Pearson Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

Breakfast Club / After School Club


Early Birds Club

Here at Pearson Primary School, we firmly believe that a healthy breakfast gives every child the best possible start to their school day.

Our Early Birds Club provides a friendly, happy and safe environment where the children can enjoy a delicious breakfast of toast with jam or butter and a choice of healthy cereals and fruit.

After breakfast all the children buddy up and enjoy some reading time together and then they join in with a variety of organised play and educational activities such as outdoor skills games, table tennis, and construction challenges.

We particularly enjoy reading with individual children during breakfast club, encouraging them to find books engaging and fun! We have a range of different language books available and so this is a great opportunity for children to enjoy home first language stories together or, If you’d like to have some extra reading support in English for your children, we can provide this, for free, every single day! Just pop in to the office and we’ll arrange for you to talk through the support that you’re looking for with a member of staff.

We are really proud of our free Early Birds Club, our doors open from 8am until 8.10am every school day. Please note there will be no admittance after 8.10am. Our Early Birds Club is available to all children from Year 1 up to Year 6. Please note, it is not available for our Foundation children, because of the increase of staffing ratio children of this age require.

You don’t need to pre-book; you can just turn up on the day.

At the end of the session the children are escorted to the playground by staff and monitored until their classroom doors are open.

Here is what our children say about Early Birds Club:

“I love Early Birds Club because it’s always fun and we get to play lots of games”
Skalla Year 6

“I like Early Birds Club because you get to eat really nice food and do fun activities”
Arnas Year 4

After School Clubs

We offer three different types of clubs at Pearson Primary School that closely align with our core values and key curriculum drivers.

Tier 1 – Clubs for excellence

These clubs are a commitment to practice; and they provide weekly expert tuition so that children can excel in a range of areas, for example through sport and music.

Tier 2 – Clubs for development

These clubs are designed to enhance children’s opportunities for personal development within a less formal learning environment. Through a range of activities, these clubs focus on language development or social and emotional development, often utilising the principles of programmes used in the school.

Tier 3 – Clubs for experience

These clubs change and rotate more rapidly term by term and aim to provide children with opportunities to try activities that they may not have the chance to do in their personal lives. This broadens their life experiences and allows for adults to spot hidden talents so that children’s potential can be identified, nurtured and, where necessary, further opportunities signposted.

We make every effort to signpost children to clubs that we believe will benefit them and their development.

At Pearson we value providing wider opportunities for the children and are constantly reviewing the after-school offer that we provide.

Some clubs go on to form part of the legacy of the school, for example, our strong history of outstanding footballers. Others are more like a pick and mix, giving children opportunities to try their hand at something new and broaden their horizons.

Please find our current afterschool clubs. These are for pupils from Year 1 - 6 









TT Rockstars 




 Our clubs this term all finish at 4.10pm. Children can sign up for clubs at any time in the half term and will be given a place if one is available.

Payment of After School Clubs 

Clubs only cost £6 contribution per child for the half term

Please use ParentPay to make all payments. This system gives you a more convenient, secure and flexible way to make payments to school online. By making cashless payments you know that your money has reached the school safely. You can pay online using a debit or credit card. Please click on the link to access your ParentPay account. 

ParentPay Parent Log In

If you do not have an account, please contact the school office for assistance







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