quickly as possible.

Half Term

We break up for half term at 1pm on Friday 12th February 2021 and the children who are currently in school, return on Tuesday 23rd February 2021. Please note, there will be no provision for any children to attend school during half term.

As always, if you need any further support,  please contact us by either emailing or by calling 01482 328569 during school hours.

We hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend, take very good care of one another,

Mrs L Clarkson

29th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

After a tough few weeks, we wanted to say thank you once again for your unwavering support and hard work in helping your children continue to learn.

We have been working incredibly hard to make our remote learning experience the very best it can be for our children. We have recently had a visit from Darren Marks (HCAT head of school improvement and Ofsted Inspector) and Estelle Macdonald (HCAT CEO) to review our remote learning offer and we are thrilled to share that they were incredibly complimentary about the offer we are providing for the children. They were especially impressed with the engagement of the children who are working from home. This is testament to you, our amazing parents, carers, older siblings and other adults in your household. Your continued hard work, commitment and resilience during these difficult times has once again made us incredibly proud to part of the Pearson family.

Many of the staff at Pearson are parents too, and we well understand the challenges that remote learning can present. Within our own families, some days are an absolute joy and other days can feel like we have achieved nothing at all! Although the struggles in each household vary, I am confident that we are all facing increased demands, to meet the needs of individual children of different ages, particularly in households with a number of children.

With this in mind, and to coincide with Mental Health Week next week, we are launching ‘Well Being Wednesday’ for the next two weeks.

Our aim is to create family-based learning opportunities, in line with the national Mental Health Week event, that will bring your whole family together to engage in fun learning activities that promote wellbeing.

These activities still follow National Curriculum guidelines of offering a broad and balanced curriculum. It is important though, that all children still complete their daily reading lesson, and those children in EYFS and Years 1 & 2 will also need to complete their daily phonics lessons. However, each Wednesday the rest of the remote learning work will focus on work the whole family, regardless of age, can complete together. We are hoping to include subjects such as art, outdoor learning, and fitness.

You will be able to access the ‘Well Being Wednesday’ work in the exact same way as you normally access remote learning.

There is no expectation for you to submit the ‘Well Being Wednesday’ completed work to the class teachers, but we would love it if you chose to share some of your Wednesday family learning pictures with us.

We think you are all doing a fabulous job! Keep going – we only have two more weeks until half term when we can all enjoy a much-deserved break.  Keep safe and take very good care.

Mrs L Clarkson


15th January 2021

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you once again for all your efforts with remote learning this week. We really appreciate everything that you are doing to ensure your children can access the work online, whether this be on Teams or ClassDojo. We are responding to feedback from our weekly calls to you and adjusting our delivery to make the lessons as engaging as possible for the children.

Please remember to contact your class teacher on ClassDojo, Teams or by calling the school if you need any support with the remote learning.

Curriculum Information


As we start the New Year, ‘Dreams and Goals’ will be our Jigsaw focus for the next half term.  Here is a list of the whole school weekly themes for PSHCE that we will be covering:

  • Stay motivated when doing something challenging
  • Keep trying even when it is difficult
  • Work well with a partner or in a group
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Help others to achieve their goals
  • Working hard to achieve your dreams and goals

If you have any questions or queries related to our PSHCE lessons, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Thackrey.

Wellbeing Week

In school, we also look forward to taking part in ‘Wellbeing week’ starting on the 18th January, and ‘Mental Health’ week on the 1st February.

Please make sure you are taking time to look after each other during these testing times.

Throughout the month of February, we will also be participating in various activities related to ‘National Heart Month’, where we will be learning how to keep ourselves healthy.  On the 10th February, we will also be celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Have a brilliant weekend, enjoy the well-deserved rest from remote learning, and most importantly – stay safe.

Mrs L Clarkson

8th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to start this letter by wishing you all a happy new year! We hope you enjoyed the Christmas break and made lots of happy memories.  The year may not have started as we expected but we hope 2021 is a better year for us all.

This term has begun a bit differently to what we planned and has already presented us with a few extra challenges. As always, your unwavering support has been amazing and has made the last few days much easier for us to arrange, thank you.

As you are aware, the school partially re-opened on Wednesday for our keyworker and vulnerable children, along with those children unable to complete remote learning at home.

Remote learning

As advised by the Government, every child should be completing a minimum amount of remote learning each day, including teacher led learning. This will be monitored by the class teacher and should be for:

  • 3 hours a day for years EYFS2, Year 1 and Year 2
  • 4 hours a day for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

To complete the work, your child will need access to the internet and a device such as a tablet or laptop.

All work for EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 can accessed by:

  • Visiting our website at
  • Scroll down until you reach ‘Home Learning Resources’
  • Click on your child’s year group

All work for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 can accessed by:

  • Visiting our website at
  • Clicking on the ‘Teams Login’ link at the top right-hand side of the home page.

Problems with remote learning

If you are experiencing problems accessing the Home Learning Resources on our website, please call the school immediately, and we will do everything that we can to support your access.

We will be monitoring that all children are doing their remote learning every week and, in the event that a child is not completing their work, we will be contacting you to discuss this further.

What you need to know if your child does attend school

We have tried to keep the day as a typical school day with break times and lunchtimes broadly as usual.  The children are completing the same remote learning work as those at home and they will take part in extra activities in line with the curriculum.

  • Please continue to use our one-way system, and stay behind the yellow line
  • Only one adult to enter the school grounds and they must wear a face covering at all times
  • The children start at 9am and finish at 3pm. Except on a Friday, when they leave at 1pm
  • The children must wear their school uniform
  • There is still an option of a hot meal or sandwich/wrap at lunchtime. The cost of a school meal is £1.50 per day for those in Years 3-6, unless you are entitled to benefit-based free school meals
  • Send your child with their bookbag and book so that we can change it regularly
  • Please do not send your child to school if your child or anyone in your household have any Coronavirus symptoms

Benefit-based free school meals

For those children that are entitled to free school meals and are not attending school, we will be providing a weekly food bag per child. We will be in contact next week with those families that are entitled to a food bag.

I hope you are all keeping safe and well and look forward to our school being full of happy children again soon.  Have a lovely weekend and take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

5th January 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy new year! I am pleased to inform you that your child has successfully been allocated a place at school. To reassure you, your child’s day will be as close to a typical school day as possible.

