Performance data
At the end of Key Stage 2 children are judged to be either working at the expected standard or not. Some children may be judged to be working above the expected standard.
The table below shows the percentage of children achieving the expected standard and the percentage achieving a ‘high’ level of attainment. A pupil awarded a scaled score of 100 or more has met the expected standard in each test.
***Please note that as a result of the pandemic, there is no published data for 2020 or 2021 as schools did not administer statutory tests.***
Key Stage 2 SATs Results 2022-23
Reading KS2 :
Writing KS2:
Maths KS2:
Reading, Writing (TA) and Maths combined KS2:
* For a pupil to achieve the expected standard in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 100+ in the corresponding tests.
* For a pupil to be working at greater depth in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 110+ in the corresponding tests.
The average scaled score at Pearson Primary School for reading is 105
The average scaled score at Pearson Primary School for maths is 107
The average scaled score at Pearson Primary School for SPaG is 106
National average progress is always 0. Schools that make less progress receive a negative number rating, schools that make more progress receive a positive rating.
Average progress in reading +0.94
Average progress in writing +1.85
Average progress in maths +3.11
Further information:
The staff are really encouraging. They always help us to be the best we can be
Being at Pearson is like being part of a family and that makes learning fun
The best thing is having someone to go to when your upset
The teachers are so supportive they help and guide you all the way through the year
Everyone cares for each other and that every teacher adds a little bit of fun into every lesson
Throughout my time at Pearson, I have been given so many opportunities to experience and learn new things
I think the best thing about being a Pearson pupil is that all of the staff listen and care about you