Pearson Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust



Physical Education – Curriculum Information

PE Time Table 

PE will be on the same day each week, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school to change into on their timetabled day.

EYFS2 to Year 3 – please send your child’s PE kit in a named bag to keep at school. PE kit will be returned home to be washed on the last week of term.

Year 4 to Year 6 – please send your child’s PE kit in a named bag on the day.

EYFS – Tuesday

Year 1 – Monday

Year 2 – Thursday

Year 3 – Monday

Year 4 – Tuesday

Year 5 – Friday

Year 6 – Wednesday

PE Curriculum

Our lead teacher for PE is Mrs Tee

In Physical Education at Pearson, we strive to teach our pupils the importance of being healthy, fit and active through our curriculum.

We aim to….Help our children become healthier, fitter and more active; and build an understanding of why these are so important.

  • Develop the movement skills needed to become confident in a wide range of physical activities.
  • Develop competitive skills through competition in a range of individual and team sports; and demonstrate through competitive sport the values of honesty, teamwork, determination, passion, self-belief and respect.
  • Develop social skills and leadership.

Each child will receive 2 hours of PE per week, where skills are developed, including:

  • balance, movement and co-ordination through gymnastics and dance
  • cooperation, teamwork and problem solving skills through outdoor activity
  • strategic and competitive skills through various activities and sports
  • coordination and ball skills through a variety of sports, for example through rugby, netball, tennis etc.

Working in Partnership 

Some classes will take part in PE sessions lead by representatives of sports organisations including Hull FC (rugby league), Yorkshire Cricket Club, and others.

At Pearson, we aim to foster a love for swimming, and an understanding of how vital the skill of swimming is – swimming is a great form of exercise and a skill that saves lives. In Years 3, 4 and 5, all children will receive 10 hours of swimming lessons each year, with the aim of achieving 25m without arm-bands by the end of Year 5.

In addition to curriculum PE, we offer a range of after-school sports clubs, with some leading towards forming school teams.

Sporting Events and Competitions

During the school year, children will take part in a range of sports competitions. Some of which as an individual and some as part of teams; some aiming for personal bests; some against class-mates, representing their RED or BLUE team; and others representing our school against other local schools.

Through PE lessons all children will develop leadership and social skills, with some pupils taking on leadership roles within the wider school day, for example, as playtime buddies or sports leaders. All children in Year 6 take part in level 1 Sports Leadership training to support them in their roles.

Children who excel in sport are given the opportunity to represent the school in city competition through Hull Active Schools – sports such as football, cricket, athletics, rugby, swimming and orienteering. Lower ability children also have the opportunity to compete against other schools through specific Hull Active Schools competition in sports including boccia, goalball, athletics, football and new-age-kurling.

Further Information

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