Please carefully read the information below:

  • The school day for EYFS2, Yr1, Yr2, Yr3, Yr4, Yr5 & Yr6 will be 9am until 3pm. For health and safety reasons,  we have made a decision that any child that attends in these year groups must attend for the whole day
  • This Friday will be 9am – 1pm.  We will update you about the following Friday’s as soon as possible. Please be prompt
  • The school day for EYFS1 will be 9am until 12pm
  • Only one adult to enter the school grounds and they MUST wear a face covering
  • Please use the same entrance/exit as usual
  • You must stay behind the yellow line
  • The lunch menu will remain the same or you can send your child with a packed lunch
  • Please send your child in their school uniform
  • The children will be accessing the same remote learning provision in class as the children at home. If time allows, we will complete additional learning activities based on the curriculum
  • Please send your child with their bookbag so that we can change their books on a regular basis

Please be aware if your child does not attend school as agreed, normal attendance procedures will apply.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Mrs L Clarkson

5th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Further to the Government announcement yesterday, I wanted to write to update you on the current situation.

Today, we have been very busy planning and organising. From tomorrow we are moving to a partial opening for critical workers and vulnerable children, and remote learning for those not in school. This will continue until at least Tuesday 23rd February.

Critical Worker & Vulnerable Children

If we are aware you child falls into this category, we will already have contacted you to arrange a place for your child. If you are a critical worker, as per the government list, which can be found here and your child needs a place at school, please contact us immediately to arrange.

The children that attend school during the lockdown period will be completing the same remote learning as those children staying at home. There will be additional learning activities based around the curriculum, if time allows.

Remote Learning

Remote learning will begin tomorrow for all children at home and will be monitored by your child’s teacher. The government expect your child to undertake 3 hours of schoolwork, daily, including direct instruction from a teacher. This will be in the form of internet-based video clips which can only be accessed via a laptop or tablet with internet access.  If you do not have sufficient technology or internet, you must contact the school immediately.

All work can be found on the homepage of our website under Home Learning Resources.

Free School Meals

If your child is in receipt of benefit based free school meals, we are able to offer a grab bag packed lunch for the remainder of this week.  You must inform us if you require a grab bag lunch before 10am daily. We will be in contact shortly with further information about the following weeks.

We appreciate your patience at this very difficult time, and we will keep you updated with any further information.

Please stay safe and take very good care of one another,

Mrs L Clarkson

18th December 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We have come to the end of a very busy but incredibly fun term and I wanted to send you all off on your Christmas break with a truly heartfelt thank you.  Thank you for being so supportive, for all your encouraging words and for helping us keep our children and staff safe.

There are just a few things to make you aware of before you go off to enjoy a well-deserved holiday.

Positive COVID-19 Test Over the Christmas Holidays

We want everybody to enjoy a healthy, happy Christmas holiday but if your child does test positive for COVID-19, and they developed their first symptom before 1.30pm on Sunday 20th December, you MUST inform Mrs Rix on Tel: 07392 770625. If your child develops symptoms after 1.30pm on Sunday 20th December, you do not need to contact school.

Christmas Bubble Guidelines

We know Christmas is a time that we would normally spend with loved ones and friends, however to keep everyone safe over the Christmas holidays, it is vital that we each take personal responsibility to limit the spread of the virus and protect our loved ones, particularly if they are vulnerable.

This means thinking very carefully about the risks of meeting up with others and only doing so if you feel you absolutely need to. For many, this will mean that it isn’t possible to celebrate Christmas in the way you normally would.

If you do decide you need to form a Christmas bubble, you can do so between 23 and 27 December with people from no more than three households.

If you choose to form a bubble:

  • you should stop unnecessary social contact outside your immediate household as soon as possible and for at least five days before you meet other households in your bubble
  • you should keep your bubble as small as possible
  • you can only be in one Christmas bubble
  • you cannot change your Christmas bubble
  • if necessary, you can travel between tiers and UK nations for the purposes of meeting your Christmas bubble
  • you can only meet your Christmas bubble in private homes or in your garden, places of worship, or public outdoor spaces
  • you can only meet people who are not in your Christmas bubble outside your home according to the rules in the tier you are meeting in
  • do not meet socially with friends and family that you do not live with in your home or garden unless they are part of your Christmas bubble

Scientific advice is clear that the longer you meet others for, the higher the risk of you catching and spreading the virus. You should minimise the time you spend with your Christmas bubble and should not stay overnight unless absolutely unavoidable. You cannot meet your Christmas bubble before the 23 December or after the 27 December.

Fond Farewells

As we say our goodbyes to Mrs Janet Lutkin and Mrs Irene Harrington, we wanted to thank them for all their hard work and dedication over the many years they have been part of our Pearson family. We wish them both lots of happiness for the future and hope they will come back to visit us all very soon. We will miss you Mrs Lutkin & Irene.

Friday Early Finishes

Please remember we close early on a Friday afternoon and you must pick your child up on time.

  • If your child normally finishes school at 3pm, Monday to Thursday, you must pick them up at 1pm every Friday until further notice.
  • If your child normally finishes school at 3.15pm, Monday to Thursday, you must pick them up at 1.15pm every Friday until further notice.

When we return after Christmas, the Friday early finishes will continue. We will review the situation again at February half term and we will keep you updated with any changes.

Festive Fun

Over the past few weeks, the children have being enjoying lots of festive fun, and this year, more than ever, we wanted to share our Christmas celebrations with our whole community. Make sure you keep your eye on our Facebook and twitter page or on our website for lots of fun videos and treats.  Look out for an extra special message from our amazing Pearson team, we hope it makes you smile!

Thank You, Team Pearson

Finally, I’m sure you would join me in thanking the whole staff team at Pearson for their incredible hard work and commitment to the school in 2020. Every single member of our community has gone above and beyond to ensure your children are safe, happy and learning. I couldn’t have asked for anything more, thank you.

On behalf of all the staff here at Pearson Primary School, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year.

Take very good care and we will see you all when we return to school on Tuesday 5th January 2021.


Mrs L Clarkson

11th December 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now getting close to the end of a very busy term and we just wanted to say thank you once again for your support over these past months. Your kind words and positivity really do make a difference, thank you.

Christmas Grotto

We have some very exciting news! Today, we have been extremely lucky and Santa has made a flying visit to our Pearson Primary school magical Christmas Grotto. Bernard, Santa’s head elf, has been very busy making a special gift for each child to take home and enjoy. Santa managed to see all the children from Foundation and Classes 1 & 2 before he got called away to a North Pole Emergency, the elves had run out of sellotape!  Santa kindly left gifts for all the children in Classes 3, 4, 5 & 6 before he went.  Did anyone hear the sleigh bells as he flew high above the school? Ho Ho Ho!

