Pearson Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust



Curriculum Information

Our lead teacher for science is Miss Nixon.

Science is all about understanding the world around us and developing curiosity about how things work. At Pearson we have an exciting curriculum that builds the children’s understanding and knowledge year on year.

Investigations are woven into the taught curriculum following the HCAT science curriculum. This ensures all areas of investigation are covered over the year and builds the children’s working scientifically skills.

Science is practical in nature and the children are exposed to a variety of scientific equipment. They use equipment such as pipettes, flasks, funnels, filter paper and data loggers. The children experiment with torches, electrical circuits, and magnets to explore their understanding. Science equipment is checked and updated yearly.

Science can be both a co-operative and independent activity. Children will often work in small groups to carry out experiments. However when possible, children are given the opportunity to plan and investigate their own questions and enquiries.

Children learn the scientific process by making their own predictions, design experiments to test their predictions, record their results in a suitable format, analyse their results and come to conclusions about their initial question. The children will be taught to identify and control variables, and plan a fair test.

Science provides opportunities to develop other areas of the curriculum such as maths. Reading scales, drawing line graphs of results, using a variety of units and finding averages are some examples. Science also provides possibilities for extended writing such as report writing, and writing instructions. There are also clear links with careers and these wider curriculum links are reflected in the way that science is planned and taught at Pearson Primary School.

Scientific vocabulary, scientific terms and language is carefully planned for and built on throughout the year groups. Links to their wider meanings are made to really develop their understanding of language. As the children move up the school there is increasing levels of knowledge and understanding of subject content and scientific concepts.

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