The children have been very good and have saved their gift to open when they get home.

Christmas Parties

This year, we are asking for a 50p donation per child to contribute towards the party food.  There will be plenty of treats for the children to enjoy including halal food. The food will be stored and served in a Covid safe way.

Your child can come to school wearing their party clothes on the day of their Christmas party.

Christmas parties will be held on:


Foundation stage 1 & 2

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 5


Class 4

Class 6

Enterprise Gifts

Thank you so much for your overwhelming generosity and for buying so many of our handmade gifts.  We have been working really hard to fulfill all your orders and if you have not received yours yet, we will get them to you next week. Thank you for your support and patience.

Staff Changes

Two of our much-loved Pearson family will be retiring at the end of term, Mrs Lutkin and Irene. I’m sure you will all agree, the office won’t be the same without Mrs Lutkin’s friendly face to greet us all and we will miss Irene’s sense of humour in the dining hall.  We will still occasionally see Mrs Lutkin and Irene around school as both have promised to pop back to visit us all soon.

We wish them both lots of happiness for the future.

Christmas Closing

We will close for Christmas on Friday 18th December at 1pm or 1.15pm, depending on your child’s collection time, and will return on Tuesday 5th January.

Friday Early Closing

Our Friday early closing will continue next term and will be reviewed again before our February half term.

As a reminder:

If you normally collect your child at 3pm on a Monday to Thursday, then on a Friday you must collect them at 1pm.

If you normally collect your child at 3.15pm on a Monday to Thursday, then on a Friday you must collect them at 1.15pm.

Please make sure that you pick your child up on time.

Have a wonderful, festive weekend and we will see you all on Monday for our last week of term.

Take very good care

Mrs L Clarkson

Wednesday 9th December 2020

Dear HCAT Parents/Carers

As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you for all the support you have given to schools during such difficult times. Your positive comments and willingness to work in partnership with us has made this time as successful as it could possibly be.

News about possible early closure

 You may have seen the recent news that the Government invited schools to consider closing a day early next week. At such short notice this would prove too disruptive to both school and families, we have therefore declined the offer. We will close on Friday 18th December after lunch as previously planned.

Review of temporary adjustments to the school week due to Covid

Thankyou for your co operation during this term with the temporary Friday afternoon closures. This measure has allowed us to keep more children in school. Given the uncertainty about what we may face in the early part of 2021, we have decided to continue with closing HCAT schools after lunch on Fridays to avoid any unnecessary further disruption. We will review this measure again before the February half term break 2021.

Finally, all that remains for me to say is to wish you all a safe, healthy and happy Christmas, and we look forward to a brighter 2021.

Yours Faithfully

Estelle Macdonald


4th December 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Christmas is definitely in the air here at Pearson Primary School! What a lovely, busy week we have all had! We have all been working super hard in class and have still managed to  put up our beautiful Christmas trees, wear our Christmas jumpers and prepare our Christmas Enterprize gifts!

Christmas Lunch

This week years 2 & 3 enjoyed their delicious Christmas lunch. Next Thursday, the rest of the school will be able to enjoy a Christmas lunch too. Thursday’s are also Christmas jumper days, so remember to wear yours if you wish.

Tree Decorations

I’m sure you have all seen our outdoor Christmas tree on the school field, at the moment we have a few decorations on it, but would love it if you could make us some more.

Please bring in your homemade decorations, from recycled materials, and help us decorate our community tree. We cannot wait to see your fantastic creations and it would be amazing if we could manage to fill every branch.

Peel Street Park Christmas Tree

Our lucky children from Class 3 visited the Peel Street tree to adorn it with your fabulous decorations. They really enjoyed their trip and the tree looked wonderful.  The tree is there for the benefit of the whole community and is well worth a visit.

Christmas Enterprize Sale

All our Enterprize crafts are carefully made to order by our children and we have so many festive items to choose from. Whatever you choose to buy, we are sure you will love it.

Details of what’s for sale can be found here:

Orders can be placed from Monday 7th December, place your orders as soon as possible so you don’t miss out.

I hope you all enjoy a nice relaxing weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

27th November 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

As December is only a few days away we are beginning to feel rather festive here at Pearson Primary School, so this week’s letter is all about Christmas!

We will still be celebrating Christmas this year with our whole Pearson family, albeit a little different to other years.  This year we will use social media much more to enable everybody to take part.  We will keep you updated about each event nearer the time, via text and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Christmas Tree – Decorations Needed

Our beautiful Christmas trees have arrived and this year we are lucky enough to have a tree outside.  We wanted to make our outdoor Christmas tree a festive focal point for our community, but we need your help to make it the most amazing tree ever! We know you have already been asked to make decorations for the Peel Street tree using recycled materials and we would love it if you could make one for our tree too.  We are really excited to see our tree decorated with your handmade creations.

Christmas Lunch

Our wonderful school cooks are making a delicious Christmas lunch for the children on Thursday 3rd December and Thursday 10th December.  We will be splitting the year groups over the two days to allow the children to have some extra time in the dining hall to enjoy their special meal.  We will inform you via text with the date for your child’s year group.

Christmas Cards

We know how much the children enjoy receiving and sending cards, and we don’t want this year to be any different. Your child can post their cards in a post box in their class and we will distribute them to their friends for them.  As we need to store all Christmas cards for a minimum of 3 days before delivering them to the children, please make sure all cards are in school by Thursday 10th December. Unfortunately, any cards received after this date will not be handed out.

Christmas Fair

Sadly, we are not able to hold a Christmas Fair this year so instead, all our children are making Christmas Enterprise gifts.  Each class has been given a small budget to make their gift with and we will be selling them on to our lovely parents to make a small profit.  All proceeds will go directly back in to making our school such a brilliant place to be.  We are looking forward to sharing our fantastic creations with you and we will send an order form and pricelist home very soon.

We hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend and we will see you on Monday for the beginning of a busy but fun week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

23rd November 2020

Dear parents and carers

I am writing to inform you that we have received confirmation that a member of our school community, who is not a member of your child’s bubble, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Following government and local authority guidance, the affected person and their family have now started their isolation.

We have also sent a letter to parents and carers of children, and the staff, of the school bubble affected telling them that they need to isolate for 14 days from when they last had contact with the person affected, in line with government guidance.

I would like to reassure you that our school is very careful to make sure everyone follows government and local authority guidance for cleaning and social distancing. Please be assured that this incident is not related to any other positive cases within our school community.

Should any member of your household start to get symptoms of COVID-19 please arrange to get them tested and inform the school immediately.

The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • a high temperature – this means they may feel hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to take their temperature with a thermometer)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if they usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste – this means they may tell you that they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different.

To book a free COVID-19 test, visit the NHS website or phone the NHS on 119:

You can get a test at a testing site, or by asking for a home testing kit.

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the government website:

The wellbeing of our children and staff is extremely important to us and we thank you once again for your continued support.

Take very good care of one another and if there is anything at all we can do to help you and your family at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel: 01482 328569 or email us at

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Clarkson

20th November 2020

 Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are all managing well in this difficult situation. We wanted to say thank you again for your unwavering support during these incredibly difficult times. We really do appreciate your kind words.

Odd Socks

We loved seeing all your colourful, stripy, spotty and most importantly, odd socks in support of Anti-bullying Week. Thank you for helping us highlight such an important message.

Year 4 & Foundation Stage Children

We are expecting our Year 4 children back in class on Monday and our Foundation Stage children are back to school on Tuesday.  We are really looking forward to seeing you all.

Important – Please Read

Unfortunately, it has been reported to us that a number of children who should be  self-isolating have been seen outside of their homes. To help keep our community safe, I must remind you that if you are self-isolating you MUST stay in your home. If anyone in your household has any COVID symptoms, the whole household MUST stay in your home until a test result is received for the symptomatic person. NHS Test and Trace will then advise you when you are able to leave the house.

It is vital that you follow the government advice to stop the spread of the virus.

If you are self-isolating and need extra help with shopping, food, benefits and general support please visit the Hull City Council website or click on the link below:

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

13th November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to start today’s letter by saying a huge thank you for your support with our Friday afternoon early leaving that started today. Your prompt timekeeping enabled the teachers and support staff to get some much needed time to plan lots of exciting lessons, ready for next week.

Our Collaborative Remembrance Display

I know from your wonderful positivity and feedback, you all enjoyed our beautiful remembrance display as much as we did. We couldn’t have created such a spectacular display without your teamwork and amazing creativity, thank you.

Children in Need

After a very spotty, fun day, we are busy counting all of your generous donations for Children in Need. Thank you, and as always Children in Need will be very grateful for every penny.

Important – National Restrictions – Please Read

National Restrictions are now in place until at least Wednesday 2nd December. To help stop the spread of the virus, it is vital that we, as a community, make sure that we all adhere to the government guidance, both at school and at home. We know this is a difficult time, and now more than ever, we need our family and friends around us, but to keep our loved ones safe we must follow the restrictions. These are:

  • Not meeting socially indoors with family or friends unless they are part of your household – meaning the people you live with – or support bubble.
  • Only meeting up with one other person outside, in a public place not in a private garden.
  • You must maintain a 2-meter distance at all times from anyone not in your household or wear a face covering and maintain a 1-meter distance from anyone not in your household.

We will help to stop the spread of the virus much quicker, if we all adhere to the rules put in place by the government.

Home Learning Information

Please check your child’s book bag for a letter containing all the information you will need regarding home learning should your child need to self-isolate. Please contact us if this letter is not in your child’s bag.

I hope you all have a well-deserved, relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for another busy week on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

10th November 2020

Dear parents and carers

I am writing to inform you that we have received confirmation that a member of our school community, who is not a member of your child’s bubble, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Following government and local authority guidance, the affected person and their family have now started their isolation.

We have also sent a letter to parents and carers of children, and the staff, of the school bubble affected telling them that they need to isolate for 14 days from when they last had contact with the person affected, in line with government guidance.

I would like to reassure you that our school is very careful to make sure everyone follows government and local authority guidance for cleaning and social distancing. Please be assured that this incident is not related to any other positive cases within our school community.

Should any member of your household start to get symptoms of COVID-19 please arrange to get them tested and inform the school immediately.

The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • a high temperature – this means they may feel hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to take their temperature with a thermometer)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if they usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste – this means they may tell you that they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different.

To book a free COVID-19 test, visit the NHS website or phone the NHS on 119:

You can get a test at a testing site, or by asking for a home testing kit.

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the government website:

The wellbeing of our children and staff is extremely important to us and we thank you once again for your continued support.

Take very good care of one another and if there is anything at all we can do to help you and your family at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel: 01482 328569 or email us at

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Clarkson

9th November 2020

Dear parents and carers

I am writing to inform you that we have received confirmation that a member of our school community, who is not a member of your child’s bubble, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Following government and local authority guidance, the affected person and their family have now started their isolation.

We have also sent a letter to parents and carers of children, and the staff, of the school bubble affected telling them that they need to isolate for 14 days from when they last had contact with the person affected, in line with government guidance.

Our school is still open to all other children.

I would like to reassure you that our school is very careful to make sure everyone follows government and local authority guidance for cleaning and social distancing.

Should any member of your household start to get symptoms of COVID-19 please arrange to get them tested and inform the school immediately.

The main symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • a high temperature – this means they may feel hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to take their temperature with a thermometer)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if they usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste – this means they may tell you that they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different.

To book a free COVID-19 test, visit the NHS website or phone the NHS on 119:

You can get a test at a testing site, or by asking for a home testing kit.

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the government website:

The wellbeing of our children and staff is extremely important to us and we thank you once again for your continued support.

Take very good care of one another and if there is anything at all we can do to help you and your family at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel: 01482 328569 or email us at

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Clarkson

6th November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am very pleased to say our first week back at school has been absolutely wonderful. It has been lovely to see the children so full of enthusiasm and eager to learn. It makes us very proud to be part of the Pearson family.

I also wanted to thank you all for your continuous support and encouraging words during these difficult times.

Warm clothing in classrooms

As the days are now getting colder, please remember you must dress your child in extra layers to keep them warm in class.  To aid ventilation in the classrooms, all windows will be wide open, regardless of the weather. This means the classrooms are very likely to be cold throughout the day.  You can dress your child in any coloured warm clothing but please make sure that they have their navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan on top.

Community Support

Our local PCSO Neil Brewer will be visiting the school on Monday 9th November to discuss any local community issues you may have. PCSO Brewer will be on the playground from 2.45pm, so please make sure you pop by to say hello and have a chat with him.

Friday afternoon closing

Further to Monday’s letter regarding Friday afternoon closing, I would like to clarify that from Friday 13th November:

If your child/children currently leaves school at 3pm, your Friday afternoon pick up time will be 1pm.

If your child/children currently leaves school at 3.15pm, your Friday afternoon pick up time will be 1.15pm.

Every child will still eat their lunch at school and get their attendance mark for Friday afternoons as normal. Homework will be provided for the children to complete on the Friday afternoon.

If you have any queries regarding early closing on a Friday, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Term Activities

As promised, this term is going to be super busy and so much fun! We have many exciting activities planned, we cannot wait to share them with you! So here are a few:

11th November – Remembrance Day. Poppies will be on sale in school from Monday. Please send your child to class with their money, and the poppies will be taken around the classrooms for the children to purchase. The children have been creating their own poppies in class and we will be decorating the perimeter fence with them to make a beautiful remembrance display.

13th November – Children in Need. We will be wearing non-uniform or spots in exchange for a small donation.

17th November – Odd Sock Day. Wear your oddest socks to show our support for anti-bullying.

4th December – Christmas Craft Sale. Following enterprise week, the children will be able to buy Christmas crafts they have made to start the Festive season. The children will be sending out adverts for their products on social media in the coming weeks.

9th December – Music Assembly with Mrs Farmery.  More details to follow nearer the time. We will make this available for your viewing via social media.

15th December – School Christmas Dinner. A delicious festive treat, especially prepared by our brilliant school cooks.

16th & 17th December – Class Christmas Parties. This year, we will provide the party food for the children to enjoy and will ask for a 50p donation per child towards the cost.

17th December – Foundation Stage, Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Productions.  Parents will still be able to watch their children starring in this year’s fabulous production via social media.

We hope you are looking forward to this term as much as we are!

Have a lovely relaxing weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

3rd November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wanted to welcome you all back for an exciting new term. I hope you have all had a wonderful, relaxing break and are feeling refreshed and ready to work hard and enjoy another term of learning.

Traditionally, this term is very busy with lots of seasonal, family events taking place. This year will be a little different, but will still be lots of fun! We will be trying out different ways of involving our whole Pearson family, in a safe, socially distanced way.  We will be using social media and technology much more, so please bear with us if we experience a few hiccups along the way!

Friday Afternoon Closures

I apologise that you may have read about this in the local news before we had the opportunity to inform you directly. We can confirm the information published by the Hull Daily Mail was incorrect. Honest and open communication with our Pearson family is always at the forefront of our minds and a letter was scheduled to be sent to you all today, our first day back at school.

To clarify, following the HCAT letter you received this morning, from Friday 13th November, Pearson primary school will close every Friday afternoon but will remain open, as usual, the rest of the week. We will advise you shortly of your family Friday afternoon pick up time.

Lockdown Restrictions- School Measures

From Thursday, 5th November, new National Restrictions will come in to force for the whole of the UK. School will remain open and your child should still attend unless they or someone in your household is displaying any of the three coronavirus symptoms:

  • A high temperature
  • A new continuous cough
  • A loss of sense of smell or taste

To help keep everyone safe we ask that you remember Hands, Face, Space at all times.

When on and around our school grounds, please:

  • Continue to use our one way system
  • Sanitise your hands upon entry to the site
  • Maintain a 2 meter distance (or 1 meter when wearing a face covering and taking other precautions) from anyone that does not live in your household.
  • Wear a face covering when entering the school building.

We are also mindful that the pavement area around the school can become congested at pick up and drop off points. I would ask that you continue to maintain social distancing at all times on the pavements.

We will continue to practice good hand hygiene with the children and remain in our class bubbles, all staff will wear a face covering in communal areas.

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 we are increasing the ventilation in all classrooms so all windows will be open regardless of the weather. Please make sure you send your child to school in warm clothing to wear in class, we recommend additional layers such as a vest or t-shirt, along with their usual t-shirt and jumper. Unfortunately, we do not have any uniform in stock at the moment, but a plain navy blue jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan is acceptable.

Lockdown Restrictions-Government Information

The new restrictions state you must not meet socially indoors with family or friends unless they are part of your household – meaning the people you live with – or support bubble.

support bubble is where a household with one adult joins with another household. Households in that support bubble can still visit each other, stay overnight, and visit outdoor public places together. A childcare support bubble is where parents are able to form a childcare bubble with one other household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the child is 13 or under.

The new restrictions also mean you must stay at home unless you are:

  • Travelling to school or work
  • Shopping for essential items only such as food or medicine
  • For any medical reason
  • To exercise outdoors or visit an outdoor public space with the people you live with, with your support bubble or, when on your own, with 1 person from another household
  • Providing care for a vulnerable person or visiting your support bubble

Please follow this Government link for further detailed information:

Free School Meal Vouchers

To help reimburse the cost of meals over half term, eligible parents are entitled to a £10 voucher for each child who is in receipt of free school meals. If you receive a text or email from a company called Wonde, please follow the link to claim your voucher.

Free school meals are a benefit awarded by the council based on household income. If you think you may be eligible and have not yet applied for Free School Meals, please click here

As always, the Pearson team is available to help with any questions you may have or feedback you would like to give. You can contact us at, call us on Tel:01482 328569 or speak to a staff member on the playground at school drop off or pick up times. They are very easy to spot in pink high visibility vests!

Thank you for your continued support, take very good care.

Mrs L Clarkson

3rd November 2020

Dear HCAT Parents/Carers

Temporary adjustments to the school week due to COVID

Our priority at HCAT over the next few weeks, is to keep schools open to allow as many pupils as possible to attend. During this difficult period, we are experiencing unprecedented numbers of staff unavailable for work. In order to maintain the highest possible quality of education and to minimise the risk to pupils and staff, from week commencing Monday 9th November HCAT primary schools will close to pupils after lunch on a Friday. We will only be closed on the Friday afternoon each week. The school will remain open the rest of the week as normal.

This will mean that the staffing can be redirected. This will ensure schools have more capacity to cover for COVID related staff absences. This is a temporary measure and will be reviewed towards the end of term. This will take effect from Friday 13th November after lunch. Your individual school will notify you of exact timings in the coming days.

I understand this may be of some inconvenience however it is an essential measure to keep schools open. We would appreciate your continued support and understanding in these difficult times.

Yours Faithfully

Estelle Macdonald


16th October 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Before we break up on Wednesday for a well-deserved half term holiday, I wanted to thank you all again for your tremendous support over the past few weeks. The children have adapted to our new way of life easily and we are so proud of each and every one of them for their resilience and hard work. Well done!

Half Term Dates

Our last day at school will be Wednesday 21st October and we will re-open again on Tuesday 3rd November for another busy but very exciting term.

Nut Free School

Please remember we are a nut free school. This means that you must not send anything into school that may contain nuts, including Nutella and other chocolate hazelnut spreads as some of our children suffer from severe allergies.

Dinner Menu

From 3rd November our dinner menu is changing to a two-weekly menu. More details to follow and an updated menu will also be available to view on our website soon.

Teacher Contact

Over the next few weeks, your child’s teacher will be calling you to let you know how your child has settled in since our return to school in September. Please be mindful that the caller ID will likely show the call as a withheld number.

Virtual Harvest Festival

This year, our Harvest Festival will be a little different to our usual service and we will be holding a Virtual Harvest Festival so that everybody can safely take part. We have chosen to support our local community with your kind donations and will post more details about our virtual service on our social media pages very soon.

Events and Celebrations Next Term

Next term will see lots of important events that we would normally celebrate with our Pearson family and friends. We absolutely want to continue our usual traditions but need to rethink how we can safely do this. If you have any suggestions on how we can celebrate together, in a COVID safe way, please contact the school office on 01482 328569, speak to a staff member on the playground or email us at

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all again on Monday for a very short week before our half term holidays begin.

Take very good care,

Mrs L. Clarkson

9th October 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,

Thinking about events that have taken place in our community, we start this week’s letter with a very heavy heart. Our thoughts go out to anyone who has been affected by any recent tragic news. If we can do anything to support you or your family at this difficult time, please let us know.

Our children, parents and staff have amazed us once again with their resilience and community spirit. We are very proud of you all and thank you for your unwavering support.

School Photographs

If you would like a copy of your child’s photo, please return the completed order form along with the correct cash or completed card details before Friday 16th October.

Half Term

Half term is nearly upon us and our children will all be ready for an extra long break after all their hard work!

Our last day will be Wednesday 21st October and we will return to school on Tuesday 3rd November.

All our term dates can be found on our website.

World Mental Health Day

Today has been a bright and colourful day, that has certainly made us smile. Thank you for showing your support for World Mental Health Day by sending your child in something green.

If you would like any further information about this campaign please follow this link:

For advice on looking after your mental health please follow the NHS Every Mind Matters link below:

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to another wonderful week of learning next week.

Take very good care,

Mrs L. Clarkson

2nd October 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wanted to say thank you once again for your positive feedback and comments over the past few weeks.

With your support, we have had the best possible start to the year. Your prompt timekeeping has helped us to keep the flow of parents and children in the playground to a minimum and our attendance has improved greatly.  Thank you for your sensible approach by only keeping your child away from school if absolutely necessary. Every school day is vitally important, especially after such a long time away from school-based learning.

More information regarding when to keep your child at home if they are feeling unwell can be found on our website or by using this link:

Flu vaccinations

Flu vaccinations will be taking place on 14th October for children in Foundation 2 through to Year 6.

Changes have been made to make sure it’s safe for your child to have the flu vaccine at school. These changes include social distancing, hand washing and wearing protective equipment.

We have sent a link via text message for you complete an online consent form. You must complete the consent form, even if you do not want your child to have the vaccination. The form is easy to do and will only take a few minutes.

New legal duty to self-isolate

People in England are now required by law to self-isolate if they test positive or are contacted by NHS Test and Trace.

Fines are now in place for those breaching self-isolation rules, starting at £1,000. This could increase to up to £10,000 for repeat offences and the most serious breaches.

If you are contacted by NHS Test and Trace or receive a positive test result, you must stay at home. This means you are NOT able to go out to the shops, work, school or meet up with others. If this is the case and we can help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Parents Survey

We will be sending out a parents/carers survey over the next few days. We are hoping you will provide us with any feedback or suggestions that you have.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing all of your happy, smiling children again on Monday.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson

25th September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now almost half-way through this very different half term and we are so pleased with the enthusiasm and resilience our wonderful children are showing throughout the school day.   We also wanted to say thank you to all our lovely parents and families for your continued support and kind comments during these unprecedented times.

As promised, we would like to advise you of a few changes that the government have introduced over the past week.

Entering the school office/building

In line with government guidance, please can all adults:

  • entering the school office wear a face covering or mask
  • ensure that you wash your hands at the basin in the foyer before entering
  • complete a track and trace form or scan the QR code with your NHS COVID-19 App each time you enter the main school building (anywhere beyond the school office)

Social distancing and the rule of 6

To help keep our children and wider community safe, please adhere to the following rules both on and off the school grounds.

  • maintain social distancing and keep 2 meters apart
  • do not gather in groups of more than 6 people, unless you are part of the same household

What do if your child is unwell

The government has produced some new guidelines should your child feel unwell. Further details can be found be following the link sent to your phone earlier today.

You should only book a test if your child has any of these 3 coronavirus symptoms:

  • a high temperature: any new high temperature where your child feels hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to measure the temperature)
  • a new continuous cough: coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste: a noticeable loss of smell or taste or things smell and taste different to normal

Your child does not need a test if they have a runny nose, are sneezing or feeling unwell but do not have a temperature, cough or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste. This is because these are not normally symptoms of coronavirus.

When to self-isolate?

Self-Isolation is vital in stopping the spread of the virus and you must follow the rules if your child or anyone in your household presents with any one of the 3 symptoms listed.

Self-isolation means that you are unable to leave the house for any reason. You are not able to go to school, work, food shopping or socialise with others.

The person who has any of the 3 symptoms listed, MUST self-isolate for 10 days, the rest of the household MUST self-isolate for 14 days or until a negative test has been received.

We hope this has helped clarify a few of the changes that have recently been made.

Enjoy a well earnt rest over the weekend and we look forward to another exciting, busy week next week.

Thank you once again for your support to help keep our children, families and staff safe.

Take very good care,

Mrs L Clarkson


18th September 2020

Dear Parent or Carer,

We are writing to you to say thank you for your support over the past two weeks, and what fantastic weeks they have been! The support from parents and families has been crucial in getting pupils back into our classroom and we are enormously grateful. The children have been wonderful, they have adapted brilliantly to our new school routine and we are so pleased to see our classrooms filled with hard working, happy children again.

We are continuously reviewing and improving our procedures and we will keep you updated with any changes.

Pick up/Drop off times

We have recently improved our entry procedure and each child will now sanitise their hands with their class teacher before entering the building, we hope this speeds up your morning!

To help keep the flow of parents moving and the amount of people on school grounds to a minimum, if your child is confident in going to their class teacher on their own,  you can leave them at the school gate.  We have several members of staff in high visibility vests on the playground to help your child if they need it.

At school pick up, we love to see all the children excitedly chatting about their day to their adults, but unfortunately, during these different times we need to ask you to collect your child and move promptly to the exit. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

We will continue to have several senior staff on the playground at school pick up/drop off times and they can be identified by their pink high visibility vests.  They are there to offer guidance and support to both children and parents and answer any questions you may have.

Whilst waiting for the school gates to open and while on the playground, please maintain social distancing guidelines at all times.


From Monday, staff in school will be wearing masks in communal areas only.  We will not be wearing masks in the classrooms or in any outdoor areas.

Masks for parents and family members while on the school grounds are optional, children do not need to wear a mask.

Absence and attendance

With cold and flu season upon us, we want to offer some guidance about your child’s attendance at school should they fall ill.

As per the government and NHS guidelines, the whole household must self-isolate and book a test for the symptomatic person if they are displaying the following:

  • a high temperature– this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough– this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste– this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

If your child is ill with symptoms different to COVID-19, other than vomiting and diarrhoea we are happy for them to attend school. The simplest way to decide if your child should come to school is to ask yourself the following question:

Pre COVID -19 would you have sent your child to school with their current symptoms?

If the answer is yes, then please send your child to school.

The children have missed out on so much over the past 6 months and it is important that they are given the opportunity to catch up on all aspects of school including, learning and spending time with their friends.

Home Working

As you can imagine, we are busy planning for every eventuality and have already sent a pack home with every child containing 2 blank exercise books and a pencil for your child to complete their work, should you find your family self-isolating. In the case of self-isolation, schoolwork for the first few days will be sent home with your child or delivered to your home address. A teacher will then call you to check on the family’s well-being and to explain how to access home learning for your child.

We value your ideas and suggestions and if there is anything else we can support you with, or if you have any questions about what we are doing in school to keep our children safe, please contact us.

Take very good care

Mrs Clarkson

31st August 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am delighted to confirm that all children in Years 1-6 can return to school on Monday 7th September.

Children in Nursery and reception will receive a separate letter explaining their return to school and you will receive this in the next couple of days.

Many things at school have changed so that we can keep everyone safe; I hope that this letter explains clearly, the information that you need in order for the children to return.


In line with government advice we will be expecting all pupils to return to school on Monday 7th September, except for reception and nursery pupils, who will follow a phased transition. The school will follow up non-attendance using our usual policy. We appreciate that some of you may still be apprehensive; if this is the case, please do get in touch and we can discuss any concerns you have.

Picking up and dropping off children

At start and end times of the day, one adult is permitted to come on to the playground with the children. There will be a one-way system in operation, adults need to come on site via the gate with the buzzer and leave the site via the Pearson Tree gate. There will be markings on the playground to follow. Children will meet in year groups by their classroom entrance point. Although it may not be possible to speak with your child’s teacher, there will be a number of senior staff on the playground, wearing high visibility jackets, to support with any queries or to pass on messages to your child’s classroom.

It is important that you keep moving and leave the site promptly. We would ask that children in Years 4, 5 and 6 are dropped off at the gate and make their way to their classroom entrance point independently, where possible. The Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils can be responsible for taking their younger siblings to their classroom entrance point if you would prefer. All the siblings in the family will have the same start and end of day times for your convenience. You have already received this information.

Class bubbles

Children will be in bubbles with their class and will have playtimes and lunchtimes in these bubbles. Staff can move between bubbles throughout the day and will keep a distance from the children where possible. Children in KS2 classrooms will be sat facing the front of the classroom, where possible.


Children will have staggered lunchtimes during the middle of the day. EYFS will eat in the small hall and play in the Undercover area. All other classes will eat in the lunch hall in zoned areas and play on the playground in zoned areas. Years 1 and 2 will have lunch at the same time, Years 3 and 4 will have lunch at the same time and Years 5 and 6 will have lunch at the same time. The class bubbles will remain separate throughout and the dining hall will be cleaned between each group. Each class will have their own outdoor equipment to use.

We are able to offer a hot and cold meal choice each day (our revised menu is available on the website). At lunchtime, the children’s meal will be brought to the dining table for them by a member of staff. As the children are no longer able to make a meal choice at lunchtime, they will need to let their class teacher know what meal they would like each day, in the morning. We will have pictures to support them. It would be really helpful if you could discuss the meal options for that day with your child, so they are confident with their choice when asked by the teacher.

You can send a packed lunch in with your child if you prefer, these will need to be taken into the classroom with your child when they arrive at school.

School meals continue to cost £1.50 and we ask that you pay for the full week on a Monday morning. A member of staff will be available to collect money on the playground.

Book bags

We expect that children bring their book bag to school with them every day as usual.


PE will be outdoors wherever possible, even if the weather is a little inclement, so please ensure that your child has warm clothes to wear. Years 2 to 6 must wear their PE kit to school on the day that they have a PE lesson during this interim period. EYFS and Year 1 pupils are to bring their kit in a bag. PE will always be the last lesson of their day.

Breakfast Club

We will be running a breakfast club for children of working parents who require the provision. Children will sit at tables in their year groups and so places are limited. Please contact the office if you require a place.

Year 6

We are pleased to be able to offer children in Year 6 an extended day. We look forward to welcoming them at 8:15 each day. Breakfast will be made available for them and they will be based in the Year 6 classroom.

After School Clubs

There will be no after school clubs at the beginning of the Autumn Term. We will review this decision at half term.

School Uniform

Children need to wear their school uniform when they return to school.

We will be selling school uniform on Wednesday 2nd September from the school office between 9:00 – 2:00. Uniform will not be available to purchase on the children’s first day back at school. School jumpers do not have to have the school logo on, so you may be able to purchase everything you need from local retailers. On Wednesday you will also be able to collect any items that were left in school during the school’s partial closure.


Children will be instructed to wash their hands or apply hand sanitiser at regular intervals during the day, including on arrival and departure, before and after eating, playtimes or PE. All of our classrooms have sinks, soap, antibacterial cleaning products and hand sanitiser to use throughout the day. We will be promoting good respiratory hygiene using the ‘Catch it, kill it, bin in’ message.


A cleaner will be on site all day to ensure that high touch points and toilets are cleaned regularly throughout the day. Usual cleaning routines will continue to take place in the evening.


If a child, or a member of your family displays symptoms of COVID 19 please keep them off school and let us know immediately. If a case is confirmed in a year group, that year group bubble will be closed following guidance from Public Health England. During this time, children will be provided with work to complete at home. If a child becomes ill at school, they will be isolated in a medical room and supervised by a member of staff until they can be collected by yourself.

We have compiled a comprehensive risk assessment for reopening that is available through our school website; paper copies are available on request.

I appreciate that this is a long letter and that it is overwhelmingly a repetition of information that you were provided with at the end of last term, but I wanted to make sure that you had all the information that you need, so that we can have a smooth return back to school on Monday 7th September.

We simply cannot wait to have a school full of children again!

Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Mrs Clarkson


 13th July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are now at the end of a very challenging school year and I would like to thank you all for your overwhelming support, patience and kindness over the past few months. We want each and every one of you to enjoy your summer holidays and have put together a ‘family fun bag’ to help get you started!

Along with a selection of small toys and gifts for you to enjoy as a family, you will also find the following for each child in your bag:

  • A reading challenge sheet and reading record
  • A summer activity sheet
  • A letter from your child’s new teacher
  • A postcard from the school
  • Some additional information about Summer Safety and Healthy Physical Activity

We hope you all create many happy memories, filled with laughter and happiness over the summer break and we would love to see photos of how you use your bag to create a fun family game. Please feel free to tweet or post your photos on the Pearson Twitter or Facebook page for us all to see.

The contents of these bags have been funded by a very kind donation from the Caselton family and we know you will all join us in thanking them for their generosity. Mr Caselton was a much loved and very respected Governor here at Pearson for many years. At the request of the family, the money donated to us will be used to buy rewards and trophies to help celebrate the achievements of our Pearson family. These bags have been provided by this fund.

As I am sure you are aware, we are expecting all year groups to return in September, and I can assure you the safety of our children and staff is paramount.  Children have now missed a significant amount of school and although many have been working hard at home, we now need to get them back in the classroom, learning and having fun with their friends and teachers. We know the transition back to school may be difficult for some children but with your support, we will soon have the children back in the routine of school.


The planned training days for staff have now been postponed in order to facilitate an earlier start to the school year. As a result, the autumn term start date will now be Monday 7th September.

At start and end times of the day, one adult is permitted to collect the children. There will be a one-way system in operation, adults need to come on site via the gate with buzzer and leave the site via the Pearson Tree gate. There will be markings on the playground to support this.

We will not be offering a typical breakfast club or any after school clubs, however if you are a key worker and need support with childcare please contact us to discuss it further.

There will be an extended school day for year 6 children only. Their start time will be 8.15am and they will finish at 3.15pm. If you are a parent of a year 6 pupil and need support with sibling start times, please contact us.

The school has compiled a comprehensive risk assessment for reopening that is available through our school website. Paper copies are available on request.

We will continue with our increased handwashing routines and rigorous cleaning of all areas of school.

All schools within the trust will follow the same protocol should a suspected or confirmed case of Covid becomes apparent. These procedures will be followed by all schools within the trust and has been compiled following advice from the relevant health services, local authority and government guidance.

Whilst we continue to value our partnership with parents, under the current circumstances’ parents will only be allowed into school on an appointment basis in order to safeguard the community. Contact with school may continue through email and telephone.


In line with government advice, we will be expecting all pupils to return to school on Monday 7th September, except for some Foundation Stage pupils who will have a staggered start. The school will follow up nonattendance following our usual policy.

The Curriculum

All schools within the academy trust have been supported with a series of “catch up” programmes designed by a team of Specialist Leaders of Education. These programmes will ensure that all pupils will have the opportunity to address any gaps in learning that may have been missed during the lockdown. Schools will be using these early in the Autumn term combined with the broad range of the national curriculum content linked to their year group.

The school will be suspending large gatherings in the hall such as assemblies and concerts for the foreseeable future.

PE lessons will focus on “non-contact” activities and be delivered outside, where possible.

The academy trust is currently developing an online learning platform which can be utilised should the school need to temporarily close the school for any year groups for short periods of time.


All children will be required to wear their school uniform, except on their PE day, when they can come to school in their PE kit and wear it all day.

Dinner money

Minimum of weekly or monthly payments please.


There will be a hot meal and a cold meal option each day. A menu will be sent out when this becomes available.

You can send a packed lunch in with your child if you prefer, these will need to be taken into the classroom with the child when the child arrives at school.


We expect children to bring their book bags to school every day. Returned reading books will be left 48 hours before becoming available for another child to use.

Finally, enjoy the summer holidays and we will see you all on Monday 7th September. We cannot wait to see our school full of happy, smiling faces again!  Remember to have lots of fun and stay safe.

Take very good care of one another.

Mrs Clarkson

Head teacher

Pupils work hard to be positive role models and give support to others. They are
very proud of the work they do as restorative practitioners, play buddies and wellbeing ambassadors. This is a highly inclusive school.


Pearson Primary School has gone above and beyond the realms of every day teaching and learning in this challenging year. Thank you to the wonderful staff for all they do, both seen and unseen. Our child is happy, inspired, challenged, supported and making progress – what more could we ask for?

Parent's comments

Pupils feel safe and cared
for in the school. Parents agree.


We are very happy with the school and our child’s progress.

Parent's comments

My child loves the school and enjoys her time here.

Parent's comments

I would like to express my gratitude to the extent the school supports the festival of Eid Ul Adha. Not only by allowing the children a day to celebrate with their families but also by celebrating these events in the school as well.

Parent's comments

Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes are excellent. They are respectful, considerate and polite. Pupils are incredibly thoughtful and look after one another


I have had a lovely afternoon hearing the Year 1 children read so thank you. I was so impressed with the calmness and maturity of the children.

Comments from a volunteer reader

Thank you so much, our child couldn’t be happier.

Parent's comments

I have full faith in Mrs Clarkson and her wonderful team. They have bent over backwards over the past year to make sure my daughter has an education and I know they will continue to do so. They are amazing and I am so great full for their support for my child throughout the lockdowns. They have exceeded my expectations as they always go the extra mile.

Parent's comments

The teachers are always looking out for the children and they are nice to the children.

Parent's